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coerced and may have bought David his very survival.

Jьrgen Graf

Charged, tried and convicted in Switzerland. Fired for the second time from his teaching post.

Background and contribution:

A Swiss school teacher and language genius, Graf speaks almost one dozen languages fluently and

understands many more, some of them the most exotic ones such as Russian, Japanese, Thai as well as

Malay and Filipino dialects. Author of several books, among them "Der Holocaust auf dem Prьfstand"

(The Holocaust on Trial), he went recently to Russia where he researched Russian archives for months. The Swiss

government charged, tried and convicted Graf in 1998 to 15 months in jail under the new anti-Revisionist law adopted by the

Swiss in 1994. His German-born, 80-year-old publisher was likewise convicted to 1 year in prison.

Siegfried Verbeke

Currently on trial in Holland under immense police pressure in Belgium. Endured numerous police raids and business


Background and contribution:

The most dynamic Revisionist in Belgium and maybe all of Europe, Verbeke published numerous books, booklets, magazines

and tracts for European Revisionists. Verbeke is now himself on trial, together with Dr. Faurisson - accused of cutting into the

financial profits of the A

currently appealing a Dutch verdict. Verbeke seems undeterred by numerous police raids. Europe-wide, he carries on with a

vigorous mass circulation, grassroots-based Revisionist Truth-in-History campaign in several European languages.

Carlos Porter

Charged, tried in absentia, and convicted in Germany.

Background and contribution:

An American ex-patriate, skilled linguist and translator living in Belgium and author of numerous books - "Not Guilty at

Nuremberg", "Made in Russia: The Holocaust" subtitled "The German Defenses Case" - Porter was charged by the Germans

in 1997. He refused to attend the trial, was tried in absentia and convicted. He responded with a defiant, blistering Emile

Zola-like excoriating written counterattack to the judge in his case, and presently is waiting to be arrested and taken to

Germany to serve his sentence there.

Malcolm Ross

Fired from his teaching post for politically incorrect writings.

Background and contribution:

A Canadian school teacher and author, Ross was for years a thorn in the eyes of the Holocaust Lobby

because of his writings. It took years to fire him under some flimsy excuse because he never taught his version of history in

class. Charged and re-charged, he repeatedly won in appeal courts. After years of litigation, the Supreme Court in a

unanimous ruling found Malcolm Ross guilty in the end, and he was sentenced to a fine. Today, he is the unemployed father of

two children.

Ingrid Rimland

Vilified by the ADL as an "Extremist." Had her new trilogy "Lebensraum!" seized by the hundreds and


Background and contribution:

A relative newcomer to Revisionism, Ingrid Rimland is best known for her novels dealing with World War

II that bring to life and explain the underlying reasons of the Third Reich's struggle against Communism.

Canada Customs confiscated and ba

well-researched books read, much less professionally content-evaluated. Rimland has had global mainstream media coverage

as the defender of the controversy-dogged Zundelsite - which seems to be the reason her name as been smeared as an

"Extremist" in a 1997 ADL smear publication.

Pedro Varela

Grotesquely charged with "genocide" - for selling books.

Background and contribution:

Spanish bookseller and well-known, long-time leader of the Spanish youth group "Cedade", Varela is

currently before the Spanish courts for "genocide" for selling historical, Revisionist and National Socialist

books. Jewish Lobbyists have asked for a 24 year prison term for Varela.

Ahmed Rami

Tried, convicted and imprisoned in Sweden.

Background and contribution:

Rami is a former Moroccan military officer living in exile in Sweden, where he used to run "Radio Islam", a

radio program that was closed down due to Holocaust Lobby pressure. He was tried and convicted in

Sweden for his Revisionist views and served a nine month prison term. Now he runs a much-visited,

multilingual website famous the world over, which has come under repeated attack by French and Swedish Jewish sources.

He won several court skirmishes, and for the moment seems to hold his own.

Nick Griffin

Charged, tried, convicted and fined in England.

Background and contribution:

Famous for his recent court case over pictures and words published in the magazine "The Rune",

Griffin, a well-known British political activist, was charged, tried and convicted as a sacrificial lamb on

the altar of Tony Blair's election promises - to be "tougher on Revisionists and racists." Two US black

separatist leaders spoke out as witnesses for Griffin, but he was convicted nonetheless to a steep fine of L3,000. (The expert

witness for the defense was none other than Dr. Robert Faurisson who helped out once again when help was needed.) Griffin

is reported to be unbowed.

Jean Marie Le Pen

Charged, convicted and under political sanctions in France.

Background and contribution:

The flamboyant French leader of the "Front National", the largest and most promising nationalist political

party in Europe, "belittled" the Holocaust and called it "a mere detail, a footnote in the history of WWII"

apparently using the phrase on three different occasions! He was recently convicted in a French court

under the Communist-inspired Gayssot Law. He was given a steep fine and forbidden to run in elections for the next two

years. Le Pen is undeterred, even though politically victimized for years by the French political establishment and a

disgustingly hypocritical, largely Jewish-dominated French media.

Roger Garaudy

Charged, tried and convicted in France.

Background and contribution:

A former French Communist leader, philosopher and recent convert to Revisionism and Islam, Garaudy was charged, tried and

convicted for writing a semi-Revisionist book titled "The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics," in which he had quoted

extensively from material by Dr. Faurisson (without attribution) and by Barbara Kulaszka's book "Did Six Million Really Die?"

(with attribution). He was condemned to a $50,000 fine. His trial was a farce and his performance in court disappointing.

However, as a result, he seems to have kicked loose an avalanche of Revisionist thought and activities in the Moslem world,

much to the chagrin of Israel - a country that more and more considers Revisionism its Number One problem.

Abbe Pierre

Victim of fierce world-wide media vilification.

Background and contribution:

Considered a male "Mother Theresa" for his altruistic dedication to the poor of France, this famous pro-Marxist French cleric

endorsed Roger Garaudy's Revisionist book - and was almost crucified by a vitriolic media reaction. The Holocaust Enforcers

made a huge mistake picking on this man. He fired back salvo after salvo - much to everyone's surprise. He fought bravely for

a man well into his eighties, but in the end fled into a monastery in Italy - from where he apologized under pressure from his
