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Though the lack of pursuit allowed the Glory Station Garrison Cluster a chance to regroup, it nevertheless disappointed Pershaw. He had pla

Pershaw strode on foot around the open area outside Glory Station, taking the time to inspire his warriors. He climbed up to several 'Mech cockpits, disdaining the use of a field howdah. Opening hatchways and shouting through them, he told the pilots that when the battle resumed, they should fire steadily and await their chance to pounce on a weakness. Walking among the Elementals, conscious of how much each one towered over him, he congratulated them on the success of their hastily laid minefield, and urged them to fight on with their accustomed bravery.

Lanja meanwhile left her Command Point and walked over to him. In combat, they were as formal as was appropriate for commander and aide.

"Some news, Star Colonel," Lanja said.

"What is it?"

"We have two more BattleMechs to add to the Cluster. Mech Warrior Nis, one of Star Commander Jorge's warriors, has led the 'Mech of a survivor from the DropShip crash into the south gateway to the station.


The information immediately caught Pershaw's interest. "Just two? Just two survivors of the entireoperation?" In his mind he was already considering alternate plans for the battle.

"We do not know that for certain," Lanja replied. "Jorge's Star encountered Mech Warrior Enrique, the crash survivor, wandering alone in the swamp. Apparently he had traveled a great distance under terrible conditions. His 'Mech's leg was disabled in the crash, but we can repair it. Star Commander Jorge directed Nis to return here with Enrique. It was a slow trip, she says, because Enrique's 'Mech could not walk more than a few kilometers per hour. The new 'Mech is being repaired right now, and Nis will join Alpha Star of Trinary First Garrison after her 'Mech also gets some minor repairs. You scowl. Why?"

"Nis. A freebirth. My confidence is not exactly inspired. Order her to await the repair of the damaged 'Mech. Have this trueborn, Enrique, take the place of Nis in her 'Mech."

"Nis has shown herself to be quite brave. At any rate, Enrique is being treated at the med station."

"All right, all right. Allow Nis to join Alpha Star. They have a 'Mech and a pilot out of action right now.

Except for filling the slot, she will probably not make much of a difference." He could see that Lanja, whose views on the efficiency of allClan warriors were already known to him, felt that his hatred of freeborns was interfering with his judgment. But loyal as she was, she would never question Pershaw's statements during a combat situation. He was often amazed at how deep her loyalty went.

"Lanja, I need your help."

"What can I do?"

"I have an idea, but it will require one of your Elementals risking his or her life."

"That is the easiest of tasks. Tell me."

"Soon it will be night. I believe Clan Wolf will attack then. We will have to engage them. As long as Radick keeps some units in reserve, the odds are only slightly in their favor. I believe we can hold them, at least for a time. But we need to put more 'Mechs into the field. We need to find out what happened to the Trinary from the DropShip."

"Do you believe, then, that Jorge's Star has failed?"

"I am not sure, but I need to know. If there are any surviving warriors and 'Mechs, I want them here. I would accept even the freebirth Star right now. Lanja, select one of your warriors and order him or her to find a way through the battlefield and into the swamp. We must locate any survivors from the crash or the rescue team, brief them on the situation, and urge them to travel here at their highest speed."

"In the swamp—"

"I know, I know. An Elemental would have to go without his suit of battle armor to avoid detection when crossing Clan Wolf lines. Fate has placed many demands on me and one Elemental is all I can spare. If I truly control my fate, the Elemental will find the Star. If he finds that the search for survivors still continues, he will pass on my order to abandon the search and join us here. So, detach a warrior from one of your Points."


"But that would not be—"

"Proper? Perhaps not. But I am the fastest ru

"Well, aff, but—"

"No need to discuss this further. Your order was to detach a warrior for this mission. I have done so."

Pershaw recognized the determination in Lanja's eyes. He respected her, as he respected all his good officers. It had always been his policy not to countermand the orders of one of his trusted subordinates, and he trusted none more than Lanja. If she chose to go, she must.

"If you ca

"Aff. I will depart as soon as night falls."

"Good. Dismissed."

As always, she wheeled about immediately and strode away. Pershaw felt a rare moment of apprehension. Lanja was the most efficient aide he had ever had. He did not want anything to happen to her. But, of course, they were both Clan, able to easily accept death. There were stories of Clan warriors who had known each other for years, served together, saved each other's lives countless times. Yet, when one died, the other walked away without so much as a backward glance. Would he look back at Lanja if she became a corpse? Once, perhaps, as a tribute to her loyalty, but no more than that.

* * *

"I ca

"Neither can I. And there is no indication of her on anybody's radar, quineg?"

"Neg. Wherever she is, the swamp is hiding her even from electronic detection. You know how it is, Jorge. Out here you ca

"Horse, spare me the fanciful lecture. The fundamental point is that we ca

"Aff. Which places you in command. Backin command, Star Commander Jorge."


"I ca

"If she is still the same warrior, she will find her own way out. We have a more urgent mission. We must rejoin the garrison."

"It has been a long time since there has been any sign of the battle in the skies above. Could it be over?"

"I hope not. Let us find out, quiaff?"

* * *

Except for one Clan Wolf Elemental sentry, whom Lanja quickly disarmed and smothered, the trip across the battlefield was simple. She sensed that the Wolves were now intent on new battle plans, for the Command Star headquarters was obviously busy. A continual stream of warriors went in and out of the geodesic dome set up just behind the wreckage and carnage that warriors from both sides were now cleaning up as part of the one-hour truce Pershaw had negotiated with Radick.