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Nipslither, Toothguard

Nuzzledark, Toothguard

Pawgentle, Firsthome cat

Pawgrip, Vastnir prisoner

Pfefirrit, a prince of birds

Plink, Master, squirrel messenger

Pokesnout, Firsthome cat

Pop, Lord, squirrel-ruler

Pouncequick, Tailchaser's companion

Quiverclaw, First-walker Thane

Rebum, Mother, a frog

Redlegs, Cat-prince of Eatbugs' story

Renred, a mythological fox

Riptalon, Clawguard

Roofshadow, Firsa, Tailchaser's companion

RumblepuiT, Chamberlain of the Court of Harar

Satinear, a queen of the Folk

Scratchnail, Clawguard chieftain

Scuffledig, a First-walker

Shredfang, Clawguard

Skinwretch, Toothguard

Skoggi, raven father

Skydancer, Fela, mother of the Folk

Skystone, Irao, a prince of the Folk

Sleekheart, a prince of the Folk

Slipwhisker, Roof shadow's father

Slitbelly, Toothguard

Smackbush. Firsthome cat

Snagrat, cat in Hangbelly's song

Snap, Lord, squirrel-lord, brother of Lord Pop

Snapjaw, Clawguard

Snaremouse, Firsthome cat; dancer

Snifflick, Meeting Wall elder

Snoutscar, Clawguard overseer

Snufflenose, Roofshadow's brother

Softwhisker, Tailchaser's youngest sister

Sourweed, First-walker Thane

Squeakerbane, Ranking First-walker Thane

Streamhopper, Meeting Wall delegate

Stretchslow, Meeting Wall elder, Tailchaser's benefactor

Strongclaw, a prince of the Folk

Sunback, Queen Mirmirsor, the Queen of the Folk

Tailchaser, Fritti, our hero

Thinbone, Tailchaser's Meeting Wall friend

Treesinger, a princess of the Folk

Twitchnose, Snifflick's mate

Voienibble, Firsthome Master Old-singer

Wavetail, Meeting Wall elder

Whir, Mistress, mate of Master Fizz

Whitewind, Viror, one of the Firstborn Windflower, strange cat in Squeakerbane's story

Windruffle, a queen of the Folk Wolf-friend, a prince of the Folk

A, to; at; toward

Akor, eagle

An, sun

Ar, yes

Az, cat; person

Az-iri'le, "we-cats:" the Folk

Az'me, "earth-cat:" tree

Cef, water

Cefaz, "water-cat:"fish

Cir, sing; speak

Cu, sibling

Cu'nre, "heart-brother:"friend

E, hot

E'a, "toward-hot:" south

Erunor, sheep

Fa, jump

Fe, mother

Fela, female

Fik, loud, frightening

Fik'a, "loud-cat:" dog

Fikos, "terrifying badness"

Fla, run

Fla-fa'az, "run-jump-cat:" bird

Garrin, bear

Hat, father

Hlizza, snake

Iri, I; me

Iri'Ie, "many-me:

Ka, spirit; soul

Krauka, raven

La, birth

Le, many

Ma, away from; out of

Me, earth

Mela, "birth-ground:" nest

Mela'an, "sun-nest:" sky

Me'mre, "food-soil:" droppings

Meskra, hawk

Mre, eat; food

Mre'az, "food-cat:" mouse

Mii, sleep

Mri'fa, "sleep-jump:" dream

Mri'fa-o, "good dreaming:" good night

Nre, heart

Nre'fa, "heart-jump:" dance

Nre'fa-o, "good dancing:" hello; goodbye

O, good

Oel, master; chief

Oel-cir'va, "Master Old-singer"

Oel-var'iz, "master seer:" Far-senser

Os, bad, incorrect; wrong

Praere, rabbit

Pril, salmon

Qu, big

Ri, head

Rikchikchik, squirrel

Ruhu, owl

Tesri, deer

Tom (ptom), male

Ue, cold

Ue'a, "toward-cold:" north

Va'an, "old-sun:" west Vaka'az'me, "old-spirit-tree"

Var, sight; sense

Vez, young

Vez'an, "young-sun:" east

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