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Background and contribution:

Nicknamed the "Revisionist Dynamo" or the "Revisionist Renaissance Man" for his

untiring Revisionist Truth Campaign and his comprehensive grasp of complex political issues, Zьndel - more than any other

Revisionist on earth - caused the Holocaust Hoax to become a mainstream topic of discussion. Extensive chronological

biography on the Zundelsite.

Jim Keegstra

Lost his job and his reputation was destroyed. Prevented an arson attempt against him. Was convicted to a

$3,000 fine after 10 years of costly litigation. Was financially ruined by his ordeal.

Background and contribution:

A Canadian school teacher of Dutch background, Keegstra taught both sides of the Holocaust and other

questions of history. He was charged under Canada's infamous "Hate Laws", and was tried and convicted. He

appealed - and was re-tried and re-convicted. Three times, his case went to the Supreme Court. He ultimately lost. Zьndel

witness in the 1985 Great Holocaust Trial.

Frank Walus

Attacked seven times by Jewish assailants; nearly killed in an acid attack. Lost his US

citizenship and his home to pay for his defense.

Background and contribution:

A Polish German-American auto worker, Walus was targeted and accused falsely by

Simon Wiesenthal to be a "Nazi War Criminal." Vilified by the US media in a vicious

campaign as the "Butcher of Kielce", Walus fought bravely against his tormentors of the Office of Special Investigations, also

known as the US "Nazi Hunters". He ultimately won his case against them in a costly appeals process but died after several

massive heart attacks - a bitter, financially ruined man. He refused to be buried on US soil because he felt the country had

betrayed and failed him. Zьndel witness in the 1985 Great Holocaust Trial.

Emil Lachout

Mercilessly hounded by Austrian authorities and the Austrian lapdog media for over a decade. Forced to

undergo a humiliating psychiatric assessment.

Background and contribution:

An Austrian school teacher, former military police man and Boy Scout leader, Lachout's name is associated

with the famous Mьller-Lachout document. He ultimately won his case in the European Court of Human

Rights. Austria must pay him compensation but hasn't done yet - so far. Never a man to do things by halves, Lachout is

demanding an apology from the Austrian State. Zьndel witness in the 1988 Great Holocaust Trial.

Henri Roques

Had his doctorate revoked.

Background and contribution:

Henri Rocques is a French author and researcher who exposed the Myth of Pope Pius XII's complicity in

the Holocaust. His doctoral thesis made world-wide headlines in 1986 when, for the first time in the nearly eight-century history

of French universities, a duly awarded doctorate was quickly revoked on French government's orders, after an outry by the

Leftist-Jewish media in France. In a tightly argued dissertation, Rocques came to the stu

of mass gassings of Jews made by SS officer Kurt Gerstein were groundless, and that the supposed Roman-Catholic coverup

of this "slaughter" are false. He further concluded that postwar academics deliberately falsified key parts of the already

tortured Gerstein testimony. His dissertation was eventually published by the Institute for Historical Review in book form

under the title "The Confessions of Kurt Gerstein."

Tjiudar Rudolph

Imprisoned in Germany for lengthy stints for "doubting the Holocaust", even though he was in his

mid-eighties at the time.

Background and contribution:

A former German Security Service member, fluent in five languages including Yiddish and Polish, Rudolph

was involved with organizing Red Cross inspection tours of Auschwitz and other camps during the war.

He wrote numerous Revisionist articles. He accompanied Fred Leuchter as translator to Auschwitz and Maidanek in 1988. He

was charged and convicted for publishing a newsletter disputing the "Six Million" story. Zьndel witness in the 1985 and 1988

Great Holocaust Trials.

Udo Walendy

Convicted and imprisoned in Germany for 15 months, even though already in his seventies and in

poor health with a serious heart condition.

Background and contribution:

A prolific German researcher, writer and publisher of numerous books and a series of popular

booklets called "Historische Tatsachen"- ("Historical Truths") including the German version of "Did

Six Million Really Die?" and the German language version of the Leuchter Report #1 - Walendy was dragged before the courts

numerous times. His home and offices were frequently raided by the police. Business files, books, printing plates and

computers were confiscated. Zьndel advisor and witness in the 1985 and 1988 Great Holocaust Trials.

Fred Leuchter

Arrested and jailed in Germany. Financially ruined.

Background and contribution:

An American execution expert, Leuchter designed and maintained gas chambers for several US penal

institutions. He was sent by Ernst Zьndel to investigate Auschwitz, Majdanek, Dachau, Hartheim and

other alleged "Nazi Death Camps" and "gassing facilities." Author of the devastating series of Leuchter

Reports. (I, II, III, IV) and many articles and videotaped presentations that resulted from these investigations, Leuchter was

blacklisted in the US and hounded by the Holocaust Promotion Lobby and the world's lapdog media. He was arrested and

jailed in Germany for giving an anti-Holocaust lecture for Gьnther Deckert, a well-known political party leader. Allowed out on

bail, Leuchter returned to the US. and chose not to go back to Germany to stand trial. Nonetheless, he lost his livelihood as a

result. Sensational Zьndel witness in the Great Holocaust Trial in 1988. Leuchter, although present in the courtroom in Munich,

was not allowed to testify about his research findings in Auschwitz for Ernst Zьndel in the German (Munich) Trial in 1991.

David Irving

Convicted, jailed, fined, deported and barred from numerous countries and hounded world-wide by

Holocaust Enforcers.

Background and contribution:

A prolific British author of approximately 36 books and recognized authority on Hitler and World War II,

Irving pretty much believed and accepted the standard Holocaust version - until he read the Leuchter

Report. He agreed to testify as the last witness for the defense in the 1988 Zьndel Trial. His appearance was a sensation! In the

following years, he went on widely publicized and acclaimed Canada- and America-wide lecture tours. He traveled as a

speaker through several European countries, with headlines and controversy dogging his every step. He drew packed houses

and infuriated the Holocaust Lobby, which reacted with vicious smear campaigns and managed to have Irving arrested and

convicted in Munich, Germany, for "defaming the dead." This conviction caused Irving to be ultimately ba

Australia, Italy, New Zealand and South Africa. He was deported in handcuffs from Niagara Falls, Ontario, after a farcical

Immigration hearing, during which he was held and treated in jail like some common criminal - for weeks! He has been

hounded by the Holocaust Enforcers ever since. A combative man, Irving has lately gone on counter-attacks and is suing the

British Board of Jewish Deputies and American Jewish Holocaust Promoter, Deborah Lipstadt and her publishers. Zьndel

witness in the 1988 Great Holocaust Trial.

Ivan Lagace