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Tocs, whowould not be materialized. And Pao must be trying to guess whatChilde was contemplating- How could he avoid the conclusion that the Tocs mightbe the goodones, if his own father was a Toc?

"Byron was a very talented but a very evil man," Pao said slowly. "Historydoes not reveal how evil, though there are hints. The world neverknew the storybehind the story, of course. If it had, it would have executed him. Iam sorryto say that about your father, but it has to be said. Fortunately foryou, wesaved you from the Tocs."

The implication was that they had also saved him from followingthe evil ways of his father.

"I have a lot of thinking to do," Childe said, "so I'd like to bealone. What are your plans for me today, if any?"

Pao spoke in an apologetic tone. "The Tocs will be gathering foran attack on this house. Time is more essential than ever because of this. We were hopingthat you would be quite rested by evening and ready for anotherGrailing."

"See me after di

stopped her. "I'll save my power." Pao looked pleased at this, but the woman frowned and bit her

lip. Sheturned to go, but Childe said, "One moment, Vivie

She said, "I must be dimly conscious. When I came to, all puttogether, Iremembered vaguely what went on. It was like a poorly remembereddream."

"Can you have an orgasm when you're disco

"Not that I remember. If you were getting revenge, you got a paleshade of it, just as I probably got a pale shade of orgasm."

Childe said, "I can understand even the weirdness of the others, since theyare known in folklore and superstition. But I have never heard ofyour type. Wasyour kind ever known among humans?"


"That thing was human?" "Yes. You see, when we succeeded in rematerializing in 1562, weconstructed ourself in our present arrangement. We can do that within certainlimits, youknow. We have to conform to biological laws, but if you have greatknowledge youcan do things with matter that you humans would think impossible.

"We had talked about just such a symbiosis as this, where wecould double the intensity of our sexual activities. So we materialized with thisstructure. Only we made a mistake. I did, rather. I had an idea that if I couldbe separated into various parts, and these parts could also have asexual life, orgasm, that is, and the parts could communicate each other'sorgasms...well itdidn't work out that way."

Childe wondered if he was being told the truth. It seemed toofantastic. Would anybody deliberately build herself like this? Wasn't it morelikely thather enemies, the Tocs, had caught her as she and the thing wererematerializingand shaped her like this? He did not know why they would do it, butit was more probable that someone would do this to another for a sadistic jokethan that anyone would purposefully do it to herself.

"Both of us had very traumatic experiences in our fifteenth- century lives," she was saying. "He was hanged and burned at the same time, and I wasburned at the stake."

"You were a witch?" Childe said. "Then all the witches burned were not i

"Oh, no! I wasn't i

"No, I didn't know," he said. "Who were you? Anybody I mightknow?"

"I think so." she said. "I was Joan of Arc. And the being in mywomb was Gilles de Rais."


After the two Ogs had left, Childe lay down on the bed. Sybil hadheard onlythe last five minutes, so he went over the entire conversation withher. She said, "I always thought Joan of Arc was unjustly burned by theEnglish, that shehad been proved i

"She was condemned by the Church, but it was the Church thatlater removed the charge and then canonized her. I think that that happened becauseshe was too big a hero to the French."

"I don't understand," Sybil said. "What was Vivie

"Maybe for herself. Who knows what she intended to do after shehad saved the nation for the French ruler? It's possible that she meant to takeover from him or perhaps to control France through him. She may even haveintended to drive the English out and then invade England and bring both nationsunder one ruler again. I didn't ask her what she and de Rais meant to do. ButI'll have a chance later on. Just now, I'm too stu

"Who was Gilles de Rais?"

"He was a Grand Marshal of France, one of the best warriors andgenerals theFrench had. He was also savagely sadistic, a psychotic homosexual whoabducted, tortured, mutilated, and sacrificed hundreds of little boys. Littlegirls, too, I think. A member of the royalty or the nobility could get away witha lot in those days, but he went too far. He was charged with witchcraft, ritual murder, and a number of other things, including sodomy, I think. He wasexecuted and quite properly, too. Few people have ever been so bestial. He madeJack the Ripper look like a gentle old fuddy-duddy."

Sybil shuddered but did not say anything. He got off the bed andundressed while she looked wide-eyed at him.

"Take your clothes off," he said. "Because I want to make love to you. Is that surprising?" "Yes, it is, after last night," she said. She started to unbutton her blouse and then stopped. "Aren't you supposed to save yourself for tonight?" "Here, I'll help you undress," he said. He began to unbutton her. "Yes, I am. But what they want and what I want do not necessarily


Besides, if I'm dry, what can they do about it?" "Oh, no! You shouldn't do that!" "Whose side are you on?" "Well, yours, of course! But I don't want them to get mad at you,

Herald. Or at me."

"You can always tell them I made you," he said, gri

"I really shouldn't," she said, staring at his slightly swelled

cock. "Go ahead. Touch it." "I'm not an Og," Sybil replied. "But if you say so." He stripped her blouse and unhooked her bra and took it off. She

had full well-shaped breasts that had not yet begun to sag. He kissed thenipples and sawthem swell and then he sucked on both, one after the other. She stoodagainsthim, her back slightly arched, and moaned. She reached down andtenderly fondledthe shaft of his cock, which was expanding with his kissing and hercaressing. He kissed her breasts all over and then backed her towards the bed, where he eased her down. He removed her skirt and her panties, and moved inbetween her legs. The thick black fleece of her cunt was begi

After this, he came up from between her legs and slid on up byher. He pushed her head down towards his penis, which was sticking upstraight and hardand swollen.