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"Nope." The sheriff smiles politely at Miss Walters as she glides past. "My guess is she's doing a ru

His eyes are cold and blue. They narrow slightly as they drill holes into Adam.

"Why aren't you in class, son?"

"I um, I have to pick up an assignment sheet from Mr. Simmons. Extra credit."

His Dad nods.

I don't know what it is, but his movements seem slow and intimidating.

"I think it's best you come straight home after school today... on the bus. No getting rides with that Fi

"Dad, he's a good guy."

"He has a past. I don't want him distracting you from your studies."

"Dad- "

"Adam." His pointed look makes Adam swallow his next words.

"Yes, sir."

His father gives him a hard look.

"I know, Dad. Tonight... I mean, after school... straight away. I'll be there."

"Don't be late."

The sheriff pulls out his shades and slides them on. I have no idea what just happened, but I can sense Adam's fear. He runs a shaky hand through his hair and picks up the pace as he walks to Mr. Simmon's class.

I watch him stride away and the feeling I can't shake grows.

I need to talk to Dale.



I impatiently wait by his locker, but he doesn't come by after his next class. I'm not sure what to do, so start randomly hunting the school for him. I walk from class to class, peering into windows and sca

I'm studying their faces when Dale walks through me.


Students nearby stop and look in Dale's direction. He gives them an awkward smile and they slump away with confused frowns and whispers of his weirdness. He waits until they're gone before sharply whispering, "I asked you not to do that to me."

"Hey, I was facing the other way, I didn't see you coming."

"Where have you been?"

He looks irritated, which for some reason makes me antsy.

"I just- "

"Don't keep ditching me. If you're not following me then say so."

"Well excuse me."

"I thought you were ignoring me again... not to mention the fact I looked like a complete idiot whispering to no one the entire way to class."

"Don't you look like that even when I am here?"

He fires a dark glare in my direction.

"You said you didn't care what people thought."

He shuts his locker a little too hard.

"Follow me, please."

I spin on my heel and walk outside with him.

"Shouldn't you be going to class?"

"Free period," he mumbles over his shoulder.

We head towards the isolated end of the field. I can tell he's making a beeline for the bleachers. It's a good idea. We'll be able to talk in private.

Once we're standing beneath the tiered seating he spins around to face me.

"Did you go back to your body?"

"No, I... I saw Adam and decided to follow him."

"Why?" Dale's eyes narrow.

"I don't know." I throw my hands in the air. "I just wanted to see why he wasn't in class."


I sigh. "He was just picking up extra credit work from Mr. Simmons."

"I told you he was a good guy. Stop being so suspicious of everybody."

"I'm sorry, but something doesn't feel right."

"Stop thinking the worst of my friends."

"I'm not! This has nothing to do with your friendship. I just think his car story isn't solid."

"It's like a brick. You're just reaching for something that isn't there."

I step back with a huff and try to kick the dirt. This was getting us nowhere. I flick back my bangs and peer through the bleachers at the field.

"His Dad creeps me out a little."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. He's pretty strict. I don't think he likes me much."

"I can tell. He told Adam not to get a lift with you today. Said he's worried you'll distract him from his studies."

"Oh yeah?" Dale shakes his head. "What else did he say?"

"That you have a past."

Dale looks down and skims his shoe over the dirt.

"What does he mean?"

"Look it's nothing, okay. Just don't take off without telling me again and stop thinking my friends are bad."


He starts walking away before I can get my words out. What is his problem?

I stomp after him and am about to yell at him to stop when someone else does it for me.

I grimace as Trent approaches with long, angry strides.

"What the hell have you been saying about me?"

Dale steps away from the juggernaut and puts his hands in his pockets.

"Why are you still looking for Nicole?"

"Because he's not a moron like you," I fire at my EX-boyfriend.

Trent steps forward, leaning down to get in Dale's face.

"You think I did something to her? You think I hurt her or something?"

He shoves Dale, causing him to stumble back.

"Tell him to get lost, Dale."

"I didn't touch her, man." Trent's aggression is pulsing out of him. "She got out of my car. I asked her to get back in, but she wouldn't. None of this is my fault."

"Bullshit, you little turd. If you'd just taken two seconds to listen and control yourself none of this would have happened," I yell.

"I didn't do anything wrong."

Dale gives him a stone cold glare that says otherwise.

Before I know what's happening, Trent bunches his fingers into a fist and hits Dale square in the face. Dale tumbles backwards.

"You asshole!" I push Trent away from Dale, but my hands go straight through him. He doesn't even flinch. Instead he bends over Dale's fallen form and points a finger at him.

"Leave it alone, Scarface. She's gone and no one gives a shit."

I drop to my knees beside Dale as Trent stalks away.

"Are you okay?" I try to move his hands so I can see his face.

"Don't touch me." He rolls away from me and takes his time sitting up.

Blood is streaming from his nose and ru

"Why didn't you say anything? How could you let him do that to you?"

"It's not like I had much choice." Dale stands up and flicks the blood from his nose with his finger.


"Besides you mouthing off every two seconds was hardly helpful."

"Well, I'm sorry, but you weren't exactly doing much to stand up for yourself."

"Maybe if I'd had a second to think, I could have!"

Rummaging in his bag, he pulls out his PE shirt and uses it wipe up the blood.

"It's not my fault you're a slow thinker."

Dale chucks the stained shirt back in his bag and stands up straight. His nose is throbbing red and he still has a smear of blood under his chin.