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The head, was purple, glistening, and the skin was stretched sotight itseemed about ready to burst. The blue veins stood out like unminedmineral under the reddish skin.

Sybil sucked on his testicles a while, one after the other, whileshe ran a finger partway up his anus. He moaned with the delight of the mouthand tongueand the finger. Then she ran her tongue lightly along the shaft ofhis peter, wet his pubic hairs with her tongue, and took the big head into herlips. Hertongue trembled on the slit of the glands, and her lips moved noisilywith their sucking. The edges of her teeth brushed against the tight tenderskin.

He blew into her mouth with a writhing of belly muscles and hipsand a feeling of flying apart.

Sybil continued to suck, having swallowed the fluid. She workedat him, occasionally stopping to murmur endearing words. His dong began torise again, and when it was fully rigid, he told her to lie down. He got down ontop of herand eased his prick into the slit until their pubic hairs werecrushing eachother. He lay there for some time, luxuriating in the warmth and themoisture and the tenderness. Her sphincter muscle squeezed on his cock, gentlyworkingit.

"I'm no superman, you know, Sybil," he said. "Once or twice anight, and I'mdone for, usually. But when I was at Igescu's that hog of a woman, Grasatchow, put a suppository up my rectum that acted as an aphrodisiac and anenergysource. And last night they gave me a drink that had the same effect. Maybe someof that effect is still with me, which is why I could get a hard-onso quicklyafter coming. Or maybe it's just because I've been so long withoutyou, andyou're my aphrodisiac. Anyway, I love you, and I intend to fuck all day." "I love you, too," Sybil panted. "Do you want to move now, Herald?"

He began to thrust, slowly at first and then more swiftly as hefelt the tide in him increasing its forward swings. He came with a moan at thesame time that she screamed with ecstasy. Tears rolled down her face onto thepillow.

His speculation that the drug he had taken was still affectinghim was probably true. He lost some rigidity after the shooting out of hissperm, but hekept his peter in her, and within a minute or two it was rigid andapparentlyready to tap on new reserves.

However, this time, the gray liquid in him would not rise sosoon. He hammered her for what seemed like fifteen minutes and though theecstasy builtup, he could not come. Sybil was having one orgasm after another. Hereyes wereopen and her hands were flung out and she was rolling her head backand forth and groaning and weeping.

Suddenly, she gave a scream and seemed to fall unconscious. Hewas not worried, since she had behaved like this frequently. When she had anespeciallyexquisite orgasm, she would faint.

But the white body beneath him became reddish. The smooth butwet-slipperyskin was covered with hairs as red as an Irish setter's and as wet as if it had just climbed out of the water. The face became elongated and snouted, the longhead hairs shrank to a bristle, the eyes shifted towards the side ofthe head, the small and delicate ears became large hairy pointed organs.

The long-fingered well-manicured hands became paws with blunthooked nails. The legs on his shoulders became hairy, and a big hard penis wasagainst hisbody. It was spurting jism over his belly and down onto his own cock, which was buried to the hairs in the hairy anus of the creature.

It was too late for him to stop. He had been just on the verge ofejaculating as the metamorphosis took place. Moreover, he hadsuspected thatthis thing was not Sybil. She had been too blase about the change ofshape ofPlugger, too calm about what was happening, and too eager to fuckhim. Sybilmight have wanted to fuck him, but she would have been too afraid ofemptyinghim and so making their captors angry. This thing should have beenafraid of that, too, and probably had been, but it could not resist thetemptation to getthe power and the glory of the Captain's cock all to herself.

That had been the thing's undoing. It had become overwhelmed andhad lost control. Apparently, it still was not aware of this.

He exploded inside the red-haired ass of the creature.

The intensity of the orgasm was such that, afterwards, he feltalmost forgiving. Almost but not quite.

Panting, he lay for a while on top of the wet and hairy body.

Then he got off the bed and seized its neck between his hands. Itwas as tall and almost as heavy as he, but it was terrified. Its brown eyesbulged outas its air was squeezed off, and its paws flailed.

Childe turned, swinging it off its feet, and then dragged it byits ears to the door. He shouted until the door was opened and then he shoved thething outwith a kick just under its long bushy tail. The three who received itlooked shocked.

"That'll be the last trick you play on me!" he shouted. "Where ismy wife? You had better produce Sybil, and quick, or you'll get nothing out ofme anymore! No matter what you do!"

The thing got off the floor, rubbing its spine with a paw, andwhined. It said something, but the shape of the mouth was not appropriate forhuman speech.

"Kill it!" Childe shouted. "Kill it and prove to me that you did! And then bring me Sybil, my wife, alive and well!"

The door was swung inwards and locked. He raged around the roomfor a while. Finally, he burst into tears and wept for a long time. Then he got upand took a shower and dressed again. Pao and the big Swedish-type blond, O'Brien, entered.


At nine that evening, Forry Ackerman and four Tocs, includingAlys Merrie, set out for their rendezvous. Forry had had to exercise hisimagination to therupture point to explain to Wendy why he wasn't going to the monthlysoiree with her and to the host and hostess why he couldn't make it. He didn'tthink he satisfied anybody with his excuses, but certainly they were far moresatisfactory than the truth.

The rain had stopped for several hours after five o'clock, andsome of the clouds overhead thi

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Just before he left, Forry received a call from Wendy. The partyhad been called off, even though most of the guests lived within a few milesof the house where the monthly party of science-fiction people and normals wasbeing held. Itshould have been canceled days before, but the hostess was unusuallystubborn.

He sighed with relief. Telling the lies had burdened him down, and at the same time he resented the burden. Why should he worry about breakingan engagement for a party when the fate of the world depended on what heand the Tocs did tonight? Nevertheless, he did worry.