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The darkness almost had him fully now. “You’re not… her.” His voice, distant. A mere echo. “You could never be her.”

And then she fell away, and his mind did the same.


Thomas awoke to darkness, and it felt as if he had been put into some type of ancient torture device, nails slowly driving into his skull from all directions.

He groaned, a halting, terrible sound that only intensified the pain in his head. He forced himself silent, tried to reach up to rub His hands wouldn’t move. Something held them down, something sticky pressing against his wrists. Tape. He tried to kick out with his legs, but they were bound, too. The effort sent another wave of pain crashing through his head and body; he went limp, moaning softly. He wondered how long he’d been out.

“Brenda?” he whispered. No response.

A light came on.

Bright and stabbing. He squeezed both eyes shut, then opened one just enough to squint through. Three people stood in front of him, but their faces were in shadow, the light source coming from behind.

“Wakey wakey,” a husky voice said. Someone snickered.

“Want some more of that fire juice?” This came from a woman. The same person snickered again.

Thomas finally grew accustomed to the light and opened his eyes fully. He was in a wooden chair, wide gray tape tightly securing his wrists to the armrests and his ankles to the chair legs. Two men and one woman stood in front of him. Blondie. Tall and Ugly. Ponytail.

“Why didn’t you just whack me out in the alley?” Thomas asked.

“Whack you?” Blondie responded. His voice hadn’t seemed husky before; it sounded like he’d spent the last few hours yelling out on the dance floor. “What do you think we are, some kind of twentieth-century mafia clan? If we wanted to whack you, you’d already be dead, bleeding in the streets.”

“We don’t want you dead,” Ponytail interrupted. “That would spoil the meat. We like to eat our victims while they’re still breathing. Eat as much as we can before they bleed to death. You wouldn’t believe how juicy and… sweet that tastes.”

Tall and Ugly laughed, but Thomas couldn’t tell whether Ponytail was serious. Either way, it freaked him out.

“She’s kidding,” Blondie said. “We’ve only eaten other humans when it’s gotten completely desperate. Man meat tastes like pig crap.”

Another burst of giggles from Tall and Ugly. Not snickering, not laughing. Giggling. Thomas didn’t believe they were serious-he was much more worried about how their minds seemed… off.

Blondie smiled for the first time since Thomas had met him. “Joking again. We’re not quite that Cranked-out yet. But I do bet people don’t taste very good.”

Tall and Ugly and Ponytail nodded.

Man, these guys are really starting to lose it. Thomas thought. He heard a muffled groan to his left and looked over. Brenda was in a corner of the room, bound just as he was. But her mouth had been taped shut as well, making him wonder if she’d put up more of a fight before she passed out. It looked like she was only now waking up, and when she noticed the three Cranks, she shifted and wiggled in her chair, moaning through the gag. Her eyes lit with fire.

Blondie pointed at her. His pistol had magically appeared. “Shut up! Shut up or I’ll splat your brain on the wall!”

Brenda stopped. Thomas expected her to start whimpering or crying or something. But she didn’t, and he immediately felt stupid for thinking it. She’d already shown how tough she was.

Blondie dropped the gun to his side. “Better. Good God, we should’ve killed her when she first started screaming up there. And biting.” He looked at his forearm, where the long arc of a welt shone red.

“She’s with him,” Ponytail said. “We can’t kill her yet.”

Blondie pulled a chair from the far wall and took a seat just a few feet in front of Thomas. The others followed suit, looking relieved, as if they’d been waiting hours for permission. Blondie rested the gun on his thigh, its business end pointed straight at Thomas.

“Okay,” the man said. “We’ve got us quite a lot to talk about. I’m not going through the normal bullcrap with you, either. If you mess around or refuse to answer or whatever, I’m go

Thomas nodded. He wanted to think he was tough, think he could stand up to these Cranks. But common sense won out. He was taped to a chair, no weapons, no allies, nothing. Though honestly, he didn’t have anything to hide. He’d answer whatever the guy asked him. Whatever ended up happening, he didn’t want any bullets in his leg. And he doubted the guy was bluffing.

“First question,” Blondie said. “Who are you and why is your name on signs all over this piece of crap city?”

“My name is Thomas.” As soon as it came out, Blondie scrunched up his face in anger. Thomas realized his stupid mistake and hurried along. “You already knew that. Well, how I got here is a really weird story and I doubt you’ll believe it. But I swear I’m telling the truth.”

“Didn’t you come on a Berg like the rest of us?” Ponytail asked.

“Berg?” Thomas didn’t know what that meant, but he just shook his head and went on. “No. We came out of some underground tu

“Hold it hold it hold it,” Blondie said, holding up a hand. “A Flat Trans? I’d shoot you right now, but there’s no way you just made that up.”

Thomas wrinkled his brow in confusion “Why?”

“You’d be stupid to try getting away with an obvious lie like that. You came through a Flat Trans?” The man’s surprise was obvious.

Thomas glanced at the other Cranks, both of whom had similar looks of shock on their faces. “Yeah. Why’s that so hard to believe?”

“Do you have any idea how expensive Flat Transportation is? Before the flares, it had just been revealed to the public. Only governments and billionaires can afford to use it.”

Thomas shrugged. “Well, I know they have a lot of money, and that’s what the guy called it. A Flat Trans. Kind of a gray wall that tingles like ice when you walk through it.”

“What guy?” Ponytail asked.

Thomas had barely started and already his mind was jumbled. How could you tell a story like this? “I think he was from WICKED. They’re ru

Blondie didn’t react for a second, just sat there staring at him. Almost through him, at the wall behind. Finally, he said, “I was a lawyer. Back before the flares and this disease ruined everything. I know when someone’s lying. I was very, very good at my job.”

Oddly, Thomas relaxed. “Then you know I’m not-”

“Yeah, I know. I wa

Thomas did. He couldn’t say why, but it seemed okay. His instincts told him these Cranks were just like everybody else-sent here to live out their last horrible years succumbing to the Flare. They were just trying to find an advantage, find a way out, like anybody would. And meeting a guy who had special signs about him all over the city was an excellent first step. If Thomas had been in their shoes, he’d probably have been doing the same thing. Without the gun and bindings, hopefully.

He’d told most of the story to Brenda just the day before, and related it much the same way now. The Maze, the escape, the dorms. Being given the mission to cross the Scorch. He took special care to make it sound very important, stressing the part about the cure waiting at the end. Since they’d lost the chance to have Jorge’s help getting through the city, maybe he could start over with these people. He also expressed his concern over the other Gladers, but when he asked if they’d seen them-or a big group of girls-the answer was no.