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Shrike smiled and leaned against him.

"Maybe we can go to your place and try that first meeting again."

"On one condition."


"Teach me magic. I'm going out of my mind. I can't control it. I dreamed about my younger self the other night and in the morning the street outside was full of all the cars I'd ever stolen."

Shrike stroked his hair and nodded.

"I can only teach you the little I know. But there are others who can teach you more." She shrugged. "I'm going to take back my kingdom from the brigands who now hold it. If you come along, learn to control your power, we can figure out a way to drive the Dominions back into the oblivion where they belong."

Spyder ran his hands down Shrike's back, thrilling to her warmth and smell, the reality of her presence.

"It's sweet, how you have no ambition," he said.

"I'll have to leave this Sphere to get ready. You'll come with me?"

"There's not much holding me here," he said. "I can't go without telling Lulu."

"In the morning," said Shrike. "In the morning."

Shrike climbed onto the back of Spyder's bike and wrapped her arms around him. Spyder kicked over the motor and gu

They were gone.

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