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"Aye,"Brant said. "I will send my representative, to make my case with the King,shortly. In the meantime, I will write down what I just told you, so you do notforget anything. If you will wait a few minutes, you can take my reply backwith you."

Themessenger merely nodded, before he and his escorts,beat a hasty retreat, to await Brant's written reply outside.

Twas nearly a month later, when the King’s menreturned, to deliver another message.This time, the message was a little more to Brant's liking.

TheLady Isabel was agreeable to returning Nathaniel to his father's home, by nolater than, the first day of December. Being as agreement had been reached,Isabel now had complete control of her resources, and people, by order andauthority, of the Crown.

Brantwas surprised, that Isabel had supposedly agreed to give him the child.Actually, shocked and suspicious, was more accurate. Twas more likely, heragreement was a ploy, to give her time to vanish with Nathaniel. He told themessenger exactly that.

Thevassal replied, "The King has assurances from both the Lady, and hersupporters, that she will not flee with the child. Though, this is a rather oddpetition, in that it claims risk to the Lady, and her family, but does not askthat the marriage be set aside."

"Oh,this seems odd to you?" Brant asked, smiling, and emphasizing the 'you'.

"Aye,My Lord," He answered, awkwardly. "I have been delivering messageslike this from time to time, for years. This action always, includes ending themarriage. In any case, I have a written copy of the order, and thecontingencies, does one party not honor it."

Brantlaughed at the man's discomfort, and said, "Well, if that is all, you maygo."

Onceagain, the messenger and his escorts, beat a hastyretreat, causing Brant to laugh again. This pretty much summed up the last yearand a half, of his life. He thought about his father’s hints that Brant neededto start thinking about marriage, and an heir. He wondered what Eric wouldthink of this. He was pretty sure, his sire would notbe handling things any better than Brant was. The world was supposed to work acertain way. However, since Isabel invaded his life, how his world worked, hadbeen turned on its ear. Twas classic Isabel. Brant hadno idea what in Hades was going on. But if his wife could be trusted, he wouldshortly have his son back under his protection.

Onthe 27th day of November, Lady A

Inmid afternoon on the 29th day, Brant was having a tankard of ale, with some ofhis Castle Knights. A

Walkingover to him, she said, "It is good to see ye well, Me Lord. This isJeffery, and Angus. They will be staying with Nathaniel. Isabel says, I am to see to the care of the child."

Theserf handed the child over to his sire.

Recoveringfrom his surprise, Brant said, "I do not recall the sentry a

"LadyIsabel escorted us in," Beatrice replied, not really explaining how, theycame to be inside the Castle.


"MyLady regrets that twill take a few more days, to complete ‘er business.Therefore, after having accompanied us here, she had to travel on,"Beautrice answered.

"Whatif I do not want Jeffery, and Angus, to stay here?" Brant asked inirritation, recognizing the knights from Isabel's jail.

"Ibelieve that would be a problem, for both your wife, and the King," Beautricereplied softly. "If you ‘ave other questions, mayhap, we can talk aboutthem in private. Twould be best, would ye cooperate, Me Lord. I am sure yewould like to spent some time with Nathaniel. Isabelsaid ‘is things were normally placed near the hearth, when ‘e was in thehall?"

Brantcould not help but notice, her use of the wordcooperate. Richard had told him to cooperate. He had heard it from Isabel. Hewas getting tired of it. What would they do, if he did not cooperate? Would hefind himself back in some dungeon?

Chapter 16

Forthe next two days, Beautrice took care of Nathaniel, whenever he was not withhis father or grandmother, and Jeffery and Angus, stayed nearby. Mid morning onthe first of December, Isabel appeared at the top of the stairs, and descendedto the hall.


“ThankGod, you are alright," A

Takingher son from her mother’s arms, Isabel hugged the child to her.

 Isabel replied to A

Whilethe two women had been greeting each other, one of the Brant’s Knights, hadleft the hall to find him. He rushed in, a short while later, with the knightseveral steps behind him. Without a word, Brant walked to Isabel's side.Grasping her arm, he began leading her toward the stairs. Jeffery and Angus,moved from where they had been having a tankard, to the bottom of the stairs,blocking Brant's path.

Stoppingin front of them, Brant asked, "Do you gentlemen have a problem, with mespeaking to my wife?"

"Nay,My Lord, there is no problem with you talking to the Lady," Angusanswered, looking pointedly at Brant's grip, on Isabel's arm. "However, weare under orders to see that the Lady is not harmed. It seems like some of herrecent activity, may have made you a little angry."

Brantlet go of Isabel's arm, glaring at the knight. Obviously, these men, who hadbeen foisted on him, intended to keep him from getting to the bottom of,whatever his wife was up to.

Isabelturned slightly toward Brant, and said, "As I was telling my mother,hopefully, much of this current difficult situation, will be resolved within afew days. I have decided, I like the room across thepassage from your Solar, if that is alright with you." When Brant sentanother glare in her direction, she continued, "Aye, My Lord, I can seethat it is fine, with you."

Thwartedin his attempt to get Isabel alone where he could question her, Brant turned,and angrily walked to the table. A serf brought him a tankard, which heimmediately took a big draught from in frustration.

Isabelspotted Rosamund near the hearth, and went to greet her.

"Tisgood to see you well, Rosamund," Isabel said. "I was concerned thatmy actions, might have repercussions for you."

"Yehad us all very worried, Me Lady," Rosamund chided. "I was afraid youmight not return."

"Well,as you can see, I am fine. Could you do me a favor,and see if Cora is around?" Isabel asked.

"Aye,"Rosamund answered, and went in search of the requested serf.