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"Nobody tellsss poor old Ssskinwretch much," complained the Toothguard, "but I hear many thingsss. Great movementsss, a great uneasinesss… I heard two of my brother guardss whisspering not long ago that sssoon the sssurface will be breached!"

The surface… breached? Fritti did not like the sound of that. Some terrible, incomprehensible thing was about to happen, and apparently he and a scatter of stuttering Rikchikchik were the only creatures who could do anything about it.

No, thought Tailchaser, correcting himself, I can do nothing but find my friends, and probably die with them.

With the mobilization of Vastnir, escape would be unlikely for one, let alone three or four. No. Futile hope-and a tenuous one, at that-rested on leaping backs of squirrels, and a jaded, unconcerned Court.

"Star-face! Creeping, skulking star-face! I'll have his heart out!" Yowling, Scratchnail had stopped in his tracks, whipping his black muzzle from side to side. Fritti realized with a start that although Scratch-nail was mad and Skinwretch blind, he did have a white star on his forehead; he would be easily recognized by any of the mound's more discerning occupants below. As Skinwretch soothed the raging Clawguard, Fritti dipped his head down and rubbed his brow in the dust. Blinking the dirt from around his eyes, he straightened up.

I hope that will hide it, he thought-or at least obscure it enough that it will pass u

The hairless one had coaxed Scratchnail into a walk again, and though the Claw made strange, whining noises, he did not disrupt their course again for some time.

Tailchaser's directional sense seemed to be working. He began to see signs of increasing traffic in the shafts they were following-stronger and more recent scents came from the side passages. Fritti began to think about finding his captive friends. He knew that he could travel quickly and safely only in these outer, mostly unused byways; once he was into the active heart of the mound his deception would be of no use.

The sound of harsh voices came suddenly from around the curve of their path. Scratchnail-as if in some kind of anticipation-chose this moment to lie down, spreading his large, dapple-bellied body across the tu

"What's this? What's this great load of unburied me'mre doing in the way?" There was a sharp bark of amusement, then another, equally unpleasant voice said: "It's obvious somebody needs ski

Skinwretch spoke up in an aggrieved tone. "Pleassse now, massterss. Do no injury! Asss you can sssee, I am in the company of two very important membersss of your brotherhood! Tell them, Tu

"Two!" laughed the first Claw. "I see but one-and a great, boneless wreckage he looks to be, too! What do you see, Riptalon?"

"Exactly that. A useless hulk and a little, squirming blind mole. Unless I miss my count, Shredfang, that makes but two. The little Squeaker's lying to us!" Skinwretch gave a whimper of fear, and Fritti heard the two Clawguard move closer.

"Lying to Guards on the Lord's business. I think we'll make him jump for that, don't you?"


A muffled groan rose up, and then Scratchnail's droning voice: "Tailchaser! Star-face did it! No, Lord Huh… Lord Heart… Hearteater, not the burning! My ka… no! Ahhhhhhh!" His voice rose into a keening wail. The two Clawguard made sounds of surprise.

"By the Blood-light!" grunted Shredfang. "It is a Claw!"

"It's Scratchnail!" Riptalon gasped nervously. "He is proscribed! The Lord of All punished him. We should not touch him!"

"Pfauggh! You're right. This place stinks of the unclean! The shame of it! And that mewling blind worm… come, let's be off." The disgust in Shred-fang's voice did not disguise the fear that whimpered beneath. Swift, padding footfalls passed by Tailchaser's crevice and faded down the corridor.

Fritti waited for what seemed like a very long time, then stepped gingerly back out into the tu

"Who'sss there?" Skinwretch called.

Tailchaser made a hesitant noise in his throat, then said: "Why, Tu

"They threatened usss!" panted Skinwretch. "They were going to kill usss! Why did you leave?"

"I told you!" said Fritti, feigning anger. "Now, get up-and get him up too. I have important things to do, and I am only helping you because you are so pathetic and incapable. Now, are we going to get padding or not?"

"Oh, yesss, Tu

With Tailchaser leading, and Scratchnail trailing reluctantly, the mismatched threesome moved on into the heart of gathering forces.


Not with a Club, the Heart is broken

Nor with a Stone-

A Whip so small you could not see it

I've known

To lash the Magic Creature

Till it fell

–Emily Dickinson

Strange things were happening in the world above the labyrinth. Distant cries and lights made the night Hours mysterious and unsettling. Felas gave birth to kittens too unusual to survive, and Prince Dewtreader of Firsthome made dire pronouncements. Many Folk were afraid. The ground everywhere felt unsoiid- shifting and treacherous.

The Eye opened to its fullest a complete sun-iurn earlier than expected, and hung red and swollen in the sky. Meeting Nights were full of unanswerable questions and nameless fears. Blind Night, the night of greatest darkness, was coming. Some whispered that this time the darkness would bring the os.

The os was on the tongues of many, and in the minds of more…

Below the ground, the Great One on his carrion throne of death and dying worked a web of curious forces. Energies beat and pulsed through his seat of power so intensely that sometimes the air itself in the Cavern of the Pit became as solid and resisting as water. Strange images waxed and waned, flickering at the edge of vision like lightning on the eyelids of a sleeper. At times, now, none but the Boneguard could attend the Lord of All, and the Claws would stand muttering in the tu

Even Tailchaser, on the periphery of Vastnir's main arteries, could sense the imminence of… something. Scratchnail had ceased talking altogether- mumbling and howling alike-and plodded along with a dull, lifeless sheen on his deep eyes. He stopped incessantly to scratch, gouging at his dark fur with crimson claws until it seemed he must draw blood. Fritti understood. His skin, too, was crawling.

The trio had paused by one of the main passages, looking down a dark, sloping access tu