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The Gallows

The Marquis de Sade would have been in ecstasy if he could have seen the gallows in a

KZ [concentration camp]. His faithful successors the SS-hangmen had daily execution

fever. It provided some variety, beyond the eternal, monotonous shootings and

beatings. Something one could photograph with pleasure. They placed bets for rounds

of beer on how long the offender could hold out. He must not die too quickly. When

he threatened that, he was bound, and when he had somewhat recovered, it continued

... to the greater glory of the devil!

I refer to Simon Wiesenthal's drawing as a "1946" drawing because that was the date of publication of the book in

which the drawing appeared. A reader using a recent version of a NetScape browser can click here to be taken to a

discussion of the Lviv pogrom referred to in the letter below. A reader using an Internet Explorer browser can go to

the top of the page which contains that discussion by clicking here, and once on that page, can click "What happened

in Lviv?" to arrive at the same discussion of the Lviv pogrom.

January 18, 1998

Simon Wiesenthal

Jewish Documentation Center

Salztorgasse 6

1010 Vie


Dear Mr. Wiesenthal:

In the course of the October 24, 1993 60 Minutes broadcast The Ugly Face of Freedom, you leveled the accusation,

echoed by Morley Safer, that immediately prior to the occupation of Lviv by German forces in 1941, Ukrainians killed

some 5 to 6 thousand Jews. I have already brought to your attention evidence that your accusation is unfounded, and

that the more likely reality is that during approximately that same interval, the NKVD - dominated by Jews - killed

approximately that same number of Ukrainians. This evidence was presented to you in five letters, dated September 8,

9, 12, 13, and 14, 1997.

That the NKVD was dominated by Jews is not an irrelevancy which I am introducing gratuitously, but, rather, is germane

in that it offers a motive for your reversal of the truth. That is, it is possible that your reason for falsely

portraying Ukrainians killing Jews is to cover up the reality that Jews were killing Ukrainians, and to make any claim

on behalf of the latter seem implausible should it ever be put forward.

What I ask you in the present letter is whether you had not begun a comparable reversing of victim and victimizer

earlier in your career - almost five decades earlier, as a matter of fact - and on a smaller scale?

Specifically, I am enclosing copies of two similar, and yet contrasting, images:

Three LIFE magazine photographs, 1945

Enclosed you will find a photocopy of three photographs from LIFE magazine (June 11, 1945, p. 50) which appear at the

end of a photo essay titled "FIRING SQUAD: Army executes three German spies who were caught in U.S. uniforms." The

story appears on three pages - 47, 48, and 50. There are a total of nine, mutually-consistent photographs in the

essay. The first paragraph of the story is:

During Nazi breakthrough at Bastogne last December the Germans managed to smuggle

some of their intelligence officers behind U.S. lines. Three of these spies were

captured, tried and shot. Last week the War Department released pictures on this and

the following pages, taken by LIFE Photographer Joh

speedy execution. (p. 47)

One Simon Wiesenthal drawing, 1946

Enclosed you will also find a photocopy of one of your drawings, signed "SWiesenthal," from p. 64 of your 1946 book of

drawings KZ Mauthausen showing three individuals in striped uniforms, tied to stakes, and apparently either

unconscious or executed. As your book is dedicated to depicting the suffering of Jews at the hands of the Nazis at

the Mauthausen concentration camp, and as your caption indicates that the drawing depicts victims of Nazi torture, the

reader is encouraged to the conclusion that the drawing represents a scene witnessed by yourself of Jews tortured to

the point of unconsciousness or executed by Nazis at Mauthausen.

However, the similarity between the three individuals shown in the 1945 LIFE magazine photographs and in your 1946 KZ

Mauthausen drawing is striking and unmistakable, and suggests the alternative conclusion that you copied the LIFE

magazine photographs, added striped uniforms to the victims, and then misattributed the result.


I would appreciate your answering the following three questions:

(1) How do you explain the similarity between the LIFE magazine photographs and your drawing?

(2) Do you not feel it appropriate at this time to issue a retraction of the misattribution of your KZ Mauthausen


(3) Might it not be even more appropriate to issue a similar retraction of your more extreme, more recent, and more

damaging reversal of victim and victimizer in the case of the pre-German Lviv massacre of 1941?

Yours truly,

Lubomyr Prytulak

2. Israel-Jewish Diaspora World-Wide criminal activity

(Jewish extremists lobbism is behind the cover up of the Israel-related criminal activity world wide and money laundering)

Hassidic Jews in New York yeshivas are among the top money launderers in the world. They use the cloak of religion to hide their work and they use Israel's

exclusively Jewish immigration policy (the "law of return") to escape U.S. justice by relocating to Israel. One of these Hassidic Jews candidly admitted that as

long as it benefitted "their community" it didn't matter whether money was laundered.

The article is interesting in that demonstrates another example of the age-old problem of Jewish loyalty being to "Jews first" rather than their country of

residence. It also shows how can Jews benefit from and get away with crimes due to Israel's exclusive immigration policy which allows Jewish criminals to

escape U.S. prosecution by fleeing to Israel (and in most cases, with=the money). The U.S. government -- ever beholden to Jewish influence and Jewish

interest as always -- dare not extradite them.

It is amazing how these Jewish criminals can exploit America and then escape its laws by recourse to an immigration policy which Jews claim is "racist" for

every other country but Israel (!)

New York's 47th Street : Maariv, September 2, 1994 By Ben Kaspit, the New York correspondent

Rabbi Yosef Crozet fell because of his big mouth. "I launder money, a lot of money," he once told an acquaintance. "Every day I take $300,000 from 47th

Street in Manhattan, bring it to the synagogue, give a receipt and then take a commission." The man who heard that story from Crozer was, how sad, an

undercover Jewish agent of the US agency for fighting drugs, DEA.

A month later, in February 1990, Crozer was arrested by agents on his way from 47th Street to Brooklyn. They found on him prayer books, five passports

and also $280,000 in cash in the trunk of his car. He traveled that route every day. He would arrive at the gold trading office on 47th Street in the afternoon,

and leave a little later, carrying suitcases and bags loaded with cash. From there he drove to the Hessed Ve'Tzadaka ["Mercy and Charity"] synagogue in

Brooklyn which had been turned into a laundry for millions of dollars, the revenue from drug sales in the New York area.

That was how Crozer made his living. Assuming that the commission for laundering money ranged in the area of 2% to 6%, Rabbi Crozet can be presumed

not to have suffered from hunger. The investigators who questioned him faced a simple task.

A respectable and pious jew who never imagined that he would be interrogated, a son of a highly respected rabbi who headed a large yeshiva in city of New