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However,when the friar asked, “Will you seal the bargain with a kiss?” the groom turnedaway, and stated “no.”

Then,he stalked over to a nearby table, that held a largecandelabra and several wine skins. Once there, Brant began imbibingheavily, in the liqueur.

Thebride, who had been left standing alone, in front of the friar, moved to seatherself, in a chair in front of the hearth. Brant noted the pale green mantle,that covered her head, and wound around her shoulders, disguised her featuresand hair. However, the matching colored gown she wore,revealed a trim but shapely figure.

Brantwatched, as Richard gave the friar coins for performing the ceremony, beforewalking the holy man, to the door. A serf waited there, to escort him back tothe village.

ThenRichard approached Brant, and asked, “What do you mean, you will not seal thebargain?”

“Justwhat I said,” Brant replied. “I have no intention of bedding the child,either.”

Sosaying, Brant returned his attention to the wine. He was quite angry, that hecould be forced into such a situation. All his life prior to this, only hissire had ever had any power, to control Brant's activities. As Lord of hislands, Brant was used to being the ultimate authority, over others. He stillhad no idea, what would be an appropriate means to punish the shadowy figure, who was right now, sipping wine near the hearth, with herback to him.

Richardhad intended to play this by ear, to ferret out the younger man’s intentions,in consenting to the marriage. Clearly, he could not rely on Brant honoring it,even so far as, to see to the Lady’s safety, until Avery had been dealt with.Right now, the groom was glowering at the Lady's back, as if he wished to runher through with his lance. If he were allowed his freedom now, all their efforts, could come to naught.

Hopingthat the belligerent young man, might be a little easier to return to thedungeon, given some time to indulge in some spirits, Richard asked, “You do notfind the Lady attractive?”

“Ido not know, or care, what she looks like. I will see to her safety. Beyondthat, all I care about, is seeing that Avery’s forcesare not increased,” Brant stated, belligerently.

Brantwatched as his bride rose from her chair, and moved into a doorway off thehall. Having seen the bride’s movements himself, Richard turned, and followedthe Lady.

“Areyou well, My Lady?” Richard asked, as he entered the small sitting room.

“Iam fine,” she replied. “I certainly need not fear, that he may hurt meintentionally in his anger. However, if we are not full and truly wed, nothingprevents him from denying the marriage, as forced on him. It is not like I cantie him to the bed, and force him, like a man can with an unwilling maid.”

“Ifhe were restrained, it might be possible, to get him to respond to you. Thereare ways to tease a man’s body that make it difficult to resist,” Richard said,slowly measuring her reaction. Perceiving her reluctance, he continued, “butthose things are whores tricks, and not for a Lady.”


Richardwatched as she closed her eyes, and slowly massaged her brow, showing somemeasure of her distress.

“Well,there is no choice then. We will have to see what we can accomplish, with justthe documents, and witnesses, to the wedding,” Richard said. “For the timebeing, your new husband, must continue to be a guestin the dungeon.”

Ashe finished speaking, their eyes meant in apprehension, over what it might taketo return the large, arrogant man to the dungeon.

Richardreturned to the hall. Isabel followed, to stand in the dark doorway, where shecould watch her husband’s reaction, to their decision, without being seen. Ashe approached Brant, Richard inconspicuously gave the prearranged signal, tothe four other men, to prepare for possible trouble with their prisoner.

“Ihave discussed your unwillingness for a true marriage, with Isabel. The Ladyassures me, she is unwilling to attempt to rape you at this time,” Richardstated, pausing to gauge Brant’s stu

Therealization that agreeing to a token marriage, would not gain his release fromhis captors, sunk in as the guards approached him. Dreading more time feelinghelplessly trapped, with no control over his situation, Brant lunged at one ofthe guards, knocking him to the floor. He attempted to roll over the man, andrise, to run toward the door. However, the flattened guard managed to grasp hisleg, slowing him enough, for the others to join in the melee. Isabel watched asthey struggled violently, for several minutes, before her groom was subduedenough to bind his hands, and feet. Even once bound, he continued to struggle,and yell epithets, about that devious witch, until he was gagged.

Theguards then lifted the still struggling, angry beast, and carried him out ofthe hall. From her vantage point, Isabel could see that Brant had acquiredseveral bleeding wounds, during the fight. She said a prayer of thanks, to God,that Richard had the forethought, to see that no one had any weapons on them.Someone would surely have been killed, if her new husband had had access toone.

Fora moment, Isabel's mind settled on a comparison of the strong arrogant man she hadjust wed, and his repulsive cousin, Niles. Both men possessed dark hair andblue eyes. There any similarity ended. Niles though tall, was a rather flabbyspecimen with a haughty dandified air, that conveyed abelief that others should pay him deference, because of his superior positionin life. She smiled, recalling her sire had once referred to Niles as a pompousass. Whereas Niles’ cousin Brant, though possessing anequally arrogant demeanor, was a strong muscular man. He would garnerrespect from his ability to end your life, with his large powerful physique.Isabel did not recall her father ever mentioning Brant, although he knew LordEric, Brant's sire. She wondered if her sire had ever met her new husband, andwhat he thought of him.

Isabelmoved into the hall, instructing her maid, who had been present for thewedding, “Go tell them to leave him bound, until his wounds are seen to. Itwould not do, for him to get sick from an infection.”

“Itwould be nice, if he were not quiet so difficult,” Richard commented.

“Heis a knight. A warrior. A Lord withvast land holdings. He does not take orders. He gives them. In hisposition, you would likely do the same,” Isabel said. “You need to work fast.We ca

AsRichard nodded in agreement, Isabel turned toward the stairs up to thebedchambers.

Esmewas startled awake, by a hand being roughly placed over her mouth.

“Bequiet if you care for the health of your maid,” the man who’shand covered her mouth said, as he tipped his head to the side.

Esmelooked in the direction he indicated, to see her maid, Mary, standing in frontof a second man, who had one hand over the terrified girl’s mouth. His otherhand held a dagger, at Mary's throat. As her frightened gaze drifted further,Esme recognized her mother standing back in the shadows.

“Peggy,get that rope, and tie their hands,” the man holding Mary captive ordered, andPeggy moved to comply.

Asshe tied Esme’s hands, Peggy happily gushed, “Baby, you just need to cooperatewith Avery. He will not hurt you. This is the only way, to get rid of thatdamned brother of yours. Then you will be the only heir, to all your father’sproperties, and we can be together, all the time.”