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"He's at your feet."

"Keep talking," I slur. "Tell me about the day you brought him home."

Dale chuckles.

"Well..." His voice washes over me like a soothing balm. I cling to it as he walks me through his first meeting with Jester. The story is sprinkled with his classic sarcasm that keeps pulling me back to the present. Laughter lines the edges of my brain and my lips want to smile, but then it all stops.

At my feet Jester jumps up with a loud bark, followed by a low, threatening growl.

I open my eyes to see his teeth barred and his black eyes narrowed for the kill. I glance at Dale.

His face is pale, but his eyes are hard with rage. I force my head to turn and look above me. It's a struggle that hurts like hell, but I have to see.

"Jody," I think, "please tell me you didn't just keep me alive so I could die five minutes later."

I gaze at the muzzle bearing down on me.

"Step away from her, Fi

Jester barks again and looks ready to lunge.

"Back down, boy," Dale's words are punched out as he moves in front of me, blocking my view.

Jester's growl is menacing and fully freaking me out.

"Shut up! Shut your dog up or I'll shoot it!" Adam's voice breaks.

"Calm down." Dale slowly puts his hand back and points at his dog. "Jester. Down."

The dog growls again and Dale has to repeat himself, his voice coming out loud and assertive. Jester lets out a whimper.


Reluctantly Jester lowers his butt to the ground, but looks in no way relaxed. Keeping a keen eye on Adam, his limbs are quivering with having to remain in his spot.

"Where'd you get the gun?" I can hear the fear lining Dale's steady words.

"Dad's desk. I don't know why I put it in my bag this morning." Adam lets out a strange chuckle, all high and squeaky. "I just had a hunch that something bad was going to happen."

"It doesn't have to, man."

"This is what my Dad wants." The desperation puncturing each of Adam's words is pitiful.

"For you to be a murderer?"

"You don't understand. This will ruin my life. There's no other way."

"Yes there is, Adam. You don't have to do this."

"I don't have a choice." Adam's voice break's apart with childlike tears.

"Yes you do." Dale slowly stands. "You can choose to be the villain or the hero."

I glimpse Adam through Dale's legs. The gun is shaking in his hand and terror for Dale ripples through me.

"Stop!" I try to scream it, but the word gets stuck in my throat.

Dale takes a step towards his friend.

"I know you, Adam... and you want to be the hero right now. Trust me on this."

The gun dips to the ground then springs back up as Dale takes another step forward. He edges back and raises his hands. Jester growls.

"Your Dad is asking too much. You can't let him turn you into this. He doesn't want you to be this person. He just wants you to get into a good school and do well, that's all."

Dale inches forward again.

"No one has to know..." Dale swings his arms wide. "About any of this."

He looks down at me, searching my expression, hoping for an answer that will save our lives.

It takes me an age, but I eventually croak, "I never saw the car that hit me."

Dale whips back around to Adam. I can't see his face, but I can picture the hope of a solution sparkling in his eyes.

I can feel the clock ticking with excruciating slowness as we wait for a resolution. It's almost more painful than my wounds.

As if working in slow motion, Adam's gun finally points to the ground.

"Unload it." Dale's tight voice leaves no room for argument.

Adam silently does what he's told. Tears are streaming down his face as he pockets the magazine and catches the bullet out of the barrel.

Placing his hands on his hips, Dale bends over and pulls in a ragged breath.

Reaching into his pocket, Adam pulls out his phone. Pressing three buttons, he lifts it to his ear and asks for an ambulance.

Dale bends down beside me and brushes my hair back with a confused frown. "How come his phone gets reception?"

"Because his phone kicks your crappy phone's butt," I whisper.

His body shakes with mirth and he gives me a tender smile.

"Can you hang in there a little longer?"

With my good hand, I reach for his.

"Just don't let go and I'll be fine."

Dale keeps my hand in his and finishes his story about Jester. I fade in and out as I listen, but he keeps calling me home. Every time I come to, I hear Adam pacing around us then Jester's low growl when he gets too close. Eventually the distant sound of sirens draws closer and closer.

Adam spins and rushes up the hill. I hear a flurry of voices as people descend. Dale is pushed out of the way as the paramedics take over. I try to keep my eyes on him, but it eventually gets too hard. Things become a blur as I'm strapped onto a stretcher and hauled up the hill.

As I'm lifted over the guardrail a police car screeches to a stop beside the ambulance. An irate Sheriff jumps out of the car and shoots me a molten look before brushing past the paramedics and clamping an iron hand around Dale's arm.

"You've got some major explaining to do, Houdini."

Dale doesn't complain as the Sheriff marches him to the car and slams him against it.

I want to cry as I strain to see what's happening. My insides surge with panic and I struggle against the straps.

"Hey, calm down. It's okay." The paramedic places a gentle hand on my head, forcing me to relax.

I try to lift my head to see Dale, but all I glimpse is a mop of curls being pushed into the back of a police car.

Closing my eyes, I no longer fight the tears as the sirens wail and I'm driven away from the guy who saved my life.


Everything is black again. I don't want to open my eyes. I'm not sure what I'll find. A glass bubble again? A lonely forest?

I squeeze my eyes shut. That only hurts my head.

I know I should investigate, figure out where I actually am, but I'm scared. Memories and dreams have been pounding my brain like a stormy sea. Bright circles of light, Jody's precious face, Dale's soft smirk, my mother crying, the sterile smell of a hospital, rushed words, urgent shouts, my fist flying straight through Trent's shoulder, Dale's hand in mine.

Soft skin registers against me and I squeeze my fingers. The hand inside mine responds with a gentle squeeze back.

"Nicky? Are you awake, honey?"

My eyes crack open and the first thing to register is bright light. I clamp my lids shut once more then lick my parched lips before trying again. The bright room slowly comes into focus. I turn my head and see my mother's blue eyes shining down at me.

"Hey," her voice is soft and she tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. "Good morning." She smiles.

"What time is it?" I croak and look around me.

"About eight o'clock." She stifles a yawn. "You've been in and out of sleep for a few days. Don't you remember?"

A few days?

I squint my eyes and try to rustle up what memories I have. They are all blurry and filled with fog.