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"You needn't be jealous of the other man," she said. "He doesn'texist. He's a fiction. Can you guess who?"

"This isn't exactly the time for guessing games," he said. "Butno, I don'tknow who you imagined at the other end of the banana."

"Tarzan!" she said.

"Tarzan? Oh, for cripe's sake! Well, why not? Bananas, big dongs, and all that. It only stands to reason that the superman of the jungle wouldbe heavyhung."

He was sarcastic, but he was also surprised. There were stillthings about her he did not know. Tarzan!

There might have been a closed circuit TV monitoring her, shesaid. Otherwise, why would Plugger enter that evening and tell her she didnot need to suffer anymore?

Plugger was a tall, rangy man with a deep tan, black hair whichcame down in a widow's peak, somewhat pointed ears, and a very handsome face. Hestood before her and stripped while she asked him what he thought he was doing, though sheknew well enough.

"He had a beautiful body with the smoothest skin, almost likeglass. But hiscock was big. Not enormous, just big and thick and it had the biggestknob at the end of it I've ever seen. I don't mean the glands. That was bigenough, buthe had a growth, I guess you could call it a wart, on the side of thehead. I told him that really turned me off."

"You sound as if you were pretty cool about the whole thing," hesaid.

"Well, I was suffering. The banana was a long way off from beingperfectlysatisfactory. Or perfectly satisfying. And he was a hell of a goodlooking man, and he had talked with me enough so that I rather liked him, even ifhe was mywarden. So I just told myself, you know, the cliche, if you have tobe raped, lean back and enjoy it."

"Really?" he said.

"Well, not really. I was scared. But then he said he wouldn'tforce me. That helped relax me a lot."

Plugger sat down by her and kissed her. She tried to turn herhead away, buthe turned it gently back. She protested that he was forcing her, andhe repliedthat he only asked for one kiss. If she did not like it, he would notkiss her again.

That seemed fair to her, really more than she had expected. Afterall, if hewanted to rape her, he could.

She lifted her face to him at the same time that he put her handon his cock and his tongue into her mouth.

The shock that went down her throat and up her arm was almost asif she had touched an electric eel.

"I mean, it was something like an electrical shock but muchweaker. I had an orgasm in my throat and up my arm."

Childe jumped up and said, "What?"

"Yes, I know. It sounds crazy. But it was true. I came, I meanyou know, when I come, I come with my whole body. But the ecstasy was denser, Imean, moreintense, in my mouth and throat and in my hand and arm."

He did not say anything more. His experiences with Igescu's crewhad opened doors to an exotic enough world. Plugger was one that he had not experienced, and he supposed that there were many other outre beings in that group.

Sybil had not resisted when Plugger took her robe and negligeeoff. She had allowed him to move her onto the bed, where he got between her legsand thrust his tongue into her cunt. It was like a spark in a cylinder full ofvaporizedgas. Orgasm after orgasm exploded in her, and then they beganbuilding up moreslowly, building until she could endure the exquisiteness no more andfelt that she would faint.

While she lay panting and moaning with the aftermath, he climbedonto her and pressed her breasts around his dong. The same shock passedthrough them; theecstasy was so intense she could see--but of course it wasimagination--bluesparks sputtering from the tips of her nipples.

"The fu

"He didn't come in your mouth?" he said. "I mean, spermaticfluid?"

"There wasn't any jism, no. I mean, that shock, you might say, was a sort of electrical come."

She had gone into a series of orgasms, one after the other, sofast that she could not count them.

After this, he kissed her all over, and every inch of her skinfelt a minor orgasm until he stuck his tongue up her anus. That almost lifted heroff the bed, and she did faint after that orgasm.

She was silent then, as if dwelling with great pleasure on thememory. Childe finally spoke. "Well, did he ever stick his prick in yourcunt?" He had not meant to sound so harsh but, for the first time, hewas jealous.

"No. I tried to get it in even after he said it was no use. Itkept doublingback and falling out. But I got orgasms through my hand while I wastrying to doit. I said I was sorry I couldn't do something for him. He said itdid not matter; he was more than satisfied. I guess that I wasn't far wrongwhen I said his come was electrical. He had a high-voltage jism, you might say."

She had questioned him about this phenomenon, which becamefrightening whenshe recovered enough to think about it. He replied that he was builtdifferently, and he got up, picked up his clothes, and walked out.

He came every four days after that. She asked him why he did notvisit her more often, and he said it took time for him to build up a charge. She took him literally, but she was begi

After about five visits from Plugger, two women, Panchita andDiana, came toher room. They talked for a while and left. Every few days, theywould drop in. Then, one afternoon, Panchita asked her if she would like some pot. Sybil wasvery eager to get some, because it would help to pass the many dullmoments. All three lit up.

"But it wasn't real pot," she said. "It smelled something likepot, but itmust have been something else. It really turned me on, but it alsomade me verysuggestible. I think it had some hypnotic element in it."

"Really?" Childe said. He anticipated what she was going torelate.

"Yes. I got pretty high, and all three of us were laughinghysterically. Ihad completely forgotten that I was their prisoner and at theirmercy. Theyseemed like very old friends and very lovable. In fact, uh, desirable."

"They made love to you?"

"Oh, yes. Panchita sat down by me and quite casually put her armaround myshoulder. The next I knew, she was cupping my breast with her otherhand and then stroking my nipple. I felt a great deal of love--and lust--forPanchita. It seemed the most natural thing in the world. You know I don't swingthat way, Herald. I have never had a homosexual experience in my life, notuntil then. In fact, the idea used to make me sick."

Childe said nothing.

She continued: "Diana, the tall blonde with perfectly enormousbreasts, satdown on my other side. She started to kiss me while Panchita pulledup mynegligee and began to suck on my nipple. I felt as if I was on fire. I tonguedDiana's mouth while she tongued mine. And then I felt Panchita'smouth goingdown my belly. She kissed me all over there but stopped when she cameto mycunt.

"Diana lifted me up then and walked me over to the bed, where shetook off my negligee. I got onto the bed and on my back and Diana and Panchitatook their clothes off. They stood on each side of the bed and each took one ofmy handsand placed it against her cunt. They were dripping with lubricatingfluid, sopping. I stuck a finger in each slit, and they moved their hipsback and forth and jacked themselves off."

"Is it necessary to go into such detail?" Childe said.

"It's good therapy for me," she said. Her eyes were closed, andher head was leaning against the back of the sofa.

The two women had climbed in beside her. Diana kissed and fondled her breasts while Sybil caressed Diana's left breast. Panchita again traveled down her belly with the tip of her tongue. After tracing a triangle aroundthe pubichairs with her tongue, Panchita got down between Sybil's legs. Shespread themapart and then slid a pillow under her buttocks. The next Sybil knew, Panchita was ru