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"Then Panchita traded places with Diana, and Diana tongue-fuckedme," shesaid. "Diana stimulated me better, I came about five times. ThenPanchita got ontop of me, and I licked her cunt and put my tongue up her slit andvibrated its tip against her clitoris. She came a number of times, after whichDiana got ontop of me. Diana came almost at once.

"Then Panchita got down again and turned me on my side and lickedmy assholewhile Diana licked my cunt again. When I had come a number of times, we made a triangle, mouth to pussy, you might say, fingers up twats, and, and, it was wonderful!"

"You say that even in retrospect?"

"I didn't that night after they left. I cried, and I felt sodisgusted andso dirty. The drug had worn off by then, you understand. But Panchitaand Diana kept visiting me, and after a while, I quit having guilt feelings. Igot toliking it. Why not? What's so bad about making love to women? Does ithurt anyone?"

"No," he said. "Did their lovemaking lessen the effect ofPlugger's?"

"Not at all. Actually, if you were to rate orgasms on a scale, I'd have to rate him as Super A-Plus and theirs as B-Minus."

"Next you'll be telling me that Plugger and the two women gotinto bed with you at the same time," he said.

She opened her eyes and turned her head to look at him.

"How'd you know that?" she said. "Pour me another cup of coffee, will youhoney?"

He passed her the full cup and said, "Did Plugger touch off thetwo women, too?"

"Oh, yes. Once Panchita and Diana and I got down in a daisychain, and herammed his tongue up Panchita's ass. He said she had the sweetestasshole, whichmade me a little jealous. Would you believe it, all three of us feltthe shock in our cunts and our mouths? That, electricity or whatever it waspassed throughall of us."

"I can understand your making love to the women the first time," he said. "You were under the influence of that drug you smoked. But you knewhow it affected you, so why didn't you refuse to smoke it the next time theyoffered it to you?"

"Like I said, I enjoyed it. Anyway, I didn't think about refusingit the second time. I don't know why."

"Your mind shut down," he said. "You wanted to go to bed withthem, so youjust forgot how the stuff would affect you."

"I'm not a compulsive Lesbian!" she cried. "I don't have anyneurotic drive for women! I can take them or leave them!"

"You just got out of prison, so how would you know?" he said. "However, thatdoesn't matter. Not now, anyway. How did they explain giving you ahypnotic drugwhen they said they wouldn't force you?"

"They explained that they did not force me to smoke the pot, orwhat theycalled pot. And, later, they said I didn't have to smoke it now thatI knew the effects."

"You aren't hooked on the stuff?" "Absolutely not!" "Well, you may be right. Time will tell. I just don't understand

their nonsadistic treatment. If you hadn't described certain people that Iknow so well, I would say that another group besides Igescu's had you."

"What are you talking about? Another group?" "I'll tell you later about my adventures, if you can call themthat."

She continued with her story. He wondered if it was just that: astory. There was no doubt that she knew Panchita Pocyotl and Diana Rumbowand others and to do so she must have been held prisoner. But this sexualnarrative? Had it really happened the way she said, or was she unconsciously concealingsomethingmore terrible? Has she suffered such traumatic, handling that she wasrepressingit and substituting a fantasy? It did not seem likely, because shedid not act psychotic, but then a psychotic often acted normally.

If the Ogs, as Hindarf called them, had treated her relativelyconsiderately, then they had some sinister end in mind.

There was one confirmation of her story, he thought. That wasthat Vivie

"And then, one afternoon, this fabulously beautiful woman, Vivie




"Every prisoner should have it so good," Childe said. He wasthinking ofwhat had happened to Colben and the others and of what might havehappened tohim. But, now that he considered it, Igescu's group may not have beenpla

However, they had been trying to kill him after he had escapedand killed some of them. This could have been from self-defense only, not from adesire to murder for the pleasure of murder.

Mysteriouser and mysteriouser, he thought, paraphrasing Alice.

And Sybil had been a sort of Alice in Sexland. Certainly heradventures were as strange as Alice's.

"You never found anything peculiar about Vivie


Despite all this enjoyment and the use of drugs, Sybil had manyperiods ofdepression, frustration, and a desire to get away. There were timeswhen she felt as if she were a cow being fattened up for the slaughter. Andeven after she became quite at ease with her captors and talked fluently, shecould not getthem to answer one question about the reason for her imprisonment.

And then, two days ago, all her visitors, except for a woman whobrought hermeals now and then, quit coming. The woman would not even say goodmorning toher, let alone answer questions. Sybil had watched TV and smoked potand wondered what was going on. Her fears came to the surface, and shefantasized many dreadful things happening to her.

Then, this very night, she was awakened by a hand shaking her. She sat up inbed, her heart throbbing painfully, to find three masked men by herbedside. One told her to get dressed. She did so, while they packed for her. Theyhad broughther clothes in from someplace, presumably from a closet in the house.

Then theyblindfolded her and took her out of the house and drove her here. The drive, sheestimated, had lasted about two hours.

Childe did not say anything, but it seemed to him that she couldhave been located much closer than two hours drive to his house. If she were prisoner inthat house near his, her rescuers might have driven around to make itseem that she had been a long way from him.

On the other hand, she might have been held in, say, Vivie

"Do you feel all right?" he said.

"What? Oh, yes, I feel fine, except for being tired. And I amhappy that I'mout of that, although it wasn't an altogether unpleasant experience. But verypuzzling. What do you think made Plugger the way he was? I mean, howabout that electricity of his? Do you think he had a surgically implantedbattery of somesort? It sounds sort of science-fictiony, doesn't it?"