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The phrase with all due respectwas becoming heavy on his tongue, but Aidan used it anyway: "With all due respect, Captain, Horse and I have experience in this locale, on this planet, in fact. We are able to compensate for its difficulties. It would be better for us to face this pair while the rest of you remain back as—"

"May I remind you, Commander, that not only are you the subordinate here, but you also wear the dark band. I have to treat any protest as a violation of the law of the band. You will come with me to face the intruders. Everyone else, remain behind."

As they moved away, heading toward the Clan Wolf 'Mechs, Horse spoke to Aidan over the private comm-line: "I'll cover you, Jorge. She won't even know I'm in the vicinity."

"Thank you, Horse. If Joa

A quick glance at the configurations of the terrain map now on his secondary screen showed Aidan that they would undoubtedly encounter the interlopers a short distance into Blood Swamp itself. Joa

As they crossed into the swamp, the passage actually became somewhat easier, but no faster. Aidan was cautious, not wanting to take his Summonerinto any suddenly deep waters. On the screen he saw that the Clan Wolf 'Mechs had definitely spotted them and were heading their way.



"I may be having a neurohelmet malfunction. It feels as if I am walking in a dream."

"It is no malfunction. It is the sensation of the 'Mech's movement through the swamp. Basically, it is no different from a person going on foot through a swampy area. The normal stride changes, which gives a feeling of uncertainty as each foot comes down. The adjustments that a 'Mech must make are quite similar, and we feel it in our neurohelmets. Once you have been in Blood Swamp a few times, you will get used to it."

"I doubt that."


As the two pairs of 'Mechs closed in on one another, the TBS began to crinkle with static. Their enemies were apparently trying to contact them, Aidan realized. Working with the controls, he tried to divert the static to another cha

"Identify yourself and your unit strength," he was saying. It was the tail end of a ritual of challenge.

"I am not required to—"

"Jorge, it is my right to respond."

"Suit yourself."

"We are Clan Jade Falcon," she said. "I am Star Captain Joa

"We are proud to identify ourselves as Clan Wolf. We are scouts, searching this area. Are you bid into the battle?"

"Of course we are."

"You speak with a freebirth accent."

The insult was deep, a deliberate provocation. Even someone from Clan Wolf would know that there were no freeborns in the Falcon Guards.

Instead of responding with words, Joa

Aidan recognized that the other scout 'Mech was an Adder.Like the Stormcrow,it was lighter than either of the 'Mechs he and Joa

Without awaiting instructions from Joa

Aidan remained silent and moved on.

"For this, Star Commander Jorge, we will meet in the Circle of Equals."

"Kael Pershaw has abolished the Circle on Glory," Aidan said, not stopping.

She watched him through the viewport as he and his Summonerdisappeared into a heavy mist. Continuing to track him, she saw that he was only thirty or so meters from the Clan Wolf 'Mechs. Following him, she next saw that he had opened fire. His first shots appeared to hit the enemy Adderdead-center.

"This is grandstanding, you freebirth filth," she muttered, knowing that Aidan would not be listening even if there had been communications between them. But someone else was, and his voice startled her. She had forgotten that Nomad was even in the 'Mech, secure in a pull-out passenger seat.

"What did you say?" he asked.

She jumped, startled.

"It does not matter what I said, Nomad. I did not say it to you. Hold on tight. We are going into combat." She headed her Hellbringertoward the fray, a

Suddenly Joa

As she cursed her fate roundly, she saw that the battle between Aidan's 'Mech and the Stormcrowwas moving away from her, the Clan Wolf machine moving backward, either from Aidan's marksmanship or as a retreat. She slapped her throttle forward in a desperate attempt to wrench her 'Mech free. Suddenly the jury-rigged navigation and communications console exploded in a cascade of sparks and the 'Mech shut itself down. She was now on her own in a place she had never been, her 'Mech at least temporarily disabled, separated from the rest of the unit, and with no idea of how to get out of bloody Blood Swamp.

In the pale glow of the darkened screens that turned their faces an eerie gray, Nomad watched Joa

"We seem to be in a bit of trouble?" he said, barely able to keep from showing his own amusement by laughing.

Only the darkness and the restraining straps of Joa


The hiatus in the battle gave both sides a chance to perform field repairs and recharge weapons. The normal Clan tactic would have been for the Wolves to charge forward and take advantage of the disarray of the Clan Jade Falcon retreat. Kael Pershaw was surprised when Radick and Clan Wolf seemed to hold back. The damage done by the Elementals' subterfuge had apparently made Radick cautious, at least temporarily.