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the American Cancer Society, and doctors on the staff of the hospital where he practiced. He was labelled a "quack" and was pressured

to abandon his fruitful research and therapy. Upon questioning the motives behind the medical profession's opposition to an effective

control for cancer, Griffin had started what turned out to be a 3-year research project which was to lead him to the uncovering of one of

the most amazing stories of the Twentieth Century. His research covers world history, World War II, cartels, industry, the Nazis,

foundations, and the information is taken primarily from government hearings. Hearings that took place between the years 1928 and

1946. A very important time in world history that saw the conglomeration of the world's chemical and drug giants.

Griffin's investigation revealed that "In the years prior to World War II, there came into existence an international cartel, centered in

Germany, that dominated the entire world's chemical and drug industries. It had spread its operations to ninety-three countries and was

a powerful economic and political force in all countries. It was known as I.G. Farben." When John D. Rockefeller interlocked his

American-based, international empire with that of I.G. Farben in 1928 "there was created the largest and most powerful cartel the world

has ever known. Not only has that cartel survived through the years, it has grown and prospered. Today it plays a major role in both the

science and politics of cancer therapy."

In order to expand their drug operations the Rockefellers set about "educating" the medical profession. "Abraham Flexner, author of the

famous Flexner Report of 1910, led the crusade for upgrading the medical schools of America. All the while he was in the employ of

Andrew Carnegie [a Rockefeller stooge] and John D. Rockefeller who had set up gigantic tax-exempt foundations for that purpose. The

end result was that all medical schools became heavily oriented toward drugs and drug research, for it was through the increased sale

of drugs that the donors realized a profit on their donations."

The medical profession and universities weren't the Rockefeller's only target for infiltration. "A brief backward glance at the total

landscape will help us to appreciate more fully the present extent of cartel influence, not only in the FDA [United States' Food and Drug

Administration], but at all levels of the federal government, for it is an historical fact that the centers of political power long have been the

easy target of cartel penetration and control.... The list of men who are or were in key positions within the Rockefeller group reads like a

'Who's Who in Government'."

Griffin is well known because of his unique talent for researching obscure and difficult topics and presenting them in clear, concise

terms that all can understand. He is the author of numerous documentary books and films under diversified and controversial topics

including the United Nations, the Supreme Court, US foreign policy, The John Birch Society, the Communist Party, and international

banking. The information revealed WORLD WITHOUT CANCER adds to this impressive list of topics - his painstaking research and

thorough analysis of the international chemical and drug cartel and their powerful allies is in our opinion one of the most authoritative

and well-written treatise on this least understood subject.

THE POLITICS OF CANCER THERAPY is an audio tape recording of a one-hour lecture by Griffin on the above subject. Based on the

second part of WORLD WITHOUT CANCER, THE POLITICS OF CANCER THERAPY is a very good audio complement to his book, as

it covers this very complex and interesting subject in an easy-to-understand ma

Murder By Injection: The Medical Conspiracy Against America

by Eustace Mullins

This book is a truly thorough account of the machinations underlying America's steadily deteriorating health, and is the result of some

forty years of investigative research by the author Eustace Mullins. MURDER BY INJECTION reinforces and adds further light to the

devastating exposйs, WORLD WITHOUT CANCER by G. Edward Griffin, THE DRUG STORY by Morris Bealle and Hans Ruesch's


MURDER BY INJECTION explains how the ruthless Rockefeller Syndicate under the control of the world financial structure, chiefly the

Rothschilds - plays the major political, health and educational roles in America. The book describes the various arms of the Rockefeller

Syndicate and their functions: the Rockefeller Oil Trust, which incorporates much of the American military-industrial complex, has

political control of the nation; the Rockefeller Medical Monopoly attains control of "health" care of America; and the Rockefeller

Foundation, a web of affiliated tax exempt creations, effectively controls "education".

Mullins specifies names throughout the book, many of them belonging to familiar public figures in America. Companies and their board

of directors are listed with all their co

Eustace Mullins says that in 1987 the United States still maintains an overwhelming lead in the production and sale of drugs. Eleven of the eighteen leading firms are located in the United States and the Drug Trust in the United States is controlled by the Rockefeller group. Mullins adds: "The major banks, defense firms, and prominent political figures interlock with the CIA and the drug firms." He further states that the Rockefeller interests, having established the American Drug Trust, had long been active not only in

pharmaceutical drugs but in illegal drugs as well. Mullins writes: "No chronical of the world's important drug firms would be complete without relating the co

Mullins describes how the Rockefellers with the help of the American Medical Association and government officials gained control of

America's "health" care industry in the early part of this century. "Educating" medical students was instrumental in their plan, Mullins writes: "Rockefeller's Education Board has spent more than $100 million to gain control of the nation's medical schools and turn our physicians to physicians of the allopathic school, dedicated to surgery and the heavy use of drugs."

MURDER BY INJECTION describes in detail the many other dangerous and lucrative rackets that the Rockefeller Syndicate has foistered onto the unsuspecting public and which are responsible for the contamination of our land, oceans and rivers, our water and food supplies, and our bodies. For example Mullins writes: "While conducting wars of attrition against the leading exponents of better

nutrition, the Food and Drug Administration and the American Medical Association have valiantly defended the use of chemical fertilizers... (which, according to Dr Alexis Carrel) 'without replacing all the exhausted elements of the soil, have indirectly contributed to change the nutritive value of cereal grains and vegetables.'"

On vaccinations: "After the use of cowpox vaccine became widespread in England, a smallpox epidemic broke out which killed 22,081 people. The smallpox epidemics became worse each year that the vaccine was used. In 1872, 44,480 people were killed by it. England finally ba

On fluoridation: "What he [Oscar Ewing] wanted, and what he had been paid to bring about, was the national fluoridation of our drinking water... At the same time, Congressmen and other politicians in Washington were privately alerted by Ewing's minions that they should be careful about ingesting the fluoridated water. Supplies of bottled water from mountain springs then appeared in every office on