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Isabelthought about Lady A

WhenIsabel walked out of the hall, her husband and several of his knights, were practicing with their various weapons, in thecourtyard. The sun was shining brightly, so the day was fairly warm. With bothof the lads napping, Isabel had decided to come out alone, thinking to go for awalk. The gate was open, so she walked toward it. She was still a shortdistance away, when Brant joined her, grasping her hand.

“Goingsomewhere?” he asked.

“Ithought I might take a short walk,” she answered. “It is such a nice day, andfor once, it does not look like it might rain.”

“Ithink I will walk with you, if you do not mind, to make sure you do not get introuble, or get lost,” he said. “Unless my company is going to get in the way,of whatever you are up to now.”

“Ido not mind at all. You know I always enjoy your company,” Isabel replied,laughing. “The only thing I am up to right now, is taking a walk.”

“Areyou sure?” he asked. “With Cora, and Ruth, both gone, maybe you need to findsome more of my people, who are willing to help you cross me. Or, do youalready have enough of those?”

Notlong after Cora and Angus had wed, Byron and Ruth had asked for permission towed. Both couples, were now living at Isabel’s mainCastle.

“AmI going to need, to get your people to cross you, My Lord?” she asked, smiling.

“Onlyif you are pla

Theyhad been walking along the road toward the village, but when he did not offerany further comment, Isabel walked off the road, to a grassy sunlit area. Sheremoved her mantel, laying it on the ground, before sitting down.

“DoI get a list, of exactly what would be crossing you?” she asked. “Or, am I justsupposed to hope, that you do not consider what I do, crossing you?”

Brantsat down beside her, and asked, “Do you feel you need a list? It would seemlike, a lot of that would be common knowledge. I mean, you grew up withparents, right?”

“Wellcertainly. But by those guidelines, about everything I did, the first year anda half we were married, was crossing you,” Isabel said. “You know there is onlyone reason, they left me at your remote Castle as long as they did? Twas asgood a place as any, to hide me until the babe was born. Except, then I messedup their plans, when I took the babe with me, when I left.”

“Ithink you messed up their plans before that. They were not pla

Isabelblushed, and tried to stand up, as she said, “I think I have had enough freshair.”

Brantgrabbed her arm, and pulled her down against him.

“Why?”he asked, again.

Shetried to pull away, but he held on tightly.

So,she told him, “He was not in my plans, either. Your friend does not know you,as well as he thinks. Robert said, you only seem tolike lewd tarts. Which seemed pretty accurate, until Irealized you were just making conversation, while you got me a little drunk.You need to take a little responsibility for Nathaniel, too, I think.”

Shepushed away from him, and this time he let her go. Isabel stood up, and startedwalking back toward the Castle gate.

Herose, and picked up her mantle. Of course, he had made polite conversation to puther at ease, so she would drink the wine. He knew that would make it easier totake her virginity. Robert had told them he only liked lewd tarts. So if shehad been after the child, she probably would have tried to be seductive. Whichbrought him right back to, what was she doing in his jail cell?

WhenIsabel arrived back in the hall, Eric was crying, loudly. She took the babefrom Rosamund, and carried him up to the Solar, to nurse. Later, Rosamund cameup with her mantle, and told her that William had returned. He was waiting inthe hall, to speak to her and the Lord.

Isabeldescended to the hall, and lay the infant in thecradle near the hearth, before approaching the Lord’s table, where Brant andWilliam sat waiting.

“Didyour travels go well?” Isabel asked, as she sat down next to her husband.

“Aye,My Lady. I arrived just in time. You, and His Lordship, are to be in London fora private meeting, early on the 31st of May, with the lads,” William said.

Brantstated, “Isabel, and our sons, are not going toLondon. I will not allow it.”

Williamreplied, “I have orders for you, to be at Court. You really have no choice, MyLord.”

Brantsaid angrily, “You said in December, that all theKing’s involvement, his investigation, was done.”

Isabelinterjected, “We are going to London, and Esme, will be going with us. We bothknow my mother has made plans for me to meet her there, on the first of June,as she made clear, when she was here in March.”

“Alright,”Brant gritted out, as he stood up, to walk to the stairs.

“Heis really angry. I hope he is not going to be totally unreasonable,” Isabelsaid, with a sigh. “He actually thinks, if he tells my mother I am staying withhim, that is that.”

“Aye,”William said. “When I arrived, one of A

AsWilliam was finishing his account, Brant descended from the Solar with aduffle. He walked through the hall, without a word. Isabel started to rise, butWilliam stopped her. He rose, and went after Brant. The knight returned a shortwhile later.

“Hesays he will be back in a few days,” William said. “The Lord would not saywhere he was going. I told him when we would have to leave. Are you sure aboutthis? He has a bad temper, you know.”

“Ido not have a lot of choices,” Isabel said. “He has never been violent with me.We have two little children. They have not done anything wrong. I was hoping toexplain everything to him, to try, and avoid, having him get angry. As you saw,he walked out again.”

Williamsmiled, and said, “So you are not sure.”

“Iam sure, I am going to stay with my sons,” Isabel replied. “I am also sure, mymother needs to figure that out, once, and for all.”

Chapter 21

Brantreturned two days before they were to leave for London, with no explanations.The only indication of where he had gone, was a changein their travel plans. They would stop briefly, at Robert and Kate’s. SirRichard would be accompanying them, on the last leg of the trip.

Itwas late afternoon, on the 30th of May, when the group rode into London. Isabelrode beside her husband, in the position that proclaimed her the Lord's Lady.Robert rode on Brant's other side, with a combination of all their men-at-arms,riding behind them. In the center of the procession, Rosamund and Greta were ina carriage, with the Lord's two young sons, with Esme, and Ha

SirRobert, and his men, left them when they passed where he would be lodging. Therest of the group, continued on the short distant, to where their suites werelocated, very near the palace. By the time they settled into their lodgings,they had only a short time to clean up, before the evening meal arrived.

Isabelasked that a bath be prepared for her, after they had eaten. Rosamund helpedher wash, and rinse, her hair. While she was finishing her bath, Brant came in,and ordered the maid out.

Still,it was surprising, when he stepped into the tub with her, saying, "You donot mind sharing, do you?"