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'Stay there. I'll look.'

Cato crouched low and eased himself into the entrance, feeling across the stone floor. His fingers brushed against cloth, and he probed further until he discovered a limb, a leg encased in a soft boot. Taking hold of the ankle he dragged the body out into the moonlight and stood up. The man's dark outer robe was pulled up over his head.

'Who is it?' Julia asked. 'Is he… dead?'

'Only one way to find out,' Cato muttered as he leaned over and pulled the loose fold of material down to reveal the face. The dark wavy hair and handsome features of a nobleman emerged into the dim light.As Cato continued to draw the robe back they saw the ragged slash that cut right across his throat. The garments on his upper body were drenched in blood and glistened in the moonlight.

Julia touched her hands to her mouth.'Oh, no…Prince Amethus.'

08 Centurion


The corpse lay on a low table in the guard room close to the gate. Cato had run to find Macro and between them they had carried the body here. Julia had arrived a moment later with her father.

'Then it's true.'The ambassador nodded as he drew back the robe and made out the dead man's features, streaked with blood. 'Prince Amethus.'

Julia glanced at the face and quickly looked away. 'Poor man.'

Sempronius flicked the robe back so that it covered the jagged tear in Amethus' throat, but left his face exposed. 'This has complicated the situation somewhat.'

'Really?' Macro folded his arms. 'I'd have thought it made things simpler. With one son his father's enemy and another dead, that clears the path to the throne for Prince Balthus.Which makes him the most likely suspect, don't you think?'


Cato thought back to the end of the banquet and shook his head. 'No. Balthus was one of the last to leave. Just before us, and he left with some of the nobles. He couldn't have done it. He wouldn't have had the time.'

'Maybe so,' Macro conceded. 'But then it's obvious. He was setting up an alibi while someone else did the deed on his orders. Balthus is our man all right. He certainly had a strong motive.You remember what he said to us on the way here, Cato? All for taking the throne and disposing of his brother, with our blessing. It looks as if he's not prepared to wait any longer.'

Cato nodded slowly as he thought it over. 'It certainly appears that way.'

'Appears?' Macro frowned.'Who else do you think could be behind this?'

'I don't know.'

'Have you sent anyone to notify the king?' asked Sempronius.

'No,' Cato replied. 'We thought it best to tell you first, sir. So you could be prepared.'

'Prepared?' Sempronius raised his eyebrows.'Prepared for what? Surely you don't think I had anything to do with this?'

'We assumed that you didn't, sir. But it's always best to have time to think a situation through before you have to act on it.'

'There is that. Anyway, we'd better let the king know. Prefect, I want you to find Thermon. Tell him what has happened and tell him to inform the king at once. Then I want you to post one of your best men outside Prince Balthus' quarters. They're not to be obtrusive. I want him watched for any suspicious activity, understand?'

'Yes, sir.'

'Then go.'

'Julia.' Sempronius undid the folds of his toga and tossed it to one side. 'Help me clean the body up. I don't think the king should have to see him this way.'

'Yes, Father.' Julia turned to meet Cato's eyes just before the latter turned towards the door. She shook her head in regret at their lost opportunity and Cato nodded in understanding. Then he turned away and hurried from the guard room.

Thermon was still fully dressed when he came to the door of his quarters in response to Cato's sharp rapping.

'Prefect? What is it?'

Cato nodded towards the guard who had escorted him from the entrance of the royal quarters. 'In private.'

Thermon sent the guard away and, when they were alone, tilted his head to one side. 'Well, what is it?'

'Prince Amethus is dead. Murdered.'

'Murdered?' Thermon clasped his hands together. 'What happened?'

'Someone cut his throat. I found the body.' Cato paused to clarify the detail to avoid any suspicion.'The ambassador's daughter and I found Amethus. At the bottom of the signal tower. Someone must have followed him when he left the banquet, knocked him cold and dragged him there before killing him.'

'How could you know that?'

'Amethus had no reason to be there, and his blood was pooled around him. There were no drag marks on the ground.'

Thermon nodded at the explanation. 'Has anyone told the king yet?'

'No. That's why I'm here. Sempronius thought it would be better coming from you.'

'He's probably right. I'll do it at once. Where is the body?'

'The guard house beside the gates.'

'Who's with the body at the moment?'

'Centurion Macro, the ambassador and his daughter.'

'Then find the commander of the Royal Guard, and Prince Balthus. Have them join us there.'

Prince Balthus was the last to arrive. He had changed into a simple nightshirt and was attended by his slave, Carpex. Cato had not told him the reason for his summons, only that the king's chamberlain had required him to attend. Balthus swaggered into the guardhouse with an irritated expression.

'Someone mind telling me what in Hades is going on?'

A small group stood round the table and as they turned towards the new arrival Balthus could see the body, and his father leaning over it, staring at the face of his dead son. Balthus hurried across the room and then slowed down as he recognised his brother.

'Amethus? Dead?'

Thermon nodded. 'Yes, Prince.'

Balthus stared at the body for a moment. 'When did this happen?'

'Shortly after the end of the banquet.'

Cato coughed.'We don't know that yet. Prince Amethus left before the banquet was over. His killer could have been waiting for him outside, or it might have been one of the guests who left shortly afterwards.'

'I see.' Balthus turned his gaze towards his father. Vabathus was sitting on a stool beside the body, staring at the still face. Dull unblinking eyes stared back at him. The old king lifted his hand and gently stroked the hair of his dead son, teasing it away from the forehead. One of the locks slid back into place the moment his father's hand passed over it. King Vabathus smiled fondly. 'He always did have unruly hair, even as a small boy… My son, my little boy.'

He leaned forward and kissed his son's forehead, then pressed his cheek against Amethus' head as the first tears trickled down his creased and weathered face.

No one else spoke.They stood quite still and watched as Vabathus grieved for his son. At length, Balthus knelt down opposite his father and hesitantly reached over the table to put his hand on his father's shoulder.

'Father. I'm so sorry.'

Vabathus continued weeping, his chest heaving convulsively, quite oblivious of those standing around him. Even as august a figure as a king was reduced to a mere man, and a father, before the body of his son. Cato wanted to offer some comfort, some help, but knew that even now, in this most intimate of situations, there were boundaries of rank that he must not cross. He felt someone's hand slip into his and glanced round as Julia looked up at him, and he saw that she shared his feelings, and sense of powerlessness.

Eventually, Thermon cleared his throat and spoke softly. 'Your Majesty… Is there something I can do?'

When there was no response, Thermon leaned closer to his king and spoke again. 'Would you like us to leave you alone for the present?'

Vabathus blinked away the tears and sat up. Prince Balthus leaned back and rose to his feet. The king frowned and looked round at the others, as if they were complete strangers, until his eyes fixed on Thermon.