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Needless to say the insurers of Cassell Co Ltd,

the British publishers, would not have authorised

such defence actions had their counsel not studied

all the documents available and concluded that we

had a powerful defence, based on the Admiralty

records; this they in fact did, and wrote Opinions to

that effect. Libel actions in Britain are tried by jury.

Make of that what you will.

The case is revealing because of what it says about Irving's

abilities as a historian and his motives as an author.

According to The Times of London, Irving showed a copy of

the manuscript to Broome before publication.

* Correct. I showed the late Captain Broome the

mansucript in 1966, and he agreed to read it and

make comment (as did a score of other officers

involved); breaking his undertaking, he alone

decided not to co-operate, but to wait for

publication and then sue for profit. So be it.

Broome objected to the accuracy of some thirty passages in

the book, and threatened to sue for libel if Irving did not make


* Incorrect. He objected in reality to six words

("Captain Broome was a broken man"), and after

these words were expunged, years later, his

lawyers permitted the book's republication by

William Kimber Ltd.

At that point, William Kimbers Ltd., Irving's publisher, notified

him that they would not publish the book as it was then


* Incorrect. I was in dispute with William Kimber

after they paid me only J67 instead of the agreed

fee of J200 for translating the book, The Memoirs

or Field-Marshal Wilhelm Keitel. This being so, I

removed the PQ17 manuscript physically from

their offices; Kimber's secretary came ru

down the street after me, pleading for me to return

it. I keep a very detailed diary of events. In court,

Kimber, already probably suffering from the

Parkinsonism from which he later died, gave a

totally different version, namely yours; he later

apologised to me, which did not assist me much of

course. Unfortunately, our counsel elected to call

no witnesses in the case but to rest securely on the

Admiralty documents.

Later, Irving published the book with another publisher.

The court found that Irving "was warned from most

responsible quarters that his book contained libels on Captain

Broome ... To make [the book] a success he was ready to risk

libel actions ... Documentary evidence .... showed that [Irving]

had deliberately set out to attack Captain Broome and in spite

of the most explicit warnings persisted in his attack because it

would help sell the book." The court labeled Irving's conduct

as "outrageous and shocking."

Irving's misrepresentations did not end with the publication of

his book. According to Cesarani, in 1979 a German publisher

had to pay compensation to the father of A

printing the German edition of Irving's book, Hitler's War. Irving

had claimed that A

* Correct as written. Without consulting me, the

Ullstein Verlag publishing firm, part of the

pro-Israeli Axel Springer Group) made some

unspecified payment to Otto Frank at his demand. I

had already halted production and publication of

the book for other reasons (tampering by Ullstein

with my text). The German Bundeskriminalamt

found that parts of the diary had been written in

(post-war) ballpoint ink-paste, which made its

authenticity problematic. My opinion on it now is

ambivalent: it is unimportant, not a historical

document of any value.

Irving claims that according to his "research", the Holocaust is

greatly exaggerated.

* Correct. I think the figures have been magnified

by an Order of Magnitude. Events in Auschwitz

alone suggest that I am right:: here the figure has

been effortlessly brought down from 4 million to 1

million, and now to even less.

(He was recently quoted in the K-W Record as saying that the

number of Jews who died in concentration camps was "of the

order of 100,000 or more.")

* Incorrect. Do you really believe all the

newspapers say? I may have said "killed", not


But during the 1988 trial of pro-Nazi publisher Ernst Zundel,

he was forced to admit under cross-examination that he hadn't

even read all of Eichma

testimony, Eichma

the so-called "Final Solution to the Jewish

problem"--extermination, in 1942.)

* Incorrect. I have Eichma

memoirs, given to me in Buenos Aires in

November 1991. He states that to him Final

Solution always meant the Madagascar Solution.

Anyway, do you really want to base your case on

the utterances of a Nazi war criminal?

In November 1991, a reporter from The Independent showed

that Irving omitted crucial lines from a translation of Goebbels'

diaries--lines that would have contradicted his theory that

Hitler knew nothing about the extermination of the Jews.

* Incorrect. Which "crucial lines" am I supposed to

have omitted?

Irving's record is clear: he is not an historian, and he has

made false statements and been forced to apologize for them.

As Andrew Cohen, reporter for the Financial Post, has said,

"David Irving should be denied credibility."

* Well, that really wants to make me hang up my

shingle: namely, that a shyster from a money-rag

doesn't believe me. What a waste of kilobytes,

when there are megabytes of reputable historians

saying precisely the opposite about me.

Yours sincerely,

David Irving

Focal Point Publications

Professor Jeffrey Shallit

Associate Professor

Computer Science Department

University of Waterloo,

Waterloo, Ontario


The following is the full text of the article by Mr. Shallit that Mr.

Irving quotes in the preceding letter.


by Jeffrey Shallit

How the Words of the Holocaust Deniers and Their Allies

Show Them For What They Are

1. Background

Canada has a long tradition of tolerance and multiculturalism.

That's why many residents of the K-W area were shocked and

saddened to learn that a stereo store on King Street in

Kitchener was displaying posters advertising a talk by David

Irving, a self-described historian who says that the estimates

of six million Jews killed by the Nazis during World War II are

greatly exaggerated. Inside the store, according to the K-W

Record, one can find for sale a book by Fred Leuchter that

claims that the gas chambers at Auschwitz were never used

for mass killing. After local protests, the store owner retaliated

by putting up posters about the banking system based on the

writings of anti-Semite Eustace Mullins. Subsequently, these

posters were taken down by the store owner, but one explicitly

anti-Semitic flyer still remains. The Kitchener-Waterloo

Record recently carried a letter to the editor by Paul Fromm,

director of "Canadian Association for Free Expression, Inc.".

This letter defended neo-Nazi publisher Ernst Zundel, saying,

"Zundel was dragged through the courts for nine years ...

MERELY for his UNPOPULAR views." [emphasis mine]

Who are Michael Rothe, David Irving, Fred Leuchter, Eustace

Mullins, and Paul Fromm, and what do they stand for?