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the NKVD was disproportionately, or even overwhelmingly, Jewish, then one might

summarize by saying that in the pre-German interval, Ukrainians were being killed by


I Expand My Summary Table Once Again

The table which I have been developing in my letters to you of 30Jun99 and 01Jul99

can now be elaborated with the uppermost entry:

Date of my letter

Subject of my letter

Date of Attack

Violence that you should have reported in your 23Oct94 The Ugly Face of Freedom


The Wiesenthal-Safer Calumny

Summer 1941


Who murdered Volodymyr Ivasiuk?

April 1979


Who murdered Vadim Boyko?

February 14, 1992

Violence that you might have caused by your 23Oct94 The Ugly Face of Freedom


Who blew the hands off Maksym Tsarenko?

Summer 1995


Who murdered Volodymyr Katelnytsky?

July 7-8, 1997


Who murdered Borys Derevyanko?

August 11, 1997

The new "The Wiesenthal-Safer Calumny" entry in the table above is of particular

importance not only because of the large number of victims involved, but also

because it demonstrates your going beyond the fault of overlooking Ukrainians being

victimized, to the greater fault of replacing the real killing of a large number of

Ukrainians by Jews with an imaginary killing of a large number of Jews by


And I Find My Earlier Conclusions


What a convincing broadcast your The Ugly Face of Freedom would have been if all the

instances in the above table had been ones of Jews or Russians being tortured and

mutilated and murdered by Ukrainians, instead of the other way around! However, in

your broadcast you documented not a single such story featuring Ukrainians

victimizing Jews or Russians. Evidence of Ukrainians being victimized was

plentiful, but you ignored it. Much worse, in the case of the pre-German violence,

you reversed it.

Unless you are able to offer some credible defense, Mr. Safer, two conclusions that

have already gained a foothold threaten to climb to wide acceptance:

(1) that your 23Oct94 60 Minutes broadcast The Ugly Face of 60 Minutes demonstrated

your lack of competence and integrity; and

(2) that your broadcast served to demonstrate to Ukraine's assassins not only that

violence against Ukrainians goes unreported in the world press, but also that it is

even buried under fabricated reports of violence committed by Ukrainians. By means

of this demonstration, you informed Ukraine's assassins that they might expect

impunity for their work against Ukrainians, and in this way you encouraged them to

violence that they might otherwise have feared to commit. Thus, it is possible that

you contributed to Maksym Tsarenko losing his hands, and to Volodymyr Katelnytsky

together with his mother, and Borys Derevyanko, losing their lives.

Lubomyr Prytulak

cc: Yaakov Bleich, Ed Bradley, Jeffrey Fager, Don Hewitt, Steve Kroft, Andy Rooney,

Lesley Stahl, Mike Wallace, Simon Wiesenthal.


Morley Safer Letter 14 25Jul99 Who did Israel Roitman murder?

"By the time the Banderite's face was turned into a bloody-hairy pulp, we were

exhausted. The Banderite slumped to his knees, then fell flat on his face. We shot him."

- Israel Roitman

July 25, 1999

Morley Safer

60 Minutes, CBS Television

51 W 52nd Street

New York, NY

USA 10019

Morley Safer:

I bring to your attention the following boastful confession of

former SMERSH agent, Israel Roitman

The translation of Isreal Roitman's autobiographical account below, originally published

in the Russian-language periodical Our View in Thornhill, Ontario in 1998, recounts the

experience of a Jew participating in the torture and murder of a Ukrainian during the

Second World War, and boasts that this one crime was only the first of many:


by Israel Roitman

Our View



Once, on the occasion of a talk with students, I was asked: "Did you also kill


What could I answer? It remained only to smile sadly, and my memory recalled the

first cruelty. Afterward, there were many more, but the first is unforgettable.

It happened, if memory serves, in the Zolochiv region which lies along the

Ternopil-Lviv highway (Western Ukraine). The military SMERSH ("Death to Spies", as

military counter-intelligence was named during the war) instructed us intelligence

officers to investigate the cause of death of one of our sabotage units. On the

second or third day, we came upon the tracks of the perpetrators who were responsible

for the death of our comrades, and caught them relaxing in broad daylight in a large

house on a forest farmstead. There were three men sitting around a table with

moonshine and snacks: a thin, tall German, a heavily-armed policeman, and a

fat-faced, unshaven Banderite [Ukrainian fighting for Ukrainian independence] wearing

a service cap with a yellow-light blue [colors of the Ukrainian flag] cockade and

some kind of stripes sewn on his sleeve. It goes without saying: a merry band.

We had to shoot the policeman right there in the house, his abundance of weapons not

helping him a bit. We took the German and the Banderite out into the yard. The

Banderite, a huge man with long hands large as shovels, just stood there with a

crooked smile. On his unshaven face, his eyes darted nervously about like gimlets.

Evidently, the worsening situation was completely unexpected by him and he didn't

know what to do, and couldn't hit upon any course of action. Of course, under

different circumstances, he could have tossed us boys around like puppies, but this

time the inveterate beast could not do so: we were the ones with the weapons.

Oh, yes! By that time, we had seen a lot of these nationalists, as they were

contemptuously called, the "Samostiynyks" ["Independents"] (the motto of the

Ukrainian Nationalists was "For an Independent Ukraine"). These were veritable

beasts, worse than some Fritzes [Germans].

Volodka Seliverstov hit him first, in the solar plexus. The Banderite groaned,

gripped his stomach with his hands, and doubled over like a folding knife. Then

followed a knee upper-cut to the face. A sobbing was heard and the Banderite started

falling backwards. But we didn't let him fall. There were five of us. We stood in

a small circle and knocked him from one to another. We struck silently with backhand

blows, putting into them all our accumulated rage and hatred. We struck viciously,

probably like hunters striking huge and especially dangerous maddened beasts. By the

time the Banderite's face was turned into a bloody-hairy pulp, we were exhausted.

The Banderite slumped to his knees, then fell flat on his face. We shot him. The

German, we delivered safely across the front line and turned him over to the SMERSH

people. (We followed the same practice afterwards. When police, Banderites,

Vlasovites, or Germans fell into our hands, we usually delivered the latter

untouched, but the traitors we executed ourselves on the spot.)


The original of the begi

translated above shown enclosed in a box:

I Expand My Summary Table Once Again

The table which I have been developing in my previous three letters to you can now be