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Aphrodite peeked over my shoulder at Damien’s iPad. “Kimiko is classic. I’ll never forget that time she spit out her gum right in the middle of the news. I thought my dad was go

“Chera’s great, but this is bad,” Damien cut her off. “And serious. Neferet just gave a press conference.”

Ah, hell …



We all huddled around Damien’s iPad. He pressed play and the Fox 23 video began. Along the bottom of the screen blazed the caption: CHAOS AT THE TULSA HOUSE OF NIGHT? Then the screen was filled with Neferet and a bunch of guys in suits. She was standing someplace really pretty—lots of marble and art deco. I felt a little start of recognition. Chera Kimiko was speaking off camera.

“Vampyres and violence? You’d be surprised at who is saying yes. Fox 23 exclusively has breaking news tonight from a former High Priestess at Tulsa’s House of Night.”

A stupid commercial came up and while Damien tried to skip it I said, “The picture looks like she’s someplace downtown.”

“It’s the lobby of the Mayo,” Aphrodite said dryly. “And that’s my dad standing behind her.”

“Ohmygoodness!” Stevie Rae’s eyes were giant and round. “She’s giving a press conference with the mayor?”

“And some of the city council. Those are the rest of the suits with him,” Aphrodite said.

Then the video started to play and we all shut up and gawked.

“I am here to officially and publicly sever my ties with the Tulsa House of Night and the Vampyre High Council.” Somehow Neferet managed to look regal and victimized at the same time.

“She’s so full of shit,” Aphrodite said.

“Shhh!” the rest of us shushed her.

“High Priestess Neferet, why would you sever ties with your people?” asked one of the reporters.

“Can we not be considered one people? Are we all not intelligent beings with the capacity to love and understand one another?” Apparently she was speaking rhetorically because she didn’t wait for an answer. “Vampyre politics have become distasteful to me. Many of you know that recently I opened employment at the House of Night to the Tulsa community. I did so because of my conviction that humans and vampyres can do more than just uneasily co-exist. We can live and work and even love together.”

Stevie Rae made gagging noises. I kept shaking my head back and forth in disbelief.

“I received so much resistance from the Vampyre High Council that they sent their High Priestess of Death, Thanatos, to Tulsa to intercede. The current vampyre administration promotes violence and segregation—just look at the past six months and the record of increasing violence in Midtown Tulsa. Do you really believe all of the attacks, especially those involving bloodletting, were human gang related?”

“High Priestess, are you admitting that vampyres have attacked humans in Tulsa?”

Neferet’s hand flew dramatically to her neck. “If I knew that with one hundred percent certainty, I would have gone to the local police immediately. I only have suspicions and concerns. I also have a conscience, which is why I have left the House of Night.” Her smile was luminous. “Please, you no longer need to call me High Priestess. From here on I am simply Neferet.”

Even through the video I could see the reporter blushing and smiling at her.

“There have been rumors of a new kind of vampyre, one with red Marks. Can you substantiate that rumor?” asked another reporter.

“Sadly, I can. There is, indeed, a new type of vampyre—and fledgling. Those who are Marked in red are damaged in some way.”

“Damaged? Can you give us an example?”

“Certainly. The first that comes to mind is James Stark—a fledgling who came to us from Chicago after he accidentally caused his mentor’s death. He has become the first Warrior red vampyre.”

I gasped.

“That bitch is talking about your boyfriend!” Aphrodite said.

“Just last night the school’s longtime Sword Master, Dragon Lankford, was killed. Gored to death by a bull. Lankford was in James Stark’s company when the accident”—she emphasized the word, making it clear she didn’t believe it—“happened.”

“Are you saying this Stark vampyre is dangerous?”

“I’m afraid he could be. Actually, many of the new fledglings and vampyres could be. After all, the new High Priestess of the Tulsa House of Night is Death.”

“Can you give us more specifics about—”

One of the suits stepped forward, cutting Neferet off. “I, more than most, am highly concerned about these developments in the vampyre community. As many of you know, my beloved daughter, Aphrodite, was Marked almost four years ago. I understand all too well that vampyres do not like humans to meddle in their personal, political, or criminal affairs. They have long policed their own. But, let me assure you, and our local House of Night, that by Tulsa Council resolution, we will be creating a committee to look into vampyre-human relations. I’m afraid that is all the time we have for questions today.” The man who stepped forward and spoke into Neferet’s microphone was Aphrodite’s dad—the mayor of Tulsa. “I do have one more short a

I was watching Neferet’s face instead of the mayor and I saw the way her eyes narrowed and the hardening of her expression. Then Mayor LaFont waved at the camera and the video shifted back to Chera Kimiko and the studio. Damien tapped the screen, and it went blank.

“Oh, for shit’s sake! My father has lost what living with my mother had left of his mind,” Aphrodite said.

“Hey, thought I heard someone call my name.” Stark walked into the room, ru

“Neferet just had a press conference and told everyone you’re a dangerous killer,” I heard myself telling him.

“She did what?” He looked as shocked as I felt.

“Yeah, and she did more than that,” Aphrodite said. “She got with my dad and has the city making her look all good-guy-like, and us all blood-sucker-like.”

“Uh, newsflash of our own, Aphrodite,” Stevie Rae said. “You’re not a blood-sucker anymore.”

“Oh, please. As if my parents know anything about me. I haven’t spoken to either one of them for months. I’m only their daughter when it’s convenient for them—like now.”

“If it wasn’t so scary it’d be fu

“Neferet is making it look like she broke with the High Council and the school, versus being kicked out for killing my mom,” I explained to Stark.

“She can’t do that,” Stark said. “The Vampyre High Council won’t let her do that.”

“My dad is loving this,” Aphrodite said. I noticed she’d set the champagne aside and this time was refilling her glass with just orange juice. “For years he’s wanted to figure out how he could get in with vampyres. After they got over me not turning into a clone of my mom, they were actually pleased when I was Marked.”

I was watching Aphrodite closely and remembering the day that seemed so long ago now when I had overheard her parents being really pissed at her for having the leadership of the Dark Daughters taken away from her and given to me. Aphrodite was looking like her usual ice queen self right now, but in my memory I could still hear the sound of her mother’s hand slapping her face and see the tears she had had to choke down. It couldn’t be easy for her to have her dad call her a “beloved daughter” when the truth seemed like all he’d ever wanted was to use her.