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“He’s catching on fast,” I say as Kylie and I watch them suck face on the dance floor.

“Yeah, well, Will’s always been a quick study.”

“Yo, I’m the only straight dude here,” I whisper as two guys in wifebeaters walk by and check me out. “It’s kinda freaking me out.”

“You’re fresh meat,” she says. “How does it feel to be objectified?”

“I’m not into it.”

“It’s hard to be hot.”

“Yeah, I never really had a problem with it until now.”

“Oh my God, you are homophobic.”

“Not at all. I just…I’m not gay, and everyone here thinks I am.”

“Well, you’re with me, and I know you’re not gay,” Kylie says, flashing a smile at me. She finishes her beer, tosses the bottle into the garbage, and grabs my hand. “Let’s dance,” she says, pulling me toward the center of the room, near the speakers. My body is rigid with discomfort as we squeeze between several couples. I want to relax and get into it, for Kylie’s sake, but it’s awkward; it’s so not my scene. I don’t like this kind of music. Too techno. Too much bass. Too much thumping redundancy.

Kylie begins to dance, but I don’t do much at first. I’m not used to dancing like this, packed into a room full of guys. I watch Kylie shake to the beat, throwing her whole body into it. I’m not sure she would have done this twenty-four hours ago; something in her is shifting. She looks so sexy and fierce. She’s like a giant pink flower in the middle of the room, her dress swinging back and forth on her hips, her hair flying wild. Something in me releases, and I start to loosen up.

I forget about everything but Kylie and her gorgeous body bumping into mine. We move around and into one another, ours shoulders touching, our hips grazing each other’s. Everyone in the room is dancing with abandon. It’s screamingly loud, the beat is pulsing, and everyone is singing along. I can feel my discomfort washing away. I put my hands on Kylie’s hips and pull her to me. Our bodies grind into one another. She feels so good. I don’t want to ever let her go. Kylie and I are gri

“‘Baby, I was born this way…’” Will has found us in the crowd and dances up next to us, belting out Lady Gaga. He’s got a glow stick in his hand that he’s swinging above his head like a lasso. Juan, behind him, is cracking up. And then Will dances off, Juan in tow.

Before I know what’s happening, Kylie has disappeared and I’m dancing with a dude in a black fedora and a red bandana around his neck. Whoa! What up? Where is Kylie? The dude puts his hands on my hips. I’m not down with this. At all. Thankfully, Kylie reappears.

“You mind if I dance with your date?” Kylie asks the dude.

“He’s all yours,” he says, shimmying off to another partner.

“Okay, that was weird,” I say.

“Sorry, things got a little chaotic. I ended up with a guy who looked like Justin Bieber.”

“Think I’d rather have fedora guy.”

“I’d rather have you,” Kylie says.

And then she takes my face in her hands, pulls me close, and we’re kissing. Finally. Thankfully. Amazingly. It’s an aggressive move, and I like it. This time, neither of us holds back. Our tongues explore each other’s mouths. My hands plunge into her hair. Her hands roam my back, my stomach, my ass. It doesn’t matter that the room is filled to capacity; in my mind we’re the only two people on earth. I can feel the warmth of her body radiating up her back. I don’t know where her mouth ends and mine begins. I want her with everything I’ve got.

I don’t know if it’s been five minutes or five hours, when Kylie suddenly pulls away, so fast I nearly fall into her.

“Whoa…what’s going on?” I ask.

“I’m sorry, I just…” Kylie stands there staring at me, as the music and people swirl around us.

“What happened?”

“I just…need to get some air.” Kylie turns and walks off the dance floor. I follow her.

“Where are you going?”

“I don’t know, I need to walk.” Kylie makes her way toward the front door.

“You’re leaving?”

“I’ll be back. I need a minute…to think…alone. I just…this all caught me by surprise.”

“Yeah, me too.…”

“But you’re used to this. I’m new at it. And I…I don’t know. I’m okay. Really. I just need some air.”

“You shouldn’t go by yourself. It’s dark. You don’t know where you are. I’ll just walk with you. I won’t say anything—”

“I’ll be fine. I’m just going down to the harbor. I’ll be back soon.” And then, she’s gone.

Man, this girl…

’m lying in bed, my head under the covers, reading The Hobbit with a flashlight, in case Mom or Dad comes in. They don’t like it when I stay up past my bedtime. But I do it all the time. Mom only found me once, and I promised her I wouldn’t do it again, but that wasn’t true. It’s like a secret forest. I love it in here, especially late at night. It’s hard to read with Mom and Dad still talking so loudly. Mom is mad. I don’t think she’s mad at Dad even though she’s yelling at him. I think she’s mad at Kylie even though she’s not here. I think Kylie might be in big trouble when she comes home. I’ve never heard Mom so mad. Even Dad is mad. And Dad usually doesn’t care enough to get really mad. Although he told me earlier that he does care. I don’t think he was lying. He seemed to mean it and he was a lot nicer than he usually is. He let me tell him all about the Garbage Patch while we had pizza, and then we came home and watched Star Wars together and he didn’t even fall asleep. So maybe he does care. He just forgot how to show it.

Mom came home while we were watching Star Wars and said that Kylie was sleeping over at Will’s house, which meant I wouldn’t see Kylie until the morning. I really wanted to talk to Kylie, so I called her on her cell. I called seven times, but she never picked up. It went straight to voice mail. I waited and waited for Kylie to call back. We finished Star Wars. I brushed my teeth and Kylie still hadn’t called back. So I called Will’s house. His mother answered. She didn’t seem like she wanted to talk to me, which was fine because I didn’t want to talk to her. I wanted to talk to Kylie. But she said Kylie wasn’t there and neither was Will. When I told Mom, she called Will’s mom right back, and when she hung up she told me to go to bed, and then she started yelling at Dad. It’s been a half hour and she’s still yelling. I hope Kylie’s okay. I wonder where she is.

elicitaciones!” an old woman says as I pass her. Congratulations? For what? For ru

The pier is wooden and narrow, and as I walk the length of it I have the sensation that I’m walking on water. I can see the bay shimmering on all sides, and beneath me, too, between the slats of wood. There’s a full moon shining so bright it lights up the whole sky. I pass by a few couples sitting with their legs dangling over the water. I can’t help thinking this would be a lovely spot to hang with Max. Too bad I’ve just abandoned him.