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if he was a soldier when in reality he never entered the army and never wearied a military uniform. When he admitted that he's going to

become mentally ill because of the military prison they refused to give him a Russian-speaking psychologist, and the Hebrew- speaking

psychologist couldn't speak with our son, but wrote a report based on ungrounded insinuations. When later a Russian-speaking psychologist

appeared he translated him that report but told that it is impossible now to dispute what the Israeli wrote.

When our son was in the military prison severe humiliations were committed over him. All the violations of the rules and of the moral norms in

his case were too i

When he was released from the military prison (he was in the prison more then 3 months; no charges were posed against him, no court took

place) the military medical committee recognized him as a mentally ill person. When he was just imprisoned he was recognized as a fully

healthy person suitable to the military service. He received some treatment here, in Canada, and the immigration board knows it. We did

everything we could to release our son from the military prison. But the civil lawyers refused to take his case as soon as they heard about the

conflict with the army. Some of them assaulted us refusing to take the case. We demanded a military lawyer but the military commandature in

Jaffo denied us a military lawyer. We turned to all the possible places like Israel Bar Association,human rights organizations, Sharansky's

Zionist Forum, Israel and foreign media, state officials: nobody couldn't or didn't want to help us. Then we decided to send a letter to Amnesty

International. A friend of us - a dissident and a journalist Lev G. has contacted Amnesty International and later submitted several faxes to

them. When the authorities realized that we complained to Amnesty International they released our son from the military prison.

We couldn't live in Israel any more after what happened to us and to our son there, and also because we were afraid that our son can be

arrested again if we will stay in Israel. The only reasonable solution for us was to escape. And the only way to do it was to become refugee

claimants. We flied to Montreal in November 1994.

I don't want describe the whole farce of so called "immigration hearings". There were 2 of them.

Any positive decision couldn't be taken in our case since the immigration officer assigned to our case is a Jew, probably, an Israeli, and she

hates the Russian-speaking people. We prove in our later appeal that it was her who took the decision in our case.

Several months ago when our son was on a party, one gay called him out and took him to a car.

That gay was drunk. When driving the car he damaged several parked vehicles. Later we discovered that he took another person's car.

Despite the clear evidences that not my son drove the car police accused him. We also have an audiotape where that other boy recognizes

that he (not our son) was guilty. There is a recorded telephone conversation on this tape. Just everything was ignored during the first criminal

hearing in that case. Of cause it looks as if my son accompanied that gay - it's enough to accuse him. But you must take into consideration that

he is psychologically, mentally ill after Israeli military prison. A healthy person could refuse to hear what that gay told him but my son is a sick


I believe that this was MOSSAD's provocation, and I believe that the politicians are still behind everything what is going on around us.

If somebody can do something to help us to avoid deportation to Israel, HELP US!!!


Sincerely yours, Ludmila Metelnitsky

Please, call us to (514)-845-8216. Montreal.

Ludmila Metelnitsky

December 1996 - March 1997




Folder of Documents about abuse and injustice, partial decisions and inhuman actions by Canadian Immigration on request of the State of Israel against a peaceful and talented family

Order of documents:

#1 (this document): To the Federal Court,

# 2: Post Determination Appeal ,

#3: Translator's Sabotage,

#4: Appeal (Alert) to Amnesty International,

#5: IRB's Conclusive Decision,

#6: List of Documents,


#8: From Alla GUNIN to the Federal Court,

#9: Appeal to UN Refugee Tribunal,

#10: Humanitarian Appeal (Humanitarian and Compassionate Grounds),

#11: To QUEBEC's Children Rights Committee (in French),

#12: From Elisabeth GUNIN - Humanitarian Cases ,

#13: Events in March-August, 1999, in Hebrew, French, English, Russian and Polish

#14: Declaration

#14-a: The WITNESS (Autobiographical essay)

#15: The Enforcement of Immigration's persecutions against Gunins (list of 1998-1999 events)

#16: Grigory SVIRSKY: Appeal to Prime Minister of Canada

#17: Another short description of GUNINS case

#18: New Persecutions - April - May, 2000

#17: Leo's Old Mother Is Under Persecutions

#18: Manipulation of medical data and perso

#19 ALARMING SOS: Usage of falsified medical data against GUNINS - last update December 2000

After been denied the refugee status

and the rights to appeal to the Federal

court, after years of humuliations and

abuse of justice, family Gunin received a

positive decision to their humanitarian

reasons appeal. In spite of granting them

the landed immigrant status Immigration

is trying now to freeze their file to avoid

giving them the permanent residents

papers and continues persecutions.To

punish Lev Gunin they startet to

humiliate over his old mother (check the


Complete update of GUNINS tragedy is


Next Document Main Page

For The Federal Court, Second-Stage Appeal Procedure

FROM Lev GUNIN (FILE Number 2948-6524/ 95/76/23/18

ID: 3082-7125/7174/7220/7231/7317/ )



INTRODUCTION: An explanation why some important (from my point of view) details never appeared in my refugee claim.

(This document).

1. Why the refugee board's decision has formed an additional

risk of return for my family, and me.

(This document).

2. How my lawyer's translator torpedoed my chances to get a positive decision.

(Document #3).

4. My observations regarding the hearings and the negative decision (Document # 3).

(Group of Documents #4).

5. My observations regarding the text of the negative decision ("Conclusive Decision").

(Document # 5).

6. My final statement.

(This document, paragraph 1.7.).

In any decision in our case I ask you to take into consideration the next documents, which I have submitted on November

the 7-th, 1997, for post-determination revue.

7. Adjustment to my refugee claim as an essential explanation of that risk.

(Document # 2).

8. List of supporting documents.

(Document # 6).

9. Supplements.

(Group of Documents # 7).

10.List of Organizations.

(Document AC)


Introduction.1. There are some important, from my point of view, details, which never appeared in my refugee claim.

My advisers were strongly opposed to the next passages.

a) Anything that could throw a shadow to the state's of Israel good image.

b) Statements, which would mention Israeli army.