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39. The Message of the Sphinx.

40. Fingerprints of the Gods; Heavens Mirror.

41. См. дискуссию в кн. Fingerprints of the Gods.

42. The Message of the Sphinx.

43. Hoagland, Monuments of Mars, 287.

44. Ibid, 289.

45. Otto Neugebauer and Richard A. Parker, Egyptian Astronomical Texts, Vol. Ill (London: Lund Humphries, I960), 179.

46. Ibid.

47. The Message of the Sphinx.

48. Alain Danielou, The Myths and Gods of India (Rochester,

Ver.: I

49. Robert Graves, The Greek Myths (London: Penguin, I960).

50. Quoted in Wood and Campbell, Genset, 279-

51. Шекспир, «Генрих IV», 1.1.

52. Мильтон, «Потерянный рай».

1. Дата 18 июня по юлианскому календарю соответствует 25 июня по григорианскому календарю, который

был учрежден в 1582 году папой Григорием XIII и используется до сих пор.

2. Из хроники Жервеза Кентерберийского в кн. Clube and Napier, Cosmic Winter, 159-

3- Graeme Waddington, quoted in David H. Levy, The Questfor Comets: An Explosive Trail of Beauty and Danger (New York: Oxford University Press, 1995), 132.

4. Clube and Napier, Cosmic Winter, 159–160.

5. Ibid.

6. Ibid., 161.

7. Ibid., 161–162.

8. Levy, Quest for Comets, 144.

9. Clube and Napier, Cosmic Winter, 161–162.

10. Ibid., 162; Levy, Quest for Comets, 130.

11. Gerrit L. Verschuur, Impact: The Threat of Comets and Asteroids (New York: Oxford University Press, 1996), 10.

12. Levy, Quest for Comets, 130.

13. См. главу 4.

14. Fred Hoyle and Chandra Wickramasinghe, Life on Mars? The Case for a Cosmic Heritage (Bristol, England: Clinical Press, 1997), 179.

15. Clube and Napier, Cosmic Serpent, 140.

16. Ibid.

17. Clube and Napier, Cosmic Winter, 156.

18. Ibid., 156.

19. Ibid., 155.

20. H. J. Melosh, Impact Cratering: A Geologic Process (New York: Oxford University Press, 1989), 207.

21. Clube and Napier, Cosmic Winter, 156.

22. Trevor Palmer, Catastrophism, Neocatastrophism and Evolution (Nottingham, England: Society for Interdisciplinary Studies, 1994), 6.

23. Duncan Steel, Rogue Asteroids and Doomsday Comets: The Search for theMillion Megaton Menace that Threatens Life on Earth (New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1995), 58–59.

24. Clube and Napier, Cosmic Serpent, 140.

25. Palmer, Catastrophism, 6.

26. Donald W. Cox and James H. Chestek, Doomsday Asteroid: Can WeSurvive (Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 1996),


27. Verschuur, Impact, 133; M. E. Bailey, S. V. M. Clube, W. M. Napier,The Origin of Comets (Oxford and New York Pergamon Press, 1990), 397–399.

28. Clube and Napier, Cosmic Winter, 150.

29. Richard Leaky and Roger Lewin, The Sixth Extinction: Biodiversityand its Survival (London: Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 1996), 47.

30. Science, 25 July 1997.

31. Dr. Joseph Kirschvink, quoted in CalTech press release, 24 July 1997.

32. Schultz, «Polar Wandering on Mars».

33. Hancock, Fingerprints of the Gods.

34. Rand and Rose Flem-Ath, When the Sky Fell (Toronto, Canada: Stoddart, 1995).

35. William Glen, ed., The Mass-Extinction Debates: How Science Works ina Crisis (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1994), 25.

36. Cal Tech press release, 24 July 1997.

37. Walter Alvarez, Т-Rex and the Crater of Doom (Princeton, N.J.:Princeton University Press, 1997), 15.

38. Ibid., 141; David M. Raup, The Nemesis Affair: A Story of the Death of Dinosaurs and the Ways of Science (New York: W. W. Norton, 1986), 158.

39. Verschuur, Impact, 7; Raup, Nemesis, 49.

40. Verschuur, Impact, 7.

41. Raup, Nemesis, 158.

42. Luis W. Alvarez, Science, June 1980.

43. Fred Hoyle, Ice (London: Hutchinson, 1981), 167; Alvarez,

Crater of Doom, 7.

44. Verschuur, Impact, 28.

45. Alvarez, Crater of Doom, 15; David Brez-Carlisle, Dinosaurs, Diamonds and Things from Outer Space: The

Great Extinction (Stanford,Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1995), 102.

46. Alvarez, Crater of Doom, 9.

47. Verschuur, Impact, 123.

48. Paul J. Thomas, Christopher F. Chyba, Christopher P. McKay, Cometsand the Origin and Evolution of Life (New York: Springer Verlag,1997), 225.

49. Alvarez, Crater of Doom, 14; Thomas, Chyba, McKay, Comets and Origin, 225-

50. Alvarez, Crater of Doom, 14.

51. Verschuur, Impact, 10; Claude C. Albritton Jr., Catastrophic Episodes in Earth History (London and New York: Chapman and Hall, 1989), 109.

52. Brez-Carlisle, Dinosaurs, 169–170.

1. David Morrison, quoted in Patricia Barnes-Svarney, Asteroid: Earth-Destroyer or New Frontier? (New York and London: Plenum Press), 246.

2. NASA, Fact Sheet on Asteroid and Comet Impacts, 1997, and authors’ personal communication with David Morrison, NASA, 3 February 1998.

3. Barnes-Svarney, Asteroid, 246ff.

4. Ibid., 247.

5. Ibid., 248; См. также Natural Catastrophes During Bronze Age Civilizations, Second SIS Cambridge Conference, 11–13 July 1997,5,6; Verschuur, Impact, 199.

6. Quoted in Steel, Rogue Asteroids, 254.

7. Hoyle, Ice, 144.

8. Brez-Carlisle, Dinosaurs, 169–170.

9. George Foster, The Meteor Crater Story: Full Dramatic Story of the Worlds First Proven Meteorite Crater (Meteor Crater Enterprises, 1993), 10–15; Kathleen Mark, Meteorite Craters (Tucson, Ariz.: University of Arizona Press, 1987), 25–39.

10. Barnes-Svarney, Asteroid, 157; Вершкуур в кн. Impact определяет частоту открытий как 3–5 в год (стр. 148).

11. John S. Lewis, Rain of Iron and Ice: The Very Real Threat of Comet and Asteroid Bombardment (New York: Addison-Wesley Publishing, 1996), 88.

19. Ibid., 7.

20. Steel, Rogue Asteroids, 91.

21. Quoted in Cox and Chestek, Doomsday Asteroid, 30.

22. Steel, Rogue Asteroids, 59.

23. Ibid.

24. Ibid, 203.

25. Clube and Napier, Cosmic Serpent, 62; Hoyle, Ice, 141; Levy, Quest for Comets, 149.

26. Clube and Napier, Cosmic Serpent, 72.

27. Ibid.

28. Ibid, 72; Hoyle, Ice, 141.

29- Levy, Quest for Comets, 148.

30. Cox and Chesteck, Doomsday Asteroid, 298.

31. Ibid.

32. Evening Standard (London), 12 March 1998; Daily Telegraph (London), 13 March 1998; Guardian (London), 13 March 1998; Independent (London), 13 March 1998.

33. Lewis, Rain of Iron and Ice, 75.

34. Barnes-Svarney, Asteroid, 2; see also Palmer, Catastrophism, 6–7.

35. Duncan Steel, quoted in Verschuur, Impact, 112.

36. Barnes-Svarney, Asteroid, 168.

37. Ibid, 169.

38. Ibid.

39. Ibid.

40. Lewis, Rain of Iron and Ice, 86.

41. Ibid, 87.

42. Gribbin, Fire on Earth, 58; Verschuur, Impact, 33-

43. Verschuur, Impact, 33.

44. Lewis, Rain of Iron and Ice, 85.

45. Ibid.

46. Ibid, 86.

47. Ibid, 85.

48. Verschuur, Impact, 69.

49. Steel, Rogue Asteroids, 105.

50. Encyclopaedia Brita

51. Ibid.