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Jade had taken great pains to keep her costume a secret, and she was irritated when she advanced into the room and several people greeted her by name.

The ball was not as much fun as it had been in previous years. Jade had hoped that she could spend some time with Raige, but as the evening progressed, it was apparent that he would not be attending.

Charlene appeared at Jade's side and whispered in her ear, "What a calamity. Everyone knows you are Juliet and I am Queen Elizabeth. Would it not be a lark if we exchanged costumes? I could be you for the evening and you could be me. Of course, we would have to speak as little as possible so no one would recognize our voices."

Jade was intrigued by the idea. "Oui, let's do it! I'm certain that we could fool everyone, because they would not be expecting it."

A short time later Jade emerged from Charlene's bedroom, where a maid had helped her dress in the dark green Elizabethan gown with lace ruff and red wig. Charlene was still in her room, being laced into Jade's costume.

Jade moved through the crowd of merrymakers until someone grabbed her about the waist and whirled her around the parquet floor.

"Charlene," he said laughingly, "you fooled no one with your disguise. We all knew you the minute we arrived."

Jade smiled, making no reply. The ball was becoming more amusing because of Charlene's plan.

It was later in the evening when the man dressed as a knight approached Jade and Charlene. He bowed before Charlene and spoke in a disguised voice, but they both knew it was Tyrone all the same.

"Fairest of the fair, my Juliet, you have won the heart of this knight," he said, unaware of the laughing glances the girls exchanged.

Delightedly, Jade watched her friend being led outside by Tyrone. Jade knew that Charlene desperately loved Tyrone, and she was certain that they would make an admirable couple, if only Tyrone would realize it for himself. Perhaps tonight Charlene would get her fondest wish.

Jade spent the rest of the evening dancing and posing as Charlene. The crowning moment came when Madame Brevelle mistook Jade for her daughter. But Jade soon became weary and made no objection when her father suggested they leave.

Once they were home, Jade went directly to her room. She undressed, carefully placing Charlene's costume across a chair so it would not be wrinkled-she would have someone return it tomorrow.

She climbed into bed and snuggled into the soft, downy mattress. As she lay there, she had the strongest feeling that something terrible was about to happen.

Her door opened slowly, and Lizette entered on tiptoes, placing a finger at her lips.

"Why are you up so late, little sister? You know Mama would scold you if she knew," Jade reprimanded mildly.

The precocious child plopped onto the foot of Jade's bed and propped her head on her hand. "Tell me all about the ball-was it glorious?"

"It's late, Lizette," she groaned. "I'll tell you every detail tomorrow."

Undaunted, Lizette swept a stray curl out of her face, looking smug. "Raige recognized you right away, didn't he?"

"Non he did not, little Miss Inquisitive. Raige did not even attend tonight."

Her sister looked perplexed. ' "Then why did he trick me into telling him you would be dressed as Juliet?"

"He did what! When?"

"Last week, when Mama and I were in New Orleans. I saw him at the bank and we talked while Mama was speaking to Mr. Franchette. Before I realized what he was about, he had tricked me into revealing your costume." She raised up on her knees. "I didn't mean to tell him, but he is very clever."

Jade smiled at her sister. "It is of no consequence since he did not go to the ball. Now off to bed with you-I am weary."

Her sister moved off the bed and walked to the door. "You promise to tell me about the ball in the morning?"

"I promise."

Lizette nodded and left, closing the door behind her.

Forgetting about her earlier premonition of disaster, Jade fell into a peaceful sleep, not knowing that at that moment, events were taking place that would bring the world crashing down on her!

Wearing black and disguised as Romeo, Raige moved about the ballroom, searching for Jade. When he did not see her, he moved out the door and into the garden.

The night was aglow with millions of stars and he quelled his impatience to be with his love. She must be wondering why he had not come to see her for several weeks. Tonight he would explain to her that he had been overseeing the redecoration of Tanglewood because he wanted it to be perfect when he brought her home as his bride.

Hearing voices on the other side of the box hedge, Raige rounded the corner and stopped in his tracks, feeling as if his heart had just been ripped from his body. For there, with the moonlight illuminating her distinctive red gown, was Jade in another man's arms.

Charlene knew it was wrong to keep up the pretense, but it was wonderful to be alone with Tyrone and have him make love to her, even if he thought she was Jade.

"You can't marry Raige," Tyrone said, pulling her into his arms. "You love me."

Charlene said nothing, but nestled against him. Neither knew that they were being observed by jealous eyes, golden eyes that closed for a moment, feeling the agony of betrayal.

"You do love me; you know you do," Tyrone stated with assurance.

Trembling, Charlene could only nod. Oui, she loved him and she would steal this moment of happiness for herself. Surely it would do no harm. Tyrone's warm mouth bruised her tender lips in a kiss that made her giddy with delight.

"I knew it!" Tyrone exclaimed, tearing his mouth from hers. "Mother assured me that you cared for me, and if I placed my heart at your feet, you would not turn me away."

His companion did not answer.

"Jade, my dearest love, you ca

"He's right," a deep voice spoke up from the shadows. Raige moved into the light, his face a mask of fury. "I can see how it is, Jade." His eyes moved to the woman behind the red mask, the woman he had trusted with his love, the woman who had just admitted she loved Tyrone.

Tyrone stepped back, his arm going protectively around his Juliet. "I did not intend for this to happen, Raige, but I love Jade and she loves me."

Charlene knew that she should tell Raige that she was not Jade, but it would be too humiliating. Tyrone would hate her for pretending to be Jade.

Raige moved closer, his heated gaze on Tyrone. "You know what this means?"

"I do," Tyrone said with a sneer.

Raige worked his fingers out of his glove and slapped Tyrone across the face, leaving red welts. "Tomorrow in the gardens behind St. Louis Cathedral."

"I'll be there. My second will call on you early."

In a moment of wild panic, Charlene ran down the path, seeking the sanctuary of her room. She had to get away, to hide. Oh, God, what had she done!

Olivia awakened early and went for a long walk, trying to clear her mind. She was like a sleepwalker, because the dream she'd had last night had drained her of life and substance. She now knew what had caused the duel between Raige and Tyrone, and she had to find a way to stop it- but how?

As she approached the garden, she spied Betty Allendale picking fresh flowers.

"Good afternoon," Olivia said, stopping to admire the crimson-colored tulips and dipping her head to smell their light, delicate scent.

"Good afternoon," Betty replied stiffly, looking at the pale woman rather strangely. "Can I help you with something, miss?"