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destroyed, our leaders corrupted by the Eastern powers, our countries

in Northern hemisphere (plus Australia) have been already transformed

into a "transitional" (remember: Eastern block, Western

block?) between capitalism (democracy) - and Eastern-type tyra

Since 1980-s, by eliminating civil freedoms and privacy, Western governments

slowly but inevitably transforming their countries into societies of

the eastern type. Jewish extremism is an important player in this process

of blowing up the European civilization from within. Jewish extremists

are traditionally anti-democratic reactionaries, who's goals are to destroy

democracy and progressive thinking everywhere. Their doctrine is to

take just any rights from the people, turn majority into slaves, and

eliminate basic human rights and freedoms. Their main allay is not USA

or Canada - as most of us are thinking - but UK. How comes that Israel,

a country, where Christians are persecute, beaten and humiliated, became

the most important "friend" of the Christian world? How comes that the

most brutal regimes in the world - like India, Israel, Pakistan, or

Kazakstan, were called democracies? Why and by whom Saudi Arabia, Bahrain,

South Korea, Kazahstan, Israel and other countries with hatred to European

culture and anti-European propaganda were considered as allays - and

Iraq, Lebanon, Iran, or Serbia - not? Tyra

of children, numbers of repressed people, scale of poverty and homelessness

in Iraq, Iran, and some other anti-democracies are several times lower

then in "great democracies" like India or Israel, where wide number

of people are treated like cattle. How comes that Israel, a country,

where Christians are persecute, beaten and humiliated, became the most

important "friend" of the Christian world? How comes that the most brutal

regimes in the world - like India, Israel, Pakistan, or Kazakstan, were

called democracies? Why and by whom Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, South Korea,

Kazahstan, Israel and other countries with hatred to European culture

and anti-European propaganda were considered as allays - and Iraq, Lebanon,

Iran, or Serbia - not? Tyra

numbers of repressed people, scale of poverty and homelessness in Iraq,

Iran, and some other anti-democracies are several times lower then in

"great democracies" like India or Israel, where wide number of people

are treated like cattle. Instead of supporting nations, which are historically,

traditionally, culturally closer to Europeans, our rulers, corrupted

or threatened by the Eastern regimes like Israel, are supporting our

most furious enemies. Support, which is given to the Jewish Extremists

by the governments of the Western world, is not popular. People are

not supporting it. Sooner or later this situation will resolve in pogroms

and insults against the ordinary Jews. We all must be awaken before

it not too late...

MORE (1)


1. Demonizing nations

(Jewish extremists' lie and columniation of the whole nations like Ukrainians and Polish)

2. Israel-Jewish Diaspora World-Wide criminal activity

(Jewish extremists lobbism is behind the cover up of the Israel-related criminal activity world wide and money laundering)

3. Dissidents - victims of the Jewish Extremists' global totalitarian power (Israeli military assault against Western democracy)

(Thousands or maybe millions of people are persecuted by Jewish totalitarian machine all over the world. Persecutions include kidnapping, executions, assassinations, batteries, and administrative, financial and other terror)

4. Politically and Criminally Motivated Jewish Medical Mafia

5. Victor Ostrovsky's "By Way of Deception" extracts

1. Demonizing nations

(Jewish extremists' lie and columniation of the whole nations like Ukrainians and Polish)



HOME DISINFORMATION 60 MINUTES 19628 hits since 26Jan98

We saw above that an entire Ukrainian family was shot by the Nazis for hiding a Jewish woman,

but can we find a single instance of an entire Jewish family being shot by the Bolsheviks for hiding

a Ukrainian woman? We saw above that the Ukrainian mayor of a town was shot by the Nazis for

helping Jews, but can we find a single instance of a Jewish mayor - and there were many

Jewish mayors in Ukraine - being shot by the Bolsheviks for helping Ukrainians? We saw above

Metropolitan Sheptytsky risking his life and the lives of other Ukrainians by hiding Jews on church

property, but can we find a single instance of a rabbi risking his life and the lives of other Jews by

hiding Ukrainians on synagogue property?

The Ugly Face of 60 Minutes

Lubomyr Prytulak

Last updated:

9Feb98 Rudolph Vrba Accusation added to the section on "Paralysis of the Comparative Function"

24Feb98 Einsatzgruppen quotes added to the section on "What Happened in Lviv?"

28Mar98 Himmler quote added toward the bottom of "Were Ukrainians Nazis?"

9Jun98 Link to Shapoval added toward the bottom of "What Happened in Lviv? During the preceding few days"

13Jun98 Link to Sion-Osnova Controversy added to the bottom of "Quality of Translation"

13Jun98 Link to discussion of Jewish Ghetto Police added to the bottom of "Collective Guilt"

24Feb99 Comparison of German SS and Ukrainian Waffen-SS oaths added to "The Galicia Division"

24Mar99 External link to Symon Petliura page at bottom of "Symon Petliura"

12Jun99 Elaboration with external link at bottom of "Sol Littman's Mengele Scare"

13Jun99 Comment on Jewish chain of command within CBS added to "Preface"

03Jul99 Nine quotes added near bottom of "What Happened in Lviv?"



The Galicia Division

Quality of Translation

Ukrainian Homogeneity

Were Ukrainians Nazis?

Simon Wiesenthal

What Happened in Lviv?

Nazi Propaganda Film

Collective Guilt

Paralysis of the Comparative


60 Minutes' Cheap Shots

Ukrainian Anti-Semitism

Jewish Ukrainophobia


A Sense of Responsibility

What 60 Minutes Should Do



On 23 Oct 1994, CBS television broadcast a twelve-minute segment on its weekly

investigative-journalism show 60 Minutes titled The Ugly Face of Freedom, produced by Jeffrey

Fager and hosted by Morley Safer. The program's goal was to indict Ukrainian society and

history and to discredit the legitimacy of the Ukrainian State. The program's method was to

pack the broadcast with what may be the most concentrated segment of disinformation, calumny,

and hatred ever to make its appearance in the mainstream media. The program had been ready for

over half a year, but was not broadcast until the first official visit to the United States of

Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma. Whether this timing was by coincidence or design became the

subject of comment among some program viewers.

From the begi

attack upon Ukrainians and upon the nation of Ukraine, but that it was a Jewish attack, this

because every last person bearing responsibility for the broadcast, from the very top of the

chain of command to the very bottom, was Jewish:

Laurence Tisch, Chairman and CEO of CBS

Eric Ober, President of CBS News

Don Hewitt, Executive Producer of 60 Minutes