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'Who did this?'

'We do not know,Your Majesty. We only just discovered the body.'

'Who found him?'

Cato swallowed nervously. 'I did.'

'And I,' Julia added at once. 'Just inside the signal tower, Your Majesty.'

Vabathus looked from one to the other.'Was he still alive when you found him?'

Cato shook his head solemnly. 'He was already dead. We could not have saved him.'

Vabathus glanced down at the body and then looked at Thermon. 'I want the killer found. I don't care how you do it. I don't care how many suspects you have to torture. Find the killer.'

'Yes,Your Majesty. I'll see to it.'

'You had better. Someone will suffer for this!'Vabathus spat out. 'They'll die for it. If you can't find the killer, then you'll be put to death in their place.'

'Sir?' The chamberlain was startled, and drew back nervously before his master's vehemence.

Sempronius shook his head. 'That isn't right, Your Majesty. This man is blameless. I must protest that you should threaten him so.'

'Protest all you like, Roman,' Vabathus responded. 'This is my kingdom. My will is law here. Thermon will do as he is told, or pay the price. Just as my son has paid the price.' Vabathus' voice faltered as he glanced down again. 'I never said farewell to him. We parted on such bad terms, and he will never know that I loved him. How can a father endure that? I have lost him. Lost him for ever.' Vabathus lowered his head and his chest shook as more tears came.

Balthus drew a deep breath and spoke. 'Father, you still have me. I am still here, at your side.'

Vabathus looked up sharply. 'You? You are worthless to me. The one son who is incapable of responsibly ruling my kingdom is all that is left to me.'

Balthus froze, his lips pressing together in a thin line as his expression hardened into bitter hatred. 'I am responsible, Father. I had to fight my way here to your side. Have I not proved myself worthy of some respect, some affection?'

Vabathus stared at him for a moment and then shook his head sourly. 'You just want my throne when I am gone. Amethus would have been king, until… this.' He gestured at the body, wincing as he saw the torn flesh of his son's throat. 'Now he's gone. I imagine that you are gratified by this state of affairs, Balthus.You can't wait to have my crown. I can see it in your eyes.'

'Father, you have lost a son, and I have lost a brother. Can you not at least let me share your grief?' Prince Balthus warily extended his arms towards the king. 'Father?'

For a moment Vabathus gazed at his son with a pained expression. Then his eyes narrowed and he slapped Balthus' embrace aside and shrank back. 'Viper, how dare you? For all I know you are the one behind this. You and these Roman friends of yours.'

'Roman friends?' Balthus shook his head. 'Father, do you accuse me of this murder? My own brother? Flesh of my flesh? How could I?'

'I know you. I know your ambition.You desire nothing more than my throne.' The king's gaze flickered towards the ambassador and the other Romans in the room and Cato saw the fear in his eyes as he continued, 'Enemies. I'm surrounded by enemies.'

Sempronius shook his head. 'Your Majesty, I assure you that we are your loyal allies.We had nothing to do with the death of your son.'

Vabathus stared at him, unmoving, and Sempronius gestured towards Macro and Cato. 'Is not the presence of these two officers and their men proof of our good faith towards your kingdom? We are not your enemies. On the life of my daughter, whom I love above all things, I swear it.'

King Vabathus was still for a moment and then his shoulders sagged as he looked down at the body again. 'Leave me. All of you, leave me alone.'

Sempronius made to speak again but Thermon caught his eye and shook his head firmly, gesturing towards the door.The ambassador hesitated a moment, glancing towards the king, before he backed away slowly and quietly opened the door, ushering the two officers and his daughter outside. Thermon waited a moment before he whispered to Balthus.

'My prince?'

Balthus turned to him quickly and stepped in between the chamberlain and the king. 'You heard my father. Get out.'

'But…' Thermon tried to step round the prince but Balthus blocked him.


The king stirred and looked up. He drew a deep breath and shouted, 'Go! Both of you! Get out of my sight!'

Balthus turned round, mouth open to protest, but his father stabbed his finger towards the door. 'Go!'

Thermon hurried out, and then a moment later Balthus followed him, taking one last glance at his father before he closed the door.

Outside in the large open courtyard by the main gate the others waited and there was an awkward silence before Balthus spat with contempt. 'I know what you're thinking. You think I had Amethus killed.'

'Well, did you?' asked Cato.

'Does it matter what I say? You already know what you believe.'

Cato shook his head. 'Not yet. I want to hear it from your own lips. Did you kill him?'

'No,' Balthus replied immediately. 'There. Satisfied?'

Macro snorted with derision. 'Well, that proves nothing, friend. If you, or one of your retinue, didn't kill him, then who did?'

'Why not a Roman?' Balthus smiled faintly. 'You, perhaps.'

Macro slapped a hand to his chest. 'Me?'

'If the king has no heirs then Rome will find it easier to a

'And you have nothing to gain from your brother's death, I suppose,' Macro countered.'Other than the fact that he was your only rival for the crown.'

'That's enough, Centurion Macro!' Sempronius cut in harshly. 'Keep quiet.You're not helping.' He turned towards Balthus and moderated his tone with some difficulty. 'Prince, let's accept, for the moment, that neither party had a hand in your brother's death. We can't afford to let ourselves become divided on this matter. Not while an enemy army surrounds us.You might think you have good reason to suspect us, just as we have good reason to suspect you. And, for now, it seems that the king suspects everyone. We have to put the matter aside until the siege is over.'

'Put the matter aside?' Balthus mused. He turned to Thermon. 'What do you say, old man? You've been my father's adviser as long as I can remember. Do you think he will put the murder of his son aside?'

Thermon paused a moment before he replied. 'His Majesty's mind will be filled with grief for some days.Then, when Prince Amethus has had his funeral, I believe the king will not rest until he has discovered the identity of the killer and avenged his son.'

'Very well,' said Sempronius. 'We have a few days' grace then. Let there be no more exchange of suspicions. After the funeral we'll all cooperate with the king to find the killer. Agreed?'

Balthus nodded. 'Now, if you don't mind, I would like to return to my quarters so that I might grieve in private.'

'Of course.'

Balthus nodded curt farewells to Cato and Macro before he turned to Julia. 'My lady, I trust that when this is all over we may come to know each other better.'

Julia forced a smile. 'I hope so, Prince Balthus.'

He took her hand, raised it and then bowed his head to kiss it, lingering as his lips grazed her flesh. Julia remained motionless until he released her hand and then she drew back a step.

'I bid you all good night then,' Balthus said quietly, then turned away and strode back towards his quarters.

They watched him for a moment before Cato gently took Julia's hand and muttered, 'Are you all right?'

She trembled. 'That man makes my flesh creep.'

'You did well, daughter,' Sempronius said with quiet pride. 'He would never have guessed your feelings.'

'I wouldn't be worried if he had.'