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“Oh my God, time to cut the apron strings, don't you think?”

I blew out a sigh of relief that the conversation was over, “Yeah, well, I'm all he has left.”

“Where's your mom?”

“She died.”

Her hand flew to her mouth, her eyes wide. “I'm so sorry! I had no idea!”

“Don't worry about it,” I waved her apology off, “I never knew her.”

She simply nodded.

“I know my dad though, this is just the first time I've ever been away from him, and I think he's worried. Now that he knows I'm alive, I probably won't hear from him again for a while.”



“Is that what you're going in?”

Shrugging, I looked down to my long jean shorts and black and gold infantry shirt. “Yes?”

“Oh no.” she was now looking in my wardrobe, checking all my clothes. “Okay you and I are both a size two, how tall are you?”

“Five feet two.” Yes, I know. I’m incredibly short.

“Just barely shorter than me...hmm. Okay come on, we're going to my place to get you changed.”

“Is there something wrong with this?”

She raised one perfectly shaped blonde eyebrow at me, her blue eyes narrowed, “Let's just say I'm going to throw out your entire wardrobe and take you shopping tomorrow, because we obviously don't have time tonight. I'm guessing we have to get some make-up while we're at it?”

I nodded. To be honest, I'd never felt like I'd needed make-up. Not saying that I think I'm really attractive or anything, just never saw the need. I'd been blessed with a smooth complexion and had wide gray eyes hidden behind long dark lashes. I always thought anything else would have been too much. Plus, I'm sure Sir would've had a fit if I'd ever bought any.

We grabbed some sandwiches from a deli and before I knew it, I already had my make-up completely done and Brea

“Okay put these on, and no peeking yet!”

“Is there something else to go over this undershirt?”

“Undershirt? No, that is the shirt!” She looked at me like I was crazy before walking into the bathroom.

Thankfully, the spaghetti strap was pretty long allowing me to pull the skirt down enough so I didn't think my butt was showing, but I'm pretty sure I'd never been this exposed outside of my bathroom in my life. If she was a couple inches taller, how on earth did she even wear this thing?

“Ooo MUCH better!”

“Are you sure? I feel like I'm naked.” I was still trying to tug the skirt down.

“Hah! No, you look hot, I promise.” She spun me around until I was facing a mirror.

“Oh, crap.” Sir would kill me, but I had to admit I think I liked it. Just as I thought, the skirt barely covered a thing, and it was impossible not to have cleavage in this shirt. I guess I had a nice chest, but when almost every top you own is from the Post Exchanges on base, there isn't ever an opportunity to see anything. I turned to look at my backside and smiled a little bit before facing forward again. “Oh my God, look at my eyes!”

“I know, don't you love them?”

“You're a genius Brea

“Well it's pretty easy when the model has your face and body. Mind if I steal your lips and eyes for the night?”

I laughed but was still mesmerized by my new reflection. “I can honestly say I've never worn anything like this, and this is my first time ever having make-up on.”

“Are you serious?” She looked appalled.

“My dad is a career Marine. I've never even touched make-up. Hell, I haven't even been to a mall.” I giggled when her face dropped to one of horror.

“I guess this means you won't be opposed to me taking you shopping tomorrow then?”

“If you can make me look this good for a simple party, I'd let you pick out all my outfits.”

She squealed and clapped, turning to grab her clutch. “Yay! Okay, let's go snag a couple guys.”

I stopped walking, eyes wide. I don't know how to talk to a normal guy, let alone snag one. “Uh, I'm not exactly great with the opposite sex. Like, I've never had a boyfriend or anything.”

“Whoa, what?!”

“What part of Marine for a father didn't you understand? I don't think I've ever even talked to a guy that wasn’t a Marine.”

“Okay, timeout. Are you being serious? Have you ever been kissed?” She gasped when my lips pressed into a hard line. “Oh honey, I promise to fix at least that by the end of tonight.”

My cheeks flamed as I quickly followed her out to her shiny graduation present of a car.



“Hi Drew.” Brea

“Nice to meet you.” I mumbled. Before I knew what was happening I was being lifted up in a bear hug. I gasped but refrained the urge to kick him.

“Always a pleasure to have fresh meat here.” He said with a wink before putting me down.

“Easy tiger, she's off limits to you!” She mock glared and poked him in the chest.

“Aww, come on Bree, don't be a cock block.”

Raising an eyebrow I almost smiled at him. He wasn't even attractive and was holding a blow up doll.

“Nu-uh, no one that lives in this house is allowed to touch her. I know how you all are. So play nice, kay?”

Drew grumbled and walked away to refill his plastic cup. Brea

I smiled at her, “Thanks Bree, I'll owe you.” Not that I needed her to tell me to stay away from guys like him. Sir let me around the Marines not only because they were like the brothers I never had, but he knew I would never end up falling for someone who would talk like that in front of a girl.

She scrunched her brows together and teased me, “Duh. Want a drink?”

Agreeing, I walked with her to a group hovered around one of the kegs. After getting a beer and forcing half the cup down to get the bad taste over with as fast as possible, I followed her out to the back yard to meet more people. I don't remember most their names, but I got picked up and carried around more times than I cared to count, and was gawked at by every guy I met. Bree assured me it was because I looked good, but I was already wishing I'd worn a sweatshirt and jeans and cursing my tiny frame. Brea

I'd never felt so out of place in my life. Just watching the way these people were groping each other was making my cheeks burn, I tried to follow Bree's lead but I ended up just stumbling around from people rubbing up against me. I turned my head to see the most recent encounter and found myself being glared at by the most beautiful blue eyes I'd ever seen. Taking in the rest of him I could see I'd gotten in the way of his dry humping with a busty blonde and tried to quickly move away. Pointing to the kitchen when Bree tried to stop me, I slowly made my way through the packed bodies and out of the living room.