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'How interesting.'

'Still, he lived long enough to spill the beans. He was very a

'Yes, well, he would be, I imagine,' Kate said.

'General Ferguson's due any minute, with Blake Johnson. I'd tell you who Blake is, but I'm sure you already know, don't you, Kate? I'd listen to what they have to say if I were you.'

She turned and went back to her brothers. They had their heads together for a while when Charles Ferguson appeared at the head of the stairs by the bar, with Ha

'So, Mr Dillon,' Paul Rashid said. 'What an extraordinary tale you have told my sister.'

'The eyewitness account is even better,' Blake told him. 'I was there. Liam Casey tried to shoot me and I was the one who shot him in the stomach. The wound killed him eventually, but we had a fine old chat, did Liam and me.'

'You can't prove any of this, you know,' Paul Rashid said.

'You're right,' Charles Ferguson told him. 'Not yet. But we intend to, Rashid. I intend to pursue you to the ends of the earth. Dillon here is particularly looking forward to it.'

'Is that so?' Paul Rashid smiled. 'It would appear you are declaring war on me, General Ferguson.'


Rashid stood up, followed by his two brothers and sister. 'Beware. I could declare jihad on you myself. But I do not think that will be necessary. Will it, General?'

He walked out, the others followed. Blake said, 'You really pushed him, Charles.'

Ferguson said, 'I intended to.' He looked at Ha

'You didn't leave him much room to manoeuvre.'

He turned to Dillon. 'And you?'

'Me?' Dillon laughed. 'Jesus, your honour. I'm just a simple Irish boy. What intrigued me was the fact that he didn't actually deny any of it.'

'Well, he's your business now,' Ferguson told Dillon. 'Stay on his case.'


'Are you querying my orders, Superintendent?'

Dillon said, 'Oh, don't worry. She's good at taking orders, General, however stupid they are. I'm the one who looks at things differently, but then, as we both know, I've always been a little mad. Come on, Ha

At Kate Rashid's house, Paul held a council of war with the other three.

'It's damn unfortunate Casey survived.'

'Even more unfortunate that Aidan Bell was economical with the truth,' Kate told him.

'True, but it's only to be expected with people like him. I'm going to let it go for now. I still need him.'

'So what happens now?'

'I think I'll teach Ferguson a lesson. He made Dillon into a direct threat, so it's time to get rid of Dillon.' He turned to Michael. 'That's your task. Use Ali Salim, from the Party of God. He's good enough. Only, keep out of it yourself.'

'And when do you want this business handled, brother?'

'As soon as possible. If Salim is available, let him get on with it now. But leave it up to him. You're a good boy, Michael, but not against the Dillons of this world.' He turned to Kate. 'You agree?'

'Absolutely.' She kissed Michael on the cheek. 'Just give it to Ali Salim.'

Dillon and Ha

'You want something to eat?' Dillon asked.

'I had scrambled eggs with Ferguson at his place.' He sat down. 'I've spoken to the President. He thinks Paul Rashid is nuts.'

'Then if he is, so am I.' Dillon shook his head. 'The curse of our civilization these days has been the unrestricted growth of capitalism and the interference of Western companies into places like Arabia, intent only on making a buck. We're from societies that think money is everything. What we should realize is we can be dealing with people who think it means nothing, and the Bedu are like that.'

'That's all right for Rashid,' Blake said. 'He is a pretty rich Bedu.'

'Yes, but everything he's involved in is Bedu-controlled, Rashid-controlled. There's a difference. Anyway, do you want to walk round to my place, have a drink there?'

'I'm parked outside, we can drive,' Blake said.

He went out with Ha

Ali Salim was a Yemeni Arab of thirty-five with wild eyes and a dark, pockmarked skin. He had accepted the contract without hesitation and made light of Dillon's reputation.

'So, this one is trouble, you say? I will give him more trouble than he has ever known. Where will I find him?'

They were in the sitting room of Ali's flat near Marble Arch. He opened a drawer and took out a Beretta. Michael was confused and unhappy. He found the man disturbing, but then his brother had been insistent that he stay out of the affair personally.

'He lives in Stable Mews, number five. I'll take you there in my car and drop you off.'

'Then let's do it.' Ali took a bunch of keys from a drawer. 'Picklocks, just in case he's not there to answer the door. Keep your money. This I do for your beloved brother, who is an example to us all.'

Dillon unlocked the front door and led the way in, Ha

Ali grabbed Ha

Blake grabbed at Ali Salim's legs and was hit across the head again. Dillon got to his feet and reached inside the chimney to where he kept his ace in the hole, a Walther suspended from a nail by the trigger guard.

His hand swung up and he shot Ali Salim between the eyes, hurling him back over a chair. Ali writhed on the ground, blood all over his face, and Dillon stepped close and shot him twice in the heart.

He dropped to one knee and checked Ha

'Rosedene? Dillon. There's been a major incident. Superintendent Bernstein's been shot three times. We're at my house. Get over here right away.'

He went into his bedroom, ransacked a cupboard and returned with two or three field service wound packs. 'Get these on her, Blake,' he said -Johnson was on his feet, looking no worse for wear – and went to Ali's body, searched it and came up with a wallet.

He phoned Ferguson. When the General answered, he said, 'I came back to my house with Ha

'Dear God,' Ferguson said.

'If I were you, I'd notify her family. I'll send Blake with her. I'll stay here to clean up.'

'Leave it to me,' Ferguson said, managing to stay calm.

Dillon used the phone again. There was an instant reply. 'Dillon here, I've got a disposal for you. Immediate. The consignment is at my place.'

'On our way,' a voice said.

Dillon replaced the receiver, the doorbell rang, and when he answered, three paramedics came in with a stretcher. He led the way into the sitting room, where Blake crouched by Ha