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Once again, he didn’t talk much about Teresa. He just didn’t want to take any chances of endangering her somehow, though he had no idea how talking about her might do that. He also lied a bit about Brenda. Well, he never really lied directly. He just kind of made it sound like she’d been with him from the begi

When he finished, ending at the part where they’d met the three people in front of him in the alley, he took a deep breath and adjusted himself in the chair. “Can you please take this tape off me now?”

A flick of Tall and Ugly’s hand caught his attention and he looked to see that a very sharp, shiny knife had appeared there. “What do you think?” he asked Blondie.

“Sure, why not.” He’d held a stoic face throughout the tale, giving no hint yet as to whether he believed the story.

Tall and Ugly shrugged and got to his feet, walked over to Thomas. He was just leaning over, knife outstretched, when a commotion broke out above. Hard thumps on the ceiling, followed by a couple of screams. Then it sounded like a hundred people ru

“Another group must’ve found us,” Blondie said, his face suddenly pale. He stood, motioned for the other two to follow him. A few seconds later they were gone, vanishing up a set of stairs into the shadows. A door opened and closed. The chaos above continued.

All of this combined to scare Thomas nearly out of his wits. He looked over at Brenda, who sat perfectly still, listening. Her eyes finally met his gaze. Still gagged, she could only raise her eyebrows.

He didn’t like their odds being left like this, taped to chairs. There was no way any of the Cranks he’d met that night had a chance against ones like Mr. Nose. “What if a bunch of full-gone Cranks are up there?” he asked.

Brenda mumbled something through the tape.

Thomas strained every muscle and started jumping his chair in tiny steps toward where she sat. He’d made it about three feet when the sounds of fighting and rumbling suddenly stopped. He froze, looked up at the ceiling.

Nothing for several seconds. Then a set of footsteps, maybe two, shuffling across the floor above. A loud thump. Another loud thump. Then another. Thomas imagined bodies being thrown on the ground.

The door at the top of the stairs opened.

Then footsteps, hard and heavy, ru

Finally, someone stepped into the light.

Minho. Dirty and bloody, burn marks on his face. Knives in both hands. Minho.

“You guys look comfy,” he said.


Despite everything he’d been through, Thomas couldn’t remember the last time he’d been at such a loss for words. “What… how…” He stammered, trying to get something out.

Minho smiled, a very welcome sight. Especially considering how horrible the guy looked. “We’d just found you. Did you think we were go

“What do you mean you’d just found us?” Thomas was so happy he wanted to giggle like an idiot. Not only were they rescued, his friends were alive. They were alive!

Minho kept cutting. “Jorge’s been leading us through the city-avoiding Cranks, finding food.” He finished up with Thomas and went to free Brenda, still talking over his shoulder. “Yesterday morning, we kind of spread out, spying here and there. Frypan was peeking around the corner into that alley up there just as those three shanks pulled a gun on you. He came back, we got mad, started pla

Brenda pushed her way out of the chair and past Minho as soon as her tape was cut. She started toward Thomas, but hesitated-he couldn’t tell if she was mad or just worried. Then she came the rest of the way, ripping the tape off her mouth as she reached his side.

Thomas stood up, and immediately his head pounded again, the room swaying, making him sick. He plopped back into the chair. “Oh, man. Anybody got some aspirin?”

Minho only laughed. Brenda had made her way to the bottom of the stairs, where she stood with arms folded. Something about her body language did make her look angry. Then he remembered what he had said to her right before passing out from the drug.

Oh, crap, he thought. He’d told her she could never be Teresa.

“Brenda?” he asked sheepishly. “You okay?” No way he was go

She nodded, but didn’t look back at him. “I’m fine. Let’s go. I wa

Thomas groaned, glad to have the pain in his head as an excuse. Yeah, she was mad at him. Actually, mad might’ve been the wrong word. She looked more hurt.

Or maybe he assumed too much and she didn’t care at all.

Minho came up to him, offered a hand. “Come on, dude. Headache or no headache, we need to go. No telling how long we can keep the shuck prisoners up there quiet and still.”

“Prisoners?” Thomas repeated.

“Whatever you wa

Thomas stood up again, this time much more slowly. The pain in his head rocked and throbbed like a steady drum, seeming to push on his eyeballs from behind with every thud. He closed his eyes until things quit spi

Minho flashed him a smile. “Such a man. Come on.”

Thomas followed his friend to the stairs. He paused beside Brenda but didn’t say anything. Minho peered back at Thomas with an expression that said, What’s up with her? Thomas just shook his head slightly.

Minho shrugged, then stomped his way up and out of the room, but Thomas stayed back with Brenda for a second. She didn’t seem to want to move just yet. And she refused to meet his eyes.

“I’m sorry,” he said, regretting his harsh words right before passing out. “I think I said something kinda mean-”

Her eyes snapped up to meet his. “You think I give a crap about you and your girlfriend? I was just dancing, trying to have some fun before everything went bad. What, you think I’m in love with you or something? Just dying till the day you ask me to be your Crank bride? Get over yourself.”

Her words were so full of rage that Thomas took a step back, as hurt as if she’d slapped him. Before he could respond, she disappeared upstairs, all heavy footsteps and sighs. He’d never missed Teresa so badly as at that moment. On a whim, he called out to her with his mind. But she still wasn’t there.

The smell hit him before he even entered the room where they’d danced.

Like sweat and vomit.

Bodies littered the floor, some sleeping, some huddled together and shivering; some even looked dead. Jorge, Newt and Aris were there, standing guard, slowly turning in circles with knives drawn and pointing.

Thomas saw Frypan and the other Gladers, too. Though his head still throbbed, he felt a rush of relief and excitement. “What happened to you guys! Where have you been?”

“Hey, it’s Thomas!” Frypan roared. “As ugly and alive as ever!”

Newt came up to him, gave a sincere smile. “Glad you’re not bloody dead, Tommy. I’m really, really glad.”

“You too.” Thomas realized with a weird numbness that this was what his life had become. This was how you greeted people after a day or two apart. “Has everyone made it so far? Where’d you guys go? How’d you get here?”

Newt nodded. “Still eleven of us. Plus Jorge.”

Thomas’s questions came faster than anyone could answer. “Any sign of Barkley and the rest of them? Were they the ones who set off the explosion?”