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Within, away

Part the mist

Magick kissed

Call the fey

Reveal the past

The spell is cast

I save the day!”

My voice wasn’t as powerful as it had been the first time, but the words were strong and clear, and at the end of the spell the Seer Stone changed again, expanding to a reflective circle pointing right at Aurox.

“Holy shit. It’s true,” Aphrodite said. “That’s the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen some weirdness.”

Grandma limped to Aurox. She touched his cheek. He was staring at the mirror with tears in his eyes. He looked from it to her.

“I knew I was right to believe in you, tsu-ka-nv-s-di-na,” Grandma told him. “Thank you for saving me, child.” When she leaned forward he bent and she gave him a soft, mom kiss on the cheek.

“You need to look in the mirror, Z,” Stark said.

“No I don’t.” I felt weirdly numb. “I know what Heath looks like.”

Aurox was staring in the mirror again. “So, that is Heath?”

“Yeah,” Stark said with a sigh. “That’s Heath. Which means somehow you’re a friend of mine.”

Aurox was still looking at his reflection when his expression changed. He smiled and said, “Good to see you again.”

Something about his voice made me shiver.

Then Aurox looked from the mirror into my eyes. “And you?” he asked me. “What was Heath to you?”

Lots of answers flitted through my mind: he was my problem—my pain in the butt—my lover—my Consort—my rock—my forever boyfriend.

“Heath was my humanity” was what came out of my mouth. “And now it looks like he’s become your humanity.”

I dropped the mirror. Before it could shatter there was a little popping noise and it was a Seer Stone again. This time I did shove it into my pocket.

Grandma came to me and I put my arm back around her waist. Stark took my hand, lifted it, and kissed my palm.

“Don’t worry,” he said softly. “No matter what else, we have love. Always love.”


#1 New York Times and USA Today bestselling P. C. CAST is an award-wi










The Fledgling Handbook 101

Dragon’s Oath

Lenobia’s Vow

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