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My heart started hammering in my chest. How was it possible that he was mine? “Did you just say you go caveman?”

 His smile got even wider, and I leaned over to kiss his dimple, “You can't act like you haven't noticed. I was worried it was going to start pissing you off. That's why I tried to stay calm tonight.”

“I'm pretty sure you were justified every time you've done something like that. And don't worry, you're protective, you aren't possessive. That would piss me off.”

“I don't want to own you, Harper, I just want to be with you.”

“I know.” I said softly, thinking about actually being with him, even though that wasn't what he'd been talking about. “Can I stay with you tonight?”

He kissed my hand, “I'd hoped you would.”

When we got back to the house Brandon took me to the bathroom and after helping me onto the counter, proceeded to clean the blood off my leg. I left him in there so he could shower, and went into his room to put on some of his clothes. I inhaled his scent surrounding me and smiled while climbing into his bed. I'd left off bottoms, opting for one of his shirts that came down to my thighs. I hoped it would get my message across, since I didn't exactly know how to tell him what I wanted. He turned off the light when he came in and got in the bed, each movement was stiff and he winced twice.

“Are you sure you're okay?” I really had pla

“I'm fine sweetheart, come here.”

Brandon pulled me close to him and kissed me softly at first, when I brushed my tongue across his lips he groaned and deepened the kiss. Before I could let my nerves take over, I pulled myself up and swung a leg over his body, keeping myself from pressing my body to his. I wanted him to be the one to pull me closer. His hands were on my legs, slowly sliding up my thighs and under the shirt, when he realized I wasn't wearing shorts he growled against my lips. “Jesus Harper.” Keeping one hand on my hip, and bringing the other one to the top of my back, he slowly lowered me to him, freezing and cursing when I pressed harder against him.

“Okay, you're lying.” I quickly hopped off and tried not to touch him at all until I knew where he was hurting.

He grumbled and placed a hand back on my thigh, “I bruised or cracked a rib,” he tried to sit up and fell back onto the pillows, “or two.”

“Brandon! When?”

“Kale got a pretty good kick in, but I'm positive they aren't broken.”

“Well do you need to see a Doctor or something?” I started to get off the bed but he held me there.

“I promise I'm fine,” he chuckled lightly, “this wouldn’t be the first cracked rib I've had sweetheart. I just need to take it easy for a few days.”

“Is there something I can do?”

“You can stay here with me,” he kissed me softly, “and when I'm better, we can pick up that conversation where we left off.”

“I'm looking forward to it.” I pressed my lips to his neck and curled up against his pain-free side, falling asleep quickly.


“Oh. Dear. Lord! Bree, I can't wear this.” I stared in horror at my reflection in the mirror.

“Why? You look hot!”

“I'm almost completely naked!”

“Uh, that's kind of the point of a bikini. As little fabric as possible.” She was fixing her own suit and checking herself out in her mirror.

I failed at moving the top around to cover more of my chest. “Do you not have anything bigger than this? It's barely holding in my boobs.”

“No that's the one with the most coverage.” She threw a shirt at me before putting her own on over her suit. “Honestly Harper, you have a rocking body. I would kill for your chest, you need to embrace it.”

“I'm not sure that's possible when I'm going to wear this around a bunch of guys.” It was now Thursday, and we were already packed for a weekend at Chase's house. But what Bree failed to mention until the last possible minute was that the guys were barbecuing tonight and we were going to be hanging out in their pool all afternoon.

“Once again, that's the point. It's the best way to show off the goods. Brandon's go

“I think I'm go

She rolled her eyes at me and grabbed her bag and keys, “I'm sure you'll live. Let's go.”

I complained the entire way there, and kept it up even after I was in nothing but the bikini and a pair of shorts walking out to the backyard.

“Harper, stop trying to cover yourself. You're not succeeding and you look stupid.”

I glared at my friend, but stopped trying to cover myself. At least none of the guys were home yet. I pulled off the shorts and lay down on my towel next to Bree. She had turned on her iPod docking station on the patio and we rocked out to the songs while we ta

“Are you serious?!”

“I'm going to kill you Drew!” Bree shoved Drew back under the water and held him there.

I looked over to see Zach laughing from the side of the pool, I guess he'd been the one that did the ca


I ran my fingers through my hair trying to get the tangles out, and stood there long enough so I was no longer dripping. Bree was still in the pool with the three guys so I decided to go get a few more towels for everyone. I was halfway to the hall closet when Chase walked out of his room. He froze and his eyes got wide as he took in my body.

“Damn Princess. You look...” He cleared his throat and finally met my eyes, “wow.”

I blushed fiercely and crossed my arms over my chest. “I was uh, just coming to get more towels.”

He reached into the closet and pulled out a few. Dropping all but one on the floor next to me, he shook out the one still in his hand and wrapped it around my shoulders. “How are you?” He brushed his fingers across my cheek and down my neck causing me to stifle a moan.


Chase chuckled against my neck and lightly pressed his lips to my throat. “That good, huh?”

I blinked a few times and pushed away from him, ignoring that smirk I loved so much, “Why do you keep doing this to me?”

“What do you mean?” He went to wrap his arms around me, but I stepped out of his reach.

“This!” I pointed to an outstretched arm, “You can't keep doing this. I'm with Brandon now, you have to stop.”

His face fell into an unreadable mask and he dropped his arms to his side.

“No more notes, no more touches, no more putting your lips on me. This isn't fair to me. Do you have any idea how crazy you're making me?”

Okay, maybe I shouldn't have asked that, his eyes lit up and that stupid smirk was back. “Really now?”

“Chase I'm serious, this has to stop.”

“Give me one good reason why I should.”

I huffed and wrapped the towel tighter around me, “I told you, I'm with Brandon now.”

“I said a good reason Princess.” He deadpa

“That's a perfectly good reason! And it's the only one you're going to get.” I bent down and picked up the towels, when I stood back up he was right in front of me.


“No Chase,” I shut my eyes so I wouldn't get distracted again, “Please just – just don't. I really like Brandon. Besides, you have plenty of girls who are fine with being treated like shit by you, I'm not one of them. Go find another brainless bimbo to screw and get out of your system.”