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'You couldn't have paid me a greater compliment.'

Dillon slid from behind the piano and joined the group.

'Lady Loch Dhu,' Ferguson said formally, and they all stood.

'Sit, gentlemen.' They eased down. 'I thought you'd like advance notice of today's news. American and Russian oil interests have agreed on terms for exploration in Hazar and the disputed Empty Quarter with Rashid Investments. There's been strong movement on the stock exchange for a family-owned firm, and me as Executive Chairman.' She smiled. 'Huge movements in New York and the City of London. We've jumped to seven billion. My accountants tell me it makes me the richest woman in the world.'

Ferguson managed a smile. 'Excellent, my dear.' 'I was sure you'd think that, General.' There was silence. Dillon said, 'Get it done, Kate.'

She turned and actually smiled. 'Sorry, Dillon. I just wanted to say that I intend to destroy all of you. It's the Arab half of me, you see. I had three brothers, now I'm on my own.'

'And how do you intend to do it?' he asked gently.

'It doesn't really matter. I believe in the old saying that revenge is a dish best enjoyed cold. I can wait.' She smiled again. 'But it does leave you gentlemen on the dangerous edge of things. When you start the car, will it blow up? The footfall in the darkness, is it an assassin?'

'Do what you like, darling,' Harry Salter told her. 'People have been trying to knock me off for the last forty years.'

Ferguson said, 'My thanks for the advance warning. Very civilized.'

She smiled at Dillon. 'Don't forget me, Sean, and remember the Dauncey family motto: I always return.'

She walked away, supremely beautiful, the epitome of elegance.

Dillon watched her go and said softly, 'Oh, I won't forget you, girl.'

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