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But theyhad uncle Tatiseigi visiting tomorrow night, and Jase had to get his reactions either done with or under control, whichever came first.

He was going to have to do something.

Jase hadn’t lockedthe door. That was good—Jase was not sealing himself in. Or that was bad—Jase was in such a state he didn’t think of such things. He pushed the latch and walked into Jase’s bedroom.

Jase was lying on the made bed, hands behind his head, staring at the ceiling. Jase hadtaken the shoes off, in consideration of passionate atevi feelings of propriety in that regard. Jase was improving, and Jase had stopped to think.

And starting a conversation with a positive statement seemed a good thing.

“That was very well done, Jase.”

Tightjawed, and in Mosphei’: “Did you listen in?”

“I came in late. I heard the close. I’m very sorry, Jase.”


“Can I help you?”

“Not unless you fly.”

“I know. I know that part of it. I’m sorry. That’s all I can say. How’s your mother?”

“She’s fine.” A fragile, angry voice. “I’d rather you got the rest of it from the tape. I’m not up to questions right now.”

“Jase.” He was inclined to sit down on the other side of the bed. Jase wasn’t looking at him. And he had seen Jase’s temper boiling to the surface. He didn’t risk sitting. But he risked walking directly into Jase’s field of view. “Jase, this is someone talking who at least knows what you’re going through. Don’t wall me out. Tell me what happened, so two of us know it. Tell me how you’re doing. Tell me if there’s any risk to the ship or station up there.”

“Is that what you’re after? It’s fine.”

“Jase. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I can’t make it better. But tell me what happened and tell me what’s going on as a result of it.”

“It’s not your damn business!”

“It ismy business! I’m in charge of this mission.”

“Who said? My captain? I don’t think so.”

“Sure, fine, you’re in charge of yourself and you can’t speak the language or get across town on the subway. No, Jase. You did all right out there. You did extremely well. And I know it’s your private business, but the paidhiin don’t haveprivate business when it affects the safety of everybody else.”

“What if I wantedto get across town on the subway?”

“What’s that to do with anything?”

“I’m a prisoner here. I’m a prisoner under guard. Is that the way it is?”

“You’re a fragile entity in this culture. You’re not qualified to be out on your own: an atevi six-year-old might get where he was going solo, but I wouldn’t lay odds on your making it tothe subway, let alone elsewhere.—So where do you want to go, or what do you want to do?—Can I help you?”

“I’d like to see the ocean.”

Occasionally conversations with Jase turned right angles. This one went three-sixty degrees.

“The ocean.”

“I’d like to see the ocean. The sea. Whatever the word is. I’d like to stand on the edge of the water and look at it. Is that safe? Is it a stupid request?”

“It’s not a stupid request.” He was no better informed, and understood Jase no better. The question had to be asked, if only to know there was nothing more ominous going on in the heavens. “—Jase, what happened to your father? Staff says it wasan accident that killed him.”

There was a long pause. Several breaths. Jase never varied his position otherwise. “Old seals on the station. Dangerous place. That’s all. Hard vacuum. My father”—several more breaths, eyes fixed on the ceiling—“was blown out into space. That’s all. He was working, and the seal went.”

“It was fast.”

“Yeah. It was.”

“So how’s your mother taking it?”

“Oh—all right.—I mean, she’s upset, what do you expect? And I can’t do anything.”

“I can understand that well enough.”

Jase still lay with his hands under his head, looking at the ceiling.

“So—is your mother off work, nadi, or working, or what?”


“No trouble your reaching her this time? I hope there was no trouble.”

“I had no trouble.” Jase moved his arms, slowly got to his feet. The hair he professed drove him to distraction fell around his face. He shook it out of his way and raked it back. It fell around his ears, on its way to respectable atevi length, but not there yet. “Stupid accident, that’s all. You can’t stop something like that. Can’t plan.”

“Yes,” he said. “That’s true.”

“Can you arrange—for me to visit the sea, nadi?”

He didn’t want to point it out, but Jase had had trouble walking when he’d first landed. Jase had had trouble with orientation, particularly with peripheral vision. He wouldn’t see an atevi doctor. He said the world had no edges.

And described, later, a world of only corridors, and small rooms.

“I know a place,” Bren said, thinking that lord Geigi would be surprised to have two guests.

But he didn’t think Jase was ready for a boat. Not quite.

“When? Soon?”

“Soon.” But the world came crashing in. In all its complexity. “Yes.—But there’s something first. Something we have to do. Something you have to do for me. Please.”


“There’s a visitor coming. A very important visitor—to see the apartment.”

“Why?” Jase asked. “What?”

“One night. He’ll look at the place. And go. He’s very strict. Very kabiu. The lord who owns this place, understand? It’s important we impress him as proper people.”

“And you want me not to make a mistake.”

“Simply put, yes.”

“Do I get my ocean?”

“If you do that, I’m pretty sure about the ocean.”

“I’ll do it. For that.”

Maybe, Bren thought, it was just something he’d said to himself up in the heavens that he wanted to see. Maybe it was something his father had said he’d like to see. Jase gave him no clue at all.

But Jase was being reasonable, at cost, he could see that. Jase’s color wasn’t good. Jase’s hands shook when he went to the bureau and tried to put his own hair in order.

“Shall I call for tea,” Bren said, “and we can sit and talk and I can explain about the visitor, and the situation?”

“Yes.” Jase transited back to Ragi, and secured his hair, as best it could be without elaborate effort, braiding it from high up and fastening it in a simple clip. “Please do, nadi.”

Impeccable ma

Bren went to the hall, found madam Saidin andTano not far away, and said, “Tea, please, nadiin-ji,” trusting it would arrive quickly.

The conversation went amazingly easily—at least, Jase listened soberly, objected to nothing, questioned for understanding, and called nothing unreasonable.

In some measure it was sad to see Jase attempting to follow all of it, knowing the load he was under, and knowing how his tendency was to look for absolute orders. In some measure, Bren thought without saying so, he did provide a framework for Jase’s expectations: how to dress, what to say.

But now it had to be dealing with an atevi lord and a lady who was that lord’s chief rival; and how to deal in public and formally with the aiji of Shejidan, whom Jase had met in far less formality, among the first people on earth he had met, with a wildfire burning across the horizon, water pouring into his descent capsule, and the whole world in upheaval.

But Jase brightened when he turned the talk then toward lord Geigi’s balcony—seemed a little taken aback by the description of battling a fish and then eating it; and of a fish big enough to chase lord Geigi’s boat crew across the deck.

But Jase said then he wanted to look at the map in the office, and they walked back to that room, at the rear of the apartment and next to the steel security barrier, to see where they were, and where the sea was, and Mospheira, and where the South Range of Taiben was: the South Range, one of the vast hunting reserves, was where his capsule had come down, and Jase was able to point out that spot on the wall map. He could find that.