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I mumble a quiet yes.

"Look at me."

"I am."

"In the eyes."

I do as I'm told. His deep brown gaze is intoxicating. "Promise me that if you hear footsteps again, you’ll scream your lungs out."




"Alright." Dale looks away from me, breaking contact and shattering my little magical moment.

I clear my throat and stand up.

"I think the person got a call."


"It was a really unusual ringtone, almost like someone whistling. I don't know, maybe we can keep an ear out for it or something."

"Good idea." Dale throws his things into his bag and grabs the map book. "Come on, let's go do some more scouting before school."

We spend an hour or so driving further along the road we tried yesterday. Dale peppers me with questions about ringtones and I finally give in and hum it to him. I think it's pointless. We'll probably never hear it again anyway.

As we drive to school, I once again complain that we've just wasted our time and Dale once again reminds me that we have crossed off another section of road.

I roll my eyes at his optimistic attitude.

"Maybe we'll have some luck at school. I might go chat to Amber and Pe

"They're not going to tell you anything."

"Would you stop being so negative please, you're messing with my morning vibe."

I groan.

"Uch! You're a happy morning person, aren't you?"

"And let me guess, you're a night owl."

"Maybe." I try to squash my smile.

He pulls into the parking lot and finds a spot near the concrete stairs. Getting out of the car, he leaves his door wide open while hitching his bag onto his shoulder.

"I'm out."

He slams the door and we start walking up the stairs together.

I turn to survey the crowd, looking for my friends, instead I spot Adam Hutton getting off the bus. He's looking frazzled, his blond locks scruffier than usual.

"Adam's catching the bus."

"Huh?" Dale looks over his shoulder. "His mom must have his car again today."

"But don't you think that's weird?"

"Why would it be weird?" Dale mumbles out the side of his mouth.

"Well, how long does a car take to get fixed?"

Dale frowns then veers left, opening a side door and leading me into an empty classroom. "What are you saying?"

"I don't know, I was just wondering..."

"Don't. If her car is waiting for a part, it takes time to come in."

"Yeah, I just have a feeling."

"Don't have a feeling, it's not him."

"How do you know?"

"He's my friend, Nicole. I know he wouldn't drive drunk. I know if he did hit you he would 'fess up straight away. He's a good guy."

Dale's face has taken on a granite quality. His eyes swirl dark brown and I swear his scar is pulsing. I look down at my nails and remind myself that he's helping me and that Adam is possibly his only friend at this school.

I clear my throat and shrug.

"You're right. I guess I'm just feeling on edge after last night."

He steps towards me.

"I'm go

I smile at his sweet expression.

"Just stop coming up with wild hunches about my friends."

"Okay, fine."

I nod and follow him out of the room.

On the way to his locker, we spot Amber and Pe

Amber scrunches up her nose.

"What do you want?"

"Hey girls."

He smiles at Pe

"I was just wondering if you'd heard from Nicole."


"I'm really sorry, buddy, but she's kind of with Trent. I don't think she's into you."

Dale frowns.

"I'm not into her."

Ouch! Why does that sting?

"I'm just asking where she is."

"We don't know." Amber shrugs.

"But you’re her best friends. Hasn't she called you?"

"No, Mr. Busybody, she hasn't."

"Why aren't you guys more worried?"

"Look, Nicole is an independent girl. She flits off whenever she wants to and she never thinks about anybody but herself. I don't know where she is right now and frankly, I don't really care."

I feel like Amber's just punched me in the gut. I gaze at her with an open mouth, unable to put words to the anger and hurt bubbling in my system.

"Okay, so kind of harsh." Dale frowns.

"What do you know, Scarface? Like you have any friends. Consider yourself lucky you avoid the drama."

Dale's skin pales as he listens to Amber.


"We have to get ready, so bye now."

His jaw clenches tight.

"I know she left with Trent. Where would he take her?"

"He said he took her home."

"I think he's lying."

"Think what you like." Amber crosses her arms and stands in front of him. "But do it somewhere else."

Sensing the inevitable, Dale shoots them a hard look and walks away without another word.

I follow him in a simmering silence until I can't hold it in anymore. "I can't believe they just treated you that way?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Yes it does. They were really rude."

Dale screeches to a halt in the now empty corridor.

"You've treated me like that before too."

"I know and I hate that I did. You don't know how many times I wish I could've taken it back."

Dale shakes his head and lets out a scoff. "It doesn't matter anymore. I'm used to this. Don't waste your anger on Amber. I'm fine."

"I so don't get you."

Throwing his hands in the air, Dale stops and turns to face me.

"Look, all people see is the scar and they label me straight away. I don't care. I know who I am and if two prissy rich chicks don't like it, I don't give a shit."

"You're lying. How can you not hate that scar? It's ruined your life."

A slow smile pulls Dale's face out of shape as he points to his face. "This right here, I wouldn't change it for anything."

He turns away and heads to class, leaving me standing in utter confusion.

Who talks like that?

I'm about to follow him and ask when I see Adam scuttling around the corner.

Why isn't he in class? Mr. Goody-good skipping out? That's not possible.

I glance at Dale's retreating form then move to follow Adam. He walks the corridor with his head down. His hands are shoved in his pockets. Where's the usual confident strut he does? Does he seriously rely on his car that much?

His car.

I frown.

Why can't I shake this feeling?

We near the office and I nearly bang into him when we round the corner and he jerks to a stop.

"Dad? What are you doing here?"

"Hey, son." The Sheriff slides his shades into his shirt pocket and approaches with slow steps. "I promised Mitchell Tepper that I'd come down to the school and see if there's been any news on Nicole."

"Oh." Adam nods. "Anything?"