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Hugh wanted children right away. She'd been more cautious with her heart. Not anymore.

When she slipped back into bed, Hugh woke up.

"Where were you?" he murmured, drawing her close. She put her arms around his neck and melted into the warmth of his lean body. If she had her way, they would start trying to bring another life into the world this very night.

"Reading the journal. The end made me cry."

He was silent for a moment.

"Have you read it?"

He nodded. "I felt as if I knew Jonathan, the way he thought, the things he observed-"

More than you will ever know

"It's extraordinarily sad," Hugh continued, "how he never got a chance to thank that woman, to let her know how much her courage meant to him. She changed his world. She changed everything for the Lindseys."

"I know. But you know what? She knows."

He smiled, then pulled her closer. "How can you be so sure?"

She kissed his cheek, then whispered into his ear, "You just have to have faith in these things, darling." She kissed him again, told him she'd changed her mind about having a child right away, then laughed out loud at his expression of total joy.

In memory of my father.

I'd bring you back if I could.

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