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Diana did not have much time to think about the pain, for Joa

The only good thing at the moment was that the pain in her stomach somewhat relieved that of her shoulder, or was she merely dividing the pain by dividing her concentration?


But before Joa

The revelation made Joa


Looking down at the fallen warrior, whose eyes were now shut, Joa

Diana did not give away with the slightest pre-movement the blow she now delivered. Kicking upward, she caught Joa

Most warriors would have given up at that moment, but Joa

Diana did not give Joa

Whoever it was, the warrior was upon her, trying to ram her backward. The shuffling of Joa

She pushed what looked like Diana away, and what looked like Aidan did a little stumbling dance. Shaking her head in an effort to throw off her grogginess, Joa

Yes, enough.

Her opponent fell, dazed again, but this time finally helpless.

Looking down at the fallen warrior, Joa


"We are both pretty banged up, quiaff."Joa

"Are we? I can see you are, Star Commander. I did not look into any reflective surface. I rarely do."

They were in Joa

The quarters were like every room in which Joa

Clothing was strewn all over the room, which was stained and dirty. When Joa

"Would you like a fusio

"I doubt it. What is a fusio

"A drink. Very potent. I do not know what is in it. I have it packaged and sent to me on a regular basis. Sure you would not like a dose of it?"

"I have no liking for any substance that calms, releases, allows for fantasies, or sends one into a stupor."

There was an arrogant stubbor

"I understand your feeling completely," Joa

"Not never. Sometimes we see ourselves when we do not intend to. I just never look by intention, unless of course there is a practical need."

"But why? It ca

"Would I? That is interesting, but ultimately useless to me."


"I have always wanted to be a warrior. As a freeborn, that is not an easy goal. People often attempted to discourage me from it. But I continued, was accepted into training, qualified in the Trial, and am now serving. I have many skills, which I have demonstrated, plus others I am eager to test. There is not much need for beauty in all that, is there?"
