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Isabelwoke to Eric's cries, from next room. Brant was sleeping beside her, with onearm laying across her waist. It was a rare thing thesedays, that he was not touching her somewhere, when shewoke in the morning. She managed to move his arm, and get out of bed without wakinghim, she had thought. However, as she do

Rosamundalready had the infant changed, when Isabel entered, so she took him back toher bedchamber, to nurse. She sat on the bed, leaning against the headboard.Brant sat up, and placed a kiss on Eric's head. Then, he placed a longer kisson his wife's lips.

Brantleaned back gri

Isabelblushed scarlet, as she said, "Please, do not call me that."

"Youdid not seem to mind, being paraded around as the Duchess, last night,"Brant said, still gri

"Wholargely, all seemed to be drooling over you," Isabel replied, laughing."You know I only attended, to put an end to my mother's dream, of endingmy temporary marriage. There were three score people there, so any aspirationsof trying to pass me off as an i

Brantlaughed heartily. He looked at the babe, suckling at her breast.

"Soyou are not interested in the Count?" he asked. Isabel rolled her eyes. Hecontinued, "Today is the big day with your mother. Are you all ready forbattle?"

"Abetter question is, are you ready for battle? You are the defiler, of heri

Brantreached out to grasp the infant's hand, where it rested on his mother's breast.

“Yet,it only took twice, to get this little lad, did it not?" he asked, with a wickedgrin. "Mayhap you should correct your mother's perceptions. In those fewmonths, I only indulged my lust three times."

"Ido not think you want me telling my mother, about what you called your littlerevenge," Isabel said, looking down at Eric.

Brantplaced a finger under her chin gently, raising her eyes to meet his.

"Idid not think it would be that easy. I was mad, and wanted to embarrassyou," he said softly. "I did try, to be gentle with you later, incase you actually conceived. I did not want you to resent the child..."

Shelooked at him a few moments, unsure what to say. A knock sounded at the door.

Relievedwith the interruption, Isabel said, "Come in."

Hesmiled lowering his hand, as Rosamund opened the door, to enter the chamberwith Nathaniel. Brant motioned her over to him, and took the older boy from theserf. He was used to keeping Nathaniel occupied, while Isabel was nursing Eric.

Brantdismissed the serf, by saying, "Thank-you, Rosamund. We will be out, in alittle while."

Laterthat morning, Brant and Isabel were escorted back to the Palace, for themeeting with Lady A

AfterLady A

“Youtold me you intended to remain with him, and your sons. I am sorry, I have beenso obstinate about this, Alisa,” A

“Mother,I will grant you, I did not meet numerous, eligible men. Nor, did I do a roundof parties, and social events. But I have certainly had choices, and madedecisions. And they all tied me to Brant,” Isabel said. “Our sons need boththeir parents.”


“Youknow Isabel,” Lady A

“Thatis exactly what father always told me,” Isabel replied, laughing. “I am onlygoing to be here, for a few days, though. However, Esme will be one and seven,in September. It would be beneficial to the girl, to spend some time here, andmeet some people. Were there someone in the city, whocould properly chaperone a young Lady. I know how you love an event, Mother.”

“Youlittle witch,” Lady A

“Thethought had crossed my mind,” Isabel answered, with a mischievous smile.“Provided you can convince me, you will not let anything happen to her, as somerevenge against her brother. Of course, if you are willing, we would be leavinga couple of knights for security. You know, to be sure Esme does not fallvictim to opportunistic criminals, or lax supervision.”


Isabelsmiled at Brant, as if to ask, if he cared to explain. He looked back shrugginguncomfortably, but said nothing.

“Well,we are going to be here several more days, so there is time to think aboutthis. I believe we have all been invited to the evening meal, right?” Isabelasked, and A

Soonafter, Brant and Isabel, took their sons back to theI

Onwhat was to be their last full day in London, Brant informed Isabel he hadpurchased Niles’ townhouse, from Penelope. Niles had spent a lot of time, inthe city. While Brant, did not intend to be therenearly as much, he would be required to go there more often, than he had in thepast. Staff had been hired, so that Lady A

Firstthing the next morning, Brant and Isabel left, to make their way home, withtheir children and escorts. It was obvious to Isabel, that there was a much larger number of men leaving town with them, thanthere were in their party when they arrived.