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The Crown Prince and Princess were a big hearty couple. I liked them immediately Gloria

"Massha has told us so much about you," Gloria

"I am honored to meet the Great Skeeve," Bosheer boomed at me. "So where did you say you kept game before?"

"I have never been a gamekeeper," I said.

Bosheer frowned. "Massha sent us a note saying you were coming by. Couldn't understand why you wanted the job anyhow. I thought you liked wizarding."

"He retired," Glory murmured to him, closing her hand around his wrist. I noticed that she had two thumbs on each hand, one on either side of the palm.

"That's right. I'm launching a new career," I said proudly.

"Ah. So what about the job appeals to you?" Bosheer asked.

"I like to solve problems for people."'

'"How does being a game warden solve problems'?" Bosheer looked puzzled. I was begi

"I answer questions," I said. ""Fli

"Her?" Bosheer asked. His voice was making the little girl recoil. "What does she know about hunting?"

"Nothing ... sir," the Pixie admitted in an almost inaudible tone.


"Well, I like animals."

"I do, too! Especially birds. They make good sport!"'

"Bosheer ..." Glory said warningly. "Not everyone likes to hear about that. Such as me."

"And that is exactly why we're here" I said, moving into what Aahz used to call "closing the deal." "In your ad you said you wanted someone who could help conserve species. Fli

"Illusions? What do I want with illusions? I like shooting real birds."

The wince from his wife told me that Massha's assessment of her former charge and her new mate had been spot on. Having once been the quarry of the Wild Hunt, Gloria

"It's hardly as if we need to eat songbirds, darling," Glory added pointedly. "A wild boarotamus feeds the entire castle for a week."

"But I like shooting at them," Bosheer said. His handsome lip drooped in a pout.

"And you can, all you want," I said. "The same one several times over, if you like, if Fli

"Oh, yes," the Pixie said, her eyes shining.

"Really?" Bosheer asked, brightening. "I say, that would be fun. Can I see?"


"Terrific! Where is my crossbow!"

A Whelf servant ran to the nearest wall and returned with a loaded weapon. The Prince took it from him

and sighted down the quarrel at the bird. It squawked and tried to fly away, but Bosheer tugged the trigger. The quarrel smacked into the storkron, which staggered back and forth melodramatically a few times across the room before it collapsed to the floor and vanished. Bosheer was overjoyed.

"Tally ho!" he caroled. "You're hired, young lady!"

"I miss having Massha around," Princess Glory said. "I got used to having magik around the palace. We would love to have you here. Fli

Prince Bosheer strode over and picked the Pixie off the ground. "Marvelous!" he exclaimed. "Infinite numbers of birds to shoot, and not endanger the breeding population? That will be just jolly. Could start a new trend! We could have really big shooting parties. We both love parties. We'll do it. Thank you, Master Skeeve."

"Just Skeeve," I said, modestly.

"Thanks," Glory whispered to me.

I collected my fee and left Fli

Not a bad start, I thought, wandering out of the castle. Between Fli

To my surprise, there was someone in the office besides Bu

"Aahz!" I cried.

He scowled at me.

"Where the hell have you been?" he asked.


"Who needs competition?"

As much as I had been looking forward to seeing my old mentor and partner ever since returning to the Bazaar, now that the moment had arrived, I felt strangely uneasy, almost shy.

To my surprise, Aahz seemed to feel almost as awkward as I did. He quickly rose from the chair, offering it to me with a sweep of his hand.

"Sorry," he said. "I just got back from out of town and heard you were back. Just dropped by to wish you luck, and Bu

Like while you were trying out my chair, I thought, then was a

"I didn't think you'd mind," Bu

"No problem," I said, forcing a smile. "Nice of you to stop by, Aahz. It means a lot to me. Really."

"I like what you've done with the place," Aahz said, looking around. "Classy, without being ostentatious."


"Too busy ru

He indicated the pitcher of wine and accompanying goblets we had set out for prospective clients.

"Help yourself," I said, nodding. "I'd join you, but I've been trying to cut back on the stuff... and definitely not during business hours."

"Probably a good policy," Aahz said, pouring a goblet for himself.

"Oh, what the heck," I recanted. "Pour one for me, too. I just came off assignment, and it's not every day my old partner comes to visit."

Policy was well and good, but I didn't want Aahz to think I was avoiding drinking with him. Besides, I had just finished an assignment. I lifted the glass and drained it in a toast to my success, and to seeing Aahz again. The wine felt warm going down.

Aahz hesitated slightly, then poured a second glass for me.

"About that visiting thing," he said as he passed me the wine. "Sorry if I haven't been to see you very often. We've been kind of busy lately."

"So I've heard," I said, taking an appreciative sip from the goblet. As with the decorations, Bu