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"I don't want anything from you."

"Don't you?" she asked. The metal flower moved and Shrike screamed. Spyder froze where he was.

"All right," he said. "Anything you want. I'll do it." Out of the corner of his eye he could see Lulu, also frozen in place, her face drained of all color.

Madame Cinders put her cheek next to Spyder's. "Will you kill your deviant friend for me? Just for my amusement?" Spyder didn't answer. "No? You care about her that much? Good. I'll keep her with the other to keep you from developing foolish ideas."

"What do you want with me?" asked Spyder. "You're becoming one of the gods now. You can have anyone you want."

She smiled at him brightly. "I want you because you have the power. I can't have that just wandering around in the world," she said. "And because I don't like you, and it will kill you to stay with me, but you will anyway because of these two." She moved her hand toward Shrike and Lulu. "You know nothing about power. But I'll teach you," she said, and leaned in to kiss Spyder on the lips. As their lips came together something sizzled in the air and they were both thrown apart by an electric shock that seemed to burn through every muscle in Spyder's body.

Madame Cinders grabbed onto the gurney and quickly pulled herself from the floor. "Why did you do that?" she screamed, her face a deep and furious crimson.

"I didn't do anything," said Spyder. "It just happened."

"It was very rude. I'll teach you never to be rude to me again." She turned toward Lulu and raised her hand. Spyder jumped in front of her and pulled Lulu behind him. But instead of hurling a spell at them, Madame Cinders doubled over in pain and hit the floor screaming.

"What is this? What have you done?" she yelled.

"It's not my fault," said Spyder. "I didn't expect you to eat it, you silly bitch."


"John the Baptist's heart. I hid it in the spine of the book. I thought it would maybe make the magic not work. I sure as hell didn't see this coming:"

Madame Cinders fell on her stomach, her body convulsing, her shoulders twitching. Her head snapped up and lolled to the side. Her eyes were pearl white and flames seemed to dance inside. She drew in a long, harsh breath that began as a hissing in her lungs, rising in intensity until it was the growl of a rabid wolf. Boils, red and livid, grew and burst along her right arm and spread across her body. Her white hijab, now stained with her blood, began to smoke as her skin gave off a black incandescent glow. Her bones were visible beneath the skin, and soon the skin itself was peeling and dropping off in long, dry strips. She seemed to shrink, as if something were draining her from the inside. Runes rose like welts on her blackened skin.

Whatever force she used to control her mechanical flower suddenly broke and Shrike fell to the floor. Spyder ran over and took Shrike's face in his hands. "You all right? Talk to me." He held her until she opened her eyes. "You can't get away from me that easy," he said.

"Look," said Lulu, pointing to Madame Cinders.

The witch was on her feet, her arms out, using every bit of her strength to keep her balance. She seemed paralyzed in place, unable to move. Suddenly, her head snapped toward Spyder. She took one step and the thin blackened skin that still covered her bones, sloughed off and fell to the floor like boiling tar. Her bones sank into the thick mess and disappeared.

Spyder and Lulu tried to pull Shrike to her feet, but she screamed in pain. Spyder lifted her shirt and found the deep bruising and cracked ribs. Her skin was lacerated with the serrated tooth marks of the orchid's blades. Without thinking about it, he lay his hands on her and closed her eyes. Soon, he could hear Shrike's breathing become slow and steady. A few minutes later, she could stand on her own.

They searched every room in the tower until they found Shrike's father-alive, though frail and confused. Wrapping him in a blanket they found in the guards' barracks room, they bundled the old man down from the tower.

Madame Cinders' servants waited anxiously in the courtyard as the four came out.

"We need a coach and horse," Shrike told them. The servants didn't need to be told twice.

They rode back through the Medina and just managed to squeeze the cart into the tu

When they reached the old cavalry stables, Lulu asked, "What's it going to be like back home, you think?"

"I don't know," said Spyder. "You're covered, I guess, but I might have to leave town. We'll see."

"Going to be weird to be back. You know with a full set of eyes and insides and skin."

"Weird's not so bad when you get used to it."

"No shit."

They stepped down from the coach, but when Spyder turned to help Shrike and her father, they were gone.


Worshipping Crocodiles

"Oh, you poor things," said Mrs. Porter.

When they got back to San Francisco, Spyder and Lulu, broke and shaky, managed to hitch a ride with the Porters, a family on vacation from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, who'd had their bags stolen off the luggage carousel at SFO.

The Porters were very sympathetic to the nice Texas couple they found stranded at Fisherman's Wharf, after Spyder fed them a story about their brand new Toyota hatchback being stolen. After they'd all piled into the Porters' SUV, with both parents and three kids, Lyle Porter, the husband, launched into a nonstop monologue all the way to Spyder's warehouse.

"These people they got workin' at the airport, they're not stealing to be evil. Where they're from, stealing's a way of life. Everybody does it, from the president to the police chief, from the school teachers to the local witch doctor. Every one of 'em's a goddam thief. Hell, if I was in their shoes, I'd probably steal, too. But this is America. We don't need to do that kind of shit, pardon my French, here. You work hard and you get your reward. But, I suppose, when you're raised worshipping crocodiles or some such nonsense, anything goes. Am I right?"

"Right as rain, Lyle," said Spyder, hoping they got home soon or got hit by a semi.

Lulu crashed with Spyder that first disembodied night back. Realizing he had no idea where his keys were, Spyder had to wheel over a dumpster from the car repair place next door, then climb onto the roof and drop down into the upper loft through a skylight. In the morning, Spyder found his battered old hardback of Naked Lunch on the bookshelf and pulled out the hundred dollars in emergency money he kept hidden in the spine. He and Lulu got on his old bike, an oil-leaking Kawasaki Police 1000, and Spyder took her back to her place in the Mission.

For the duration of the ride, Spyder obsessively checked his mirrors and sca


He left the Kawasaki parked between an art car covered in plush toys having sex with naked Barbies and a Jews for Jesus panel truck. He went into the Long Life Cupboard health food store. Immediately, his stomach was burning and his shoulders were one big knot of tension. Spyder's fight-or-flight instincts were locked on high alert for any fu