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Horse's face was dark. "There is an uprising in Vreeport. Some civilians who found a cache of I

Aidan was shocked, and saw a similar expression on Joa

Horse nodded. "There seems to be only one course of action."



"Well, perhaps we can avoid that."


"They are our enemies, yes." Aidan stared at her. "But that does not mean they are not humane. We must treat them with the same respect that we give our warrior foes."

"But we are not to a

"Only when we have to."

"I have never recognized any other choice."

Aidan looked at her for a long moment, and the cruelty she remembered came back into his eyes. "And look where it has gotten you, Star Commander Joa



Legend Of The Jade Phoenix



Robert Thurston


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To the memory of my parents


Star Captain Joa

But now her dreams had faded, for she had become an old warrior. She still piloted a 'Mech as a warrior of Clan Jade Falcon, but no longer would any Bloodnamed warrior sponsor her for a slot in any Trial of Bloodright. Without a nomination, Joa

Despite all the conjectures, Joa

The Falcon Guards had been traversing a pass called the Great Gash, when a single, battered I

As though in sympathy, the Great Gash itself blew apart, sending rocks and dirt spouting and flying, boulders bouncing off the surface of Joa

When it came to survival, the human organism sometimes went beyond its own limitations. Perhaps she had even more precious moments than she estimated.


With so much of her Hellbringerapparently still operational, Joa