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A roaring noise interrupted my thoughts.

"Look out!" Bu

I ducked just in time. A huge, striped insect the size of my two fists zoomed overhead. In spite of its bulk, it banked like a swallow off a wisp of air and veered around in a sharp U-turn. I threw a ball of fire at it, but the insect took the full blast of the flame and kept going. Its armored shell would have been the envy of any army in any dimension. No matter what I threw at it, it kept going. It vanished into a hairline crack in the wall. I ran after it, trying to capture it with a rope of magik. Before I could blink, it was out of reach.

"Gone," I said grimly. Bu

One more thing Catchmeier had failed to mention about the new tent was the infestation of Humbees. No one knew where the pesty insects had sprung from, but they were overru

Association was fielding complaints from a number of people who suddenly found themselves ducking Humbees.

"Their magik is beyond me," I concluded, returning through the back door.

"Well, there's your first professional question," Bu


"There are no simple questions."

In between dive-bombings, Bu

Once the first cards went out, the street outside the modest little tent was packed with would-be clients. I peered out through the flap at the crowd. Just behind me, Bu

"Well?" Bu

"Better than I hoped," I said.

"Remember, most of them won't have a problem that's right for you."

"I know that." I took a deep breath. I returned to the i

With a flick of magik, I caused the outer tent flap to lift and darkened my office so I could see what was going on without being observed. A group of Deveels crowded in, each trying to be the first in line. Bu

"Do you have an appointment?" she asked, pertly.

The cluster of red-ski

"Uh, no," one of them finally admitted.

"The Great Skeeve sees people by appointment only," she went on. She opened a datebook that she had filled up with names and times. "I have three openings now, then another one in an hour and a half. Would any of you care to make an appointment?"

The Deveels started yelling at once. That didn't alarm me. Deveels usually do business at the top of their lungs. Bu

"Just a moment!" Bu

A free-for-all started, as the four each tried to push past one another.

Time for my secret weapon.


My pet dragon shot from the fireproof pad where he had been lying in the corner of Bu


A baby dragon's flame is modest in size, but his breath could knock a charging rhinopotomos unconscious. The Deveels halted in their hoofprints.

"Uh, we'll just come back later," the Deveels agreed. They pushed their way out through the throng gathered around Bu

Rokra still looked nervous as he walked through the illusionary darkness and emerged into my office.

"Greetings," I said, making my voice echo hollowly off the walls. The Deveel gulped, but he sat down in the thickly padded leather chair I gestured him into. "Now, what can I do for you?"

It took seconds for Rokra to get over his shock at finding a youthful, blond Klahd behind the massive desk. I waited, poised, eager to give my first new client the benefit of my experience and wisdom. What would he ask me? I could hardly wait. I hoped it was something deep. I had been doing a lot of thinking recently on why there was an "up" and a "down."

The Deveel glanced around as if to make sure the room wasn't bugged. It wasn't; I had swept it again for Shutter-bugs and Earwigs just a few moments before.

"You don't have to worry," I said austerely. "Our conference is private. Tell me what kind of problem I can help you solve."

Rokra leaned forward with an oily smile on his face.

"Well, Skeeve, I can tell you're the kind of guy who likes to get right down to business. I need you to help me take out my business partners. We started this ... er, import business together, and now I think they're pla

"Murder?" I sputtered. "I don't kill people!"

"Okay, okay, don't think of it as killing them," Rokra said, hastily. "Maybe as a surprise departure from this life? Or how about this—dump them off in a dimension without magik. That'd make us both happy. They don't die, but they won't be around anymore to bollix up my business. How about it?"

"Sorry," I said, coldly, standing up. "I can recommend a couple of Guild assassins I know. Standard rates. You don't need me."

"But they're sneaky!" Rokra insisted. "Look, I heard you're the best. I need the best."