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“Y-yes, ma’am,” the EMT stammered, quickly lifting Travis into the ambulance. Before they closed the doors and, with lights flashing, drove away, Lenobia was sure she heard Travis’s chuckle turn to a wracking cough.

She was standing there, staring after the ambulance and worrying about Travis, when someone nearby cleared his throat rather obviously, and Lenobia’s attention instantly shifted. Turning, she saw what her tu

“Calm, Mujaji … calm. All is well now, my sweet one.” Lenobia closed her eyes and concentrated on using the gift her Goddess had granted her more than two hundred years ago. She felt the beautiful black mare respond instantly, releasing her agitation and blowing out the last of her fear and nervousness. Then Lenobia’s co

The nearby throat cleared again, breaking her concentration. Irritated, Lenobia opened her eyes to see a human standing in front of her. He was dressed in a fireman’s uniform, and he was watching her with raised-brow, open curiosity. “Are you talking to those horses?”

“Actually, I am doing much more than that. Take a look.” She made a gesture at the herd behind him. He turned, and his face registered surprise. “They’ve calmed down a bunch. That’s bizarre.”

“Bizarre has such negative co

“Ma’am, I’m Captain Alderman, Steve Alderman,” he said, almost jogging to keep up with Lenobia. “We’re working to get this fire under control, and I need to know who’s in charge here.”

“Captain Alderman, I would like to know that myself,” Lenobia said grimly. Then, she added, “Come with me. I’ll get this sorted out.” The Horse Mistress joined Erik, Professor P, and their bunch of fledglings, which included a Son of Erebus Warrior, Kramisha, Shaylin, and several fifth and sixth former blue fledglings. “Penthesilea, I know Thanatos is with Zoey and her circle, completing the ritual at Sylvia Redbird’s farm, but where is Neferet?” Lenobia’s voice was a whip.

“I-I simply do not know!” The literature professor sounded shaken, staring over her shoulder at the burning stables. “I went to her quarters myself when I saw the fire, but there was no sign of her.”

“How ’bout her phone? Didn’t nobody try to call her?” Kramisha said.

“Not answering,” Erik said.

“Wonderful,” Lenobia muttered.

“Can I assume that due to the absence of the others you just mentioned, you are in charge here?” Captain Alderman asked her.

“Yes, it appears, by default, I am,” she said.

“Well, then, you need a school roster, ASAP. You and the teachers should check immediately to be sure all of your students are present and accounted for.” He jerked his thumb toward a bench not far from where they stood. “That girl—the one with the red moon on her forehead, is the only kid we found anywhere near the barn. She’s not hurt, just shook up a little. The oxygen is clearing her lungs unusually fast. Still, it might be a good idea for her to get checked out at St. John’s.”

Lenobia glanced over to where Nicole was sitting, breathing deeply from an oxygen mask while a paramedic checked and rechecked her vitals. Margareta and Pemphredo hovered close by, glaring at the EMT like he was a particularly disgusting insect.

“Our infirmary is better equipped to take care of injured fledglings than a human hospital,” Lenobia said.

“Whatever you say, ma’am. You’re in charge here, and I know you vamps have your own unique physiology.” He paused and added, “No offense meant by that. My best friend in high school was Marked and Changed. I liked him then. I still like him.”

Lenobia managed a smile. “No offense taken, Captain Alderman. You were only speaking truth. Vampyres do have different physiological needs than humans. Nicole will be fine here with us.

“Good. Guess we’d better send some of our boys into that field house and look for any other kids that might be close by,” said the captain. “Looks like we can keep the fire from spreading, but best search the adjoining parts of the school.”

“I think the field house is a waste of your men’s time,” Lenobia said, following what her instinct was telling her. “Have them focus on putting out the stable fire. The fire didn’t start by itself. That needs to be investigated, as well as being sure none of our people were trapped in the blaze. I’ll have our Warriors search the adjoining parts of the school, begi

“Yes, ma’am. It does look like we got here in time. The field house will have smoke and water damage, but it’s going to look a lot worse than it really is. I think the structure has remained sound. It’s a nice building made from good, thick stone. It’ll take some rebuilding, but its bones were made to last.” The fireman tipped his hat to her and went off, shouting orders at the nearest men.

Well, at least that’s some good news, Lenobia thought, trying to avert her eyes from the smoldering mess that was her stables. She turned back to her group. “Where’s Dragon? Still in the field house?”

“We can’t find Dragon, either,” Erik said.

“Dragon’s missing?” The stables had been built with a shared wall of the large, covered field house. Until then she’d been too preoccupied to think about it, but the absence of the Leader of the Sons of Erebus during a time of school crisis was highly unusual. “Neferet and Dragon—I do not like that neither are here. It bodes ill for the school.”

“Professor Lenobia, um, I saw her.”

Everyone’s eyes turned to the petite girl with cascades of thick, dark hair that made the delicate features of her face seem almost doll-like. Lenobia put a name to her face quickly, Shaylin—the newest fledgling at the Tulsa House of Night, and the only fledgling whose original Mark was red. Lenobia had thought there was something rather odd about her from the first moment she’d met her just days before. “You saw Neferet?” She narrowed her eyes at the fledgling. “When? Where?”

“Only an hour or so ago,” Shaylin said. “I was sitting outside the dorm, looking at the trees.” She shrugged nervously and added, “I used to be blind, and now that I’m not anymore I like to look at stuff. A lot.”

“Shaylin, what about Neferet?” Erik Night prodded her.

“Oh, yeah, I saw her walking down the sidewalk to the field house. She, um, she looked very, well, dark.” Shaylin paused, looking uncomfortable.

“Dark? What do you mean by—”

“Shaylin has a unique way of seeing people,” Erik interrupted. Lenobia watched him put a calming hand on Shaylin’s shoulder. “If she thought Neferet looked dark, then it’s probably a good thing you kept the human firemen from poking around the field house.”

Lenobia wanted to question Shaylin further, but Erik met Lenobia’s gaze and shook his head, almost imperceptibly. Lenobia felt a chill of foreboding shiver down her spine. That premonition decided her. “Axis, go with Penthesilea to the administrative office. If Diana isn’t awake, wake her. Get the school roster and distribute it among the Sons of Erebus Warriors. Have them account for each student and then have the students report to their mentors before they return to their dormitory rooms.” As the professor and the Warrior hurried away, Lenobia met Kramisha’s frank gaze. “Can you get these fledglings”—Lenobia paused and her gesture took in the random, lost-looking students that were milling around the area—“to report to their mentors?”