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feet. Tashi was shivering with shock.

"I will have to report this to the Third Crown Princess," said the first guard.


"Wait here."


Leaving them under the close watch of the other guard, he sprinted off.

Tashi stood to one side, rubbing her arms. The eyes of the four wives were on her.

"The penalty for attempted murder in the Islands is death," she said quietly as if to no one in particular.

The First Wife pursed her lips. "You know we had no intention of killing you."

That wasn't what it had felt like, being at their mercy. Tashi remembered all too well the ease

with which Fergox's people had shed blood.

"Even if you tell that lie," continued the First Wife haughtily, "we are caught in a living death as it is. What do we care? Anyway, your people would not dare execute us on your word."

That is probably true, thought Tashi, not that she sought anyone's death. The diplomatic

consequences would be huge: the new ruler of Holt, whoever that was, had sent the women

here for safety. It would be easier to disregard the testimony of an oath breaker.

But she deserved better than this. Tashi straightened her spine and dropped her hands by her

sides. She had been punished enough for her real faults and should not now be made to answer

for the sins of another. Enough of submission and apologies.


Tashi faced the First Wife and took a step closer. "I am not your enemy. I did not seek marriage

with Fergox, but fled at the first opportunity. You avenge yourselves upon the wrong person. He

was to blame for his own downfall, and therefore yours."


The First Wife's eyes narrowed, her face ugly with rage. "Don't you think I know this, witch? But he is gone and you are left: the favored one--the wife with whom he was going to replace me!

You must have bewitched him--

everyone said so."

Tashi felt her anger rising. "When did I do that? And how? Do you mean I did so as a child when,

thanks to your late husband, I was chosen as Fourth Crown Princess? Or perhaps when I was

being beaten by the priests of Holin? When exactly did I have a chance to do this? If I had

enchantments, I would have chosen an easier path, believe me."

The First Wife met Tashi's stare and held it. "I was right. You are not like the other Islanders,"

she a

"I think you mean that as an insult," Tashi said proudly, tilting her chin up,

"but I take it as a compliment. This is the way the Goddess has made me. It is what I am."

There was a rustle at the doorway and Korbin swept into the room, showing no sign that she had

just been roused from her bed: her hair veiled, her robes smooth.


"Devotee Taoshira, what of your vow of silence?" the Third Crown Princess asked.

As if that was the most important crime of this night!

"I'm afraid, Crown Princess, that my vow shattered when I was dragged from my bed by my



callers." Tashi knew her tone was mocking but she felt so angry with them all.

"Ladies, perhaps you did not understand, but this part of the palace is out of bounds to all but

the devotees," Korbin said sternly.

The First Wife smiled. "Then why not lock the doors?"

"Because all remain here voluntarily and no one else dare disturb the Goddess's worshippers."

No one else but rude Holtish heathens was the implication.

"Then I apologize for our intrusion. We will retreat." The First Wife made as if to leave.

"Wait! What were you doing here? And why did you bind the devotee?"

The First Wife looked at Tashi, daring her to tell the truth. Korbin turned to her as well.

"Devotee Taoshira, do you have an explanation?"


Tashi kept her mouth closed. If she accused the wives she would be giving her nation a

diplomatic headache, perhaps even risking war with the new authorities in Holt about whom

next to nothing was known. How would they react?

"You may speak," snapped Korbin, showing more emotion than usual.

"Oh, heavens, girl, you can tell her," interrupted the First Wife, riled by the dignity of her rival.

She had expected the girl to blab and weep; instead she stood there like a little queen, above

the insults offered her. "We came to cut off her hair and mark her face, is that clear enough for you?"


Korbin took a shocked breath. This confession plunged them all into a nightmare of


Tashi knew she had to do something. "My dear friend," she said with an'

attempt at warmth in her tone as she smiled at the First Wife, "you take the jest too far. Your

Highness, we were merely ..." She struggled for an explanation. "I boasted to my friends that I was scared of nothing, so we made a wager that they could not frighten me. I must admit they

won; I was sincerely terrified when they swooped in on me."

All four wives stared at Tashi with undisguised amazement but Korbin frowned.

"You pass your time in the Enclosure playing games, Taoshira? Have you no respect for this



"It seems not, Your Highness. I'm sure you can believe that of me as you know what I'm capable

of. Perhaps it is these ladies who are acting out of character? Maybe if they were given a home

that was less of a prison and a place for their own worship, they would not fall prey to the

temptation to pass their time with such frivolous bets."

"Are you telling me what to do, devotee?" Korbin said with a frigid tone.

"No. I was only reflecting that on my ill-fortuned embassy to Gerfal, the host nation allowed me

the freedom to worship in our way even though it was an abomination to them. I was wondering

why we were less generous and forced strangers into the heart of a temple they despise, with

people they do not trust. It is almost as if we are driving them to cause trouble."


Tashi turned her back on them all. "If you do not mind, I'm tired and wish to sleep."

Bending gracefully, she scooped the knife from under her mattress and passed it to the First


This gesture revealed what everyone suspected: that she had lied about the reason the wives

had come to her and had done so to protect them from punishment. But there was nothing

more to be said if she did not change her story now. The four exiles retreated under guard.

Korbin lingered for a moment, fingering the door handle.

"Why?" she asked simply. "Why lie for them?"

"You never understood me, Korbin," Tashi said. "Think what you like, but having just escaped one war, I do not want to provoke another."


The next week, a villa was found for the wives, complete with a place for a temple where

worshippers of Holin could gather as long as no human sacrifices were made. Peace returned to

the Goddess's Enclosure.

Two months after the incident in Tashi's room, the new ruler of Holt sent word to the Blue

Crescent court that he was coming to conclude negotiations on a marriage alliance with the

Fourth Crown Princess. He apologized for being unable to come any earlier as he had a kingdom

to subdue after the tumultuous fall of Fergox. He wanted to be confident that it would remain

peaceful in his absence while he left it in the hands of his


viceroy, Zaradan of the Horse Followers, for a few weeks. He signed himself Ramil ac Burinholt.