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Chapter Two

In the fallen dusk, Olivia's steps were guided by the light from the Chinese lanterns that danced against stone walls. With one purpose in mind, she moved down the path at the back of the house in the direction of the rose arbor, knowing that something out of the ordinary was about to happen. She could hear music and laughter in the background, and was puzzled. Betty must be entertaining.

When she reached the arbor, Olivia went inside and sat on a cushioned bench. She was feeling sad and could not have said why.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Olivia pressed herself back against the bench, not wanting to see anyone just now. A form in the shape of a man detached itself from the shadows, and she knew at once that it was Raige Belmanoir!

His voice was deep and laced with humor. "I know you are here, Jade, so do not try to hide from me."

Olivia realized she must be dreaming again, only she was not seeing the dream as a third person, an onlooker-she was Jade St. Clair!

She watched as Raige's bold stare turned into a flashing smile. Her eyes fixed anxiously on his while he appraised her. She had first become aware that she loved Raige when she was only twelve years old. Tonight she was celebrating her seventeenth birthday, and he had not paid the slightest attention to her until this moment.

"I just came out for a breath of air," she said, fa

Raige moved closer to her and took the fan, her birthday gift from Tyrone, carelessly tossing it onto the cushion. "It is little wonder you escaped. Every gentleman in the room, be he old or young, wanted to dance with you."

"Not every gentleman, Raige. You did not ask me to dance," she said flirtatiously.

"Don't do that, Jade."

Her lashes swept over her eyes, a tactic that had worked magic on countless admirers. "Do what?" she asked, feigning i

"Never treat me like those simpletons who are satisfied with just a smile. It's more than flirting I want from you, Jade."

Excitement throbbed through her body like a raging tide. "I was not flirting with you. I don't know what you mean."

His voice was deep. "Do you not? Let's just say that I have an aversion to being just one of the adoring crowd."

She looked at him, admiring the cut of his green tailcoat. The matching trousers hugged his lean body, and an elaborately tied cravat circled his throat. He was tall and lithe, slender of waist and wide of shoulder, quite the handsomest man in three parishes. She raised her eyes to his, suddenly feeling shy.

He smiled as if he knew what she was thinking and feeling. Then he took her hand and studied the tapered fingers. "How could you not know that I am jealous of every man that looks at you?"

Jerking free, she clasped her hands behind her, still feeling the warmth of his touch. Jade felt as if butterflies were fluttering in her stomach. Of course Raige did not mean what he was saying; he had always teased her.

"You have been in Europe for almost a year, Raige; I believe you never gave me a thought in all mat time."

"You are wrong-I thought of you. And now I have returned to find you have grown into a young lady." His voice deepened and she thought she might faint when he sat down beside her. He was so near that she could feel his breath warm against her cheek.

"I have been waiting for you to grow up, Jade, and now you have."

She could imagine him saying this same thing to other females and it hurt so badly. Raige could have any woman he wanted. She had seen how silly girls simpered and giggled when he walked by. She had heard them sigh and make remarks about his manliness. She did not want him to think that she was like them.

"Please don't tease me anymore, Raige."

Standing, he pulled Jade up beside him, his eyes sweeping over her golden hair and dipping down to assess her beautiful face. "And why is mat?"

The night was like black velvet, without benefit of moon or stars. His eyes were probing, seeking, entering her mind and making her ache and tremble. Her tongue flicked out to moisten her dry lips, a move that was not lost to him. It was difficult for her to concentrate with him standing so near, touching her.

"As… as you said, I have grown up."

He touched her hair, his hand drifting down the silken curls, causing her to shiver with longing.

"It was your eyes that haunted me while I was away. Did you know I have never seen a woman with green eyes like yours?" Gently his hand went to her waist and he pulled her to him. She did not resist.

He took a guarded breath. "I have wondered what I would do when this moment came, Jade. Have you any notion how a man can ache for a woman? While I was gone, I could imagine the numerous admirers who might come to your door beseeching you to marry them."

There was fever in her blood and longing in her breast. He was only toying with her, but what did it matter-at last she was in his arms. "You have quite an imagination," she said, trying to show that she was immune to his charm.

"You missed me, Jade," he said with bold determination. "You ca

At that moment Jade knew that she could not bear to be just another of Raige's many conquests. She was determined to shake his cool confidence as he had shaken hers. "You hardly crossed my mind at all," she said, turning her back to him so he would not read the truth in her eyes. "And, yes, there have been many gentlemen who have asked me to be their wife, while you do no more than torment me, trying to make me think you really care."

He turned her around to face him and laughed triumphantly at the uncertainty he saw in her eyes. "What is it you think I want from you?"

She was very near tears. "To mock me, as always."

He placed his hands on either side of her face, forcing her to look at him. “Jade, I would sooner rip out my own heart than to hurt you. Do you not know that?"


He dipped his dark head, his lips lightly touching hers. She could neither breathe nor move as she clung to him.

When he raised his head, he gave her a devastating smile. "You see how it is with me?"

The chaste kiss he had given her so carelessly left her heart hungering for more. "N-no."

He moved away from her, as if he feared he would take her in his arms again if he did not put some distance between them. "How could you not know how I feel about you? Everyone else does."

She dared not hope he was being serious. "How can that be, when you have never paid the slightest bit of attention to me? Even tonight, when I had not seen you in over a year, you ignored me-and do not try to deny it."

He moved back to her, lightly touching her cheek. "My eyes followed you around the room all night. And when you danced with Tyrone, even though he is my friend, I wanted to rip you out of his arms. I have always felt that you belonged to me."

His words sent her heart soaring. The love she felt for him flowered until the pain was almost more than she could endure.

"What do you want from me, Raige?"

Gently his arms circled her and he cradled her against his chest so she could hear his heart thundering.

"Jade, my dearest love, I want the right to go to your father and ask for your hand in marriage. Will you grant me that right?"

As his words penetrated her thoughts, she stepped away from him. "You… want to marry me?"

He reached over her head and broke off a rose, handing it to her. She clutched the token to her. "There has never been a time when I considered anyone but you as mistress of Tanglewood."

Suddenly a swirling mist engulfed them both and she reached out to him, pricking her finger on the rose and dropping it to the floor of the arbor. He was gone, and she felt empty inside.