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Neferet’s smile was reptilian. “Yes, I found something bigger than a bird, though I do admit your jealousy is amusing.”

Swallowing down the bile that rose in this throat at the thought of touching her, Kalona closed the distance between them. He commanded his wings forward so that the cold softness of his feathers stroked her skin.

“I am something bigger than a bird.”

“Why should I take you back?” Neferet’s voice sounded emotionless, but Kalona could feel her skin tremble in anticipation under his caress.

“Because you are a goddess and you deserve an immortal Consort.” He moved even closer to her, knowing she could feel the frigid power of his moon-blessed immortality.

“I already have an immortal Consort,” Neferet said.

“Not one who can do this.” Kalona enfolded her in his wings. Slowly, he knelt before her, his lips inches from her quivering flesh. “I will serve you.”

“How?” Her voice betrayed no feeling, but her hand lifted to stroke the inside of his wing.

Kalona closed his mind to everything except sensation and moaned.

She continued to stroke him. “How?” Neferet repeated the question and added, “Especially now that you serve another mistress.”

He had expected her to know about his oath to Thanatos and he had an answer ready. “The only mistress I can truly serve is a Goddess, and if my Goddess would forgive me, I would do anything she asks of me.” Kalona had thought his continued play on words would be amusing. Neferet would believe he spoke of her, and actually he could be talking about any of the female deities. But the moment he said the words, the truth of Kalona’s statement rippled through his body, causing him to gasp and lurch away from the creature who stood before him. The games he had been playing with himself for eons ended with that one sentence. I was created to serve one Goddess and one Goddess only. Neferet embodied the opposite of everything Nyx represented. With his back to Neferet, Kalona buried his face in his hands. How could I have ever thought she, or any other woman, could supplant Nyx’s place in my heart? I have spent centuries as a broken shell of myself, attempting to fill what was missing within me through violence and lust and power. Nothing! Nothing has worked!

He felt her hands on his shoulders. They were soft and warm and seemed to radiate kindness. Gently, ever so gently, she turned him, coaxing Kalona to face her. When he lifted his head his body went very still. Neferet had not followed him. She had not moved. She could not have touched him. Neferet had never touched him with such kindness.

But Nyx had.

Kalona’s face felt wet. Absently he brushed away the tears.

“Hmmm…” Neferet was tapping one long, sharp fingernail against her chin, studying him from across the balcony, showing no sign that Nyx had just been present before him.

Had he imagined his Goddess there? No! I remember her touch—her warmth—her kindness. Nyx had been there. Kalona willed himself to believe it.

“Kalona, I ca

“Anything.” Kalona spoke the word to his invisible Goddess, hoping that she was still present, still listening.

“This time you will have to bring me Zoey Redbird. Though I don’t want her killed, at least not yet. I’ve decided tormenting her would be far more amusing.” Neferet walked slowly to Kalona and let her fingernails scrape across his chest, breaking his skin and drawing thin lines of scarlet. Neferet turned her hand so that his blood dripped down her fingers and into her palm. Cupping the blood in her hand, she leaned forward, licking his chest and closing the wounds. Smiling, Neferet continued past him. “I had forgotten how delicious you taste. Follow me and we shall see if the rest of you is still as pleasing.”

Feeling utterly numb, Kalona did not move. In the wake of Nyx’s touch, he had forgotten Sylvia Redbird. He wanted nothing except his Goddess.

I ca

It was the croaking of a raven that returned his focus. He glanced behind him. The sun had risen fully, silhouetting the bird perched on the edge of the stone balustrade. It watched him with knowing eyes.

Rephaim? Kalona mentally shook himself. I swore not to disappoint Thanatos or Nyx, and I will not disappoint my son, either. Yet I ca

Kalona couldn’t move. He was confused. His mind was a battlefield; his thoughts enemies of themselves.

“What is wrong with you?” Neferet was standing just inside the shattered glass door to her penthouse. Her eyes were narrowed with suspicion. She lifted her hand. Her palm was still cupped—still holding his blood.

“Come, a few of you. Feed. I may need you to show Kalona how very much I have changed. I no longer tolerate disobedience.”

Kalona watched the snake-like tendrils of Darkness slither from a corner of the main room. They engulfed Neferet’s hand, appearing to absorb it as well as his blood. Kalona knew the tendrils must be causing her pain. They pulsed and writhed as they fed, but Neferet stroked them with her other hand, almost lovingly.

Kalona looked away. Neferet disgusted him.

He heard the moan then. At first he believed the sound came from Neferet, but when he glanced back at her, she was still smiling and stroking the threads of Darkness. The moan sounded again. Kalona looked around the room. Neferet had no electric lights on. The floor-to-ceiling windows were thick stained glass and, though the penthouse was on the top of the tall building, they let in little light. Neferet had lit a few thick, white pillar candles. Their flickering flames served as the only real illumination in the suite. Kalona peered within, but saw nothing except shadows and Darkness.

Another tendril quivered from an especially dark corner of the main room, causing a break in the inky shadows. Something within the blackness stirred. There was a slight glint of silver momentarily catching and reflecting the candlelight. Kalona blinked, not certain he could trust his vision. The immortal focused on the darkness and it took form. It seemed to be shaped like a cocoon hanging from the ceiling. Kalona shook his head, not understanding. Silver within the darkness flashed again, and Kalona saw something else reflecting light within the cocoon-like shape. Eyes—a human’s open eyes. Everything came together for Kalona when he met her eyes.

The winged immortal stepped into the room.

Sylvia Redbird shifted and, in a whispery, tremulous voice mumbled, “No more … no more…” as the tendrils reshaped, curling around her, cutting into her skin. Her blood dripped to join the pool that had already formed below her cage. Oddly, the tendrils of hungry Darkness did not feed from the ready feast below them. As Kalona watched, Sylvia shifted her body again, this time pressing outward with her arms. When her forearms, which were ringed with turquoise stones and silver bracelets, came into contact with a tendril, the living strand quivered and pulled back quickly, giving off black smoke and shriveling so that it released and another tendril slithered to take its place.

“Ah, I see you’ve discovered my newest pet.”

Kalona made himself look away from Sylvia Redbird. The tendrils of Darkness were done feeding, but they were still wrapped around Neferet’s hand and arm, grotesquely mimicking Sylvia’s protective bracelets.

“You will, of course, recognize Zoey Redbird’s grandmother. Pity she was ready for me when I came for her. She had time to gather her ancestors’ earth power in a protective spell.” Neferet sighed, clearly irritated. “It has something to do with the turquoise and the silver. It’s proving an impediment to reaching her, though my lovely children of Darkness are doing some damage.”