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Fourth Crown Princess. She did not approach Ramil at all but walked with her eyes lowered as

she went about the


camp. She could not avoid Merl, but she maintained a strict distance, keeping her face impassive

and her movements guarded. He seemed

amused by her reaction and tried to thaw her new reserve but she ignored him, presenting her

work on his desk with a wordless bow and spending most of her time in her room. She refused

his invitation to take more riding lessons.

"The Princess isn't happy again," Gordoc remarked to Ramil, seeing her pass the entrance to

their tent one day.

Ramil said nothing. He had noticed that this new behavior coincided with his attempt at a love

token. He could only assume it was not welcome.

The first time he saw her properly was the evening when news from Gerfal finally arrived. Nerul

summoned them to a council in his tent. Tashi kept them all waiting, making her entrance at the

last moment in a sweep of skirts and an elegant bow. She sat on Nerul's chair as if it were a

throne, her hands folded in her lap. Ramil raised an eyebrow at Gordoc. The big man was

looking even more puzzled because he had never been treated to the full Princess Taoshira act


Nerul cleared his throat. "I have messages to deliver to you both, Your Highnesses. Your father,

Prince, sends his warmest congratulations on your escape. He fully endorses your suggestion

that Gerfal support the resistance and will be sending arms and supplies as soon as possible. He

says you are at liberty to choose your own



course from here on as he places full trust in you to decide in the best interests of your people."

Ramil smiled. He knew his father was sending a coded apology for having doubted his judgment

in the autumn.

"And as for you, Princess Taoshira, you will not be surprised to learn that your people also

rejoice at your freedom. The correspondent, one entitled the Etiquette Mistress, regrets that

they are not empowered to offer full assistance to either us or Gerfal as this would be

tantamount to a declaration of war on Fergox Spearthrower. That decision rests with all four

Crown Princesses in concert. However, she takes into account your instructions to defend

aggressively their ships presently at anchor in Falburg harbor." Nerul looked up. "By that, I guess, you have told them to protect the sea approach to the Gerfalian capital?"

Tashi nodded. "It was the best I could do on my own authority. They have rules of engagement

to respond if attacked. Fergox ca

"That is very good. Unfortunately, it may not be enough. Foiled in his plan to force an alliance

upon Gerfal by causing a war between your two countries, the Spearthrower has determined on

a full assault on Gerfal as soon as the snows melt. King Lagan is aware of this and knows he faces

an impossible defense without powerful allies. And I believe, Your Highness, one of your last

acts before your abduction was to call the alliance off?"


The Fourth Crown Princess inclined her head. "Yes, I did."


Ramil looked down at his nails.

"Then Gerfal will fall and Fergox triumph once more." Nerul threw the letters on the desk in contempt.

In the silence that followed, Tashi felt everyone in the room was thinking that she was to blame

for this. She even thought so herself. If she hadn't been so hasty to run away from marriage with

Ramil, negotiations could have continued for their mutual self-defense. It was too late to call

back the messenger bird. The only answer was to return to the Blue Crescent Islands herself and

argue that the alliance should go ahead even without the marriage. She owed it to kindly King

Lagan, to the people of Gerfal, to Ramil.

"I now regret my actions and will do all I can to repair them. I will return to my sisters and beg them to send our navy to aid you," Tashi said steadily, knowing what she was proposing was

highly dangerous and probably

impossible, but she had to do something. "I will leave immediately."

Merl crossed the floor and put a hand on her arm. "Tashi, Tashi, you can't possibly know what

you are saying. You'll be caught--dragged off to Fergox again. We couldn't bear that--I couldn't

bear that."

The Fourth Crown Princess brushed his hand off and froze him with her glare. "I am well aware

of the risks, my lord. I am not a heedless girl to be told to sit quietly in a corner while others take action, but a ruler of my country with a responsibility to our friends and allies."


She turned to Nerul, knowing that he would understand this. "I am grateful for the shelter you

have given me these past weeks, Your Grace, and would value your advice how best to proceed.

To return home by the south means I will have to travel in lands strange to me. Perhaps your


network will be able to assist?"

Nerul rose and bowed, impressed by the girl's determination. "I place it at your disposal,


"And obviously, I will accompany the Princess," Ramil said firmly. Tashi opened her mouth to protest but he continued, "If you do not let me travel with you, Princess, then I will follow. You will not deny that this political alliance concerns me closely. My father has left me to be my own

judge and it is clear to me that I can best serve my country by ensuring your safe return to your

court. I ask nothing else." He held her eye, his expression stubborn.

"And the Princess is going nowhere without me," said Gordoc, crossing his arms on his chest, daring her to refuse him.

The Fourth Crown Princess arched her fingers and pressed them to her lips, trying to stop her

outward control from collapsing. They had just offered to follow her into mortal danger. But she

knew that she stood a much better chance with them by her side so, though her instinct was to

protect them, her duty was to accept.

"I thank Prince Ramil ac Burinholt and Gordoc Ironfist for their generous offer. I will leave

tomorrow at dawn and would be grateful for their company."



rose and swept out of the room.

Merl followed her. He burst into her room without asking leave to enter. She had her back to


him, head in her hands.

"Tashi, I thought we understood each other!" he appealed to her, grabbing her elbow to swing her round. "I want you to stay here with me--never to leave my side."

"Please do not touch me, Merl," she said, trying to pry his fingers off her arm.

"I do not have the luxury of considering my own or your feelings on this subject."

He seized her other arm, holding her tightly. "You can't go. You'll be killed."

"It is my duty to try." She looked down, trying to prevent any of those signals that apparently so confused him.

Merl's handsome brow was pinched with concern. "Send a messenger--

send Ramil. There is no sense in risking yourself. You are too precious--let others go in your


"I will not send others on a journey I would not undertake myself, least of all Prince Ramil. Only I can reinstate the alliance. Please let me go. You have no right to touch me like this. You're

hurting me."

"I have the right of a lover who will not let his lady be parted from him." He bent forward, seeking her mouth, but she twisted away.