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Unable to stop herself, Rune cried too. Wiped her face with the tail of the shirt again.

"How you know him?" Amanda had an accent, Rune decided, that sounded like a female Bob Marley's. Low and sexy.

"From the video store. Washington Square Video. Where he rented movies."

Amanda looked at her like a VCR and renting movies were a luxury she couldn't even imagine.

Rune asked, "How'd you know him?"

"Neighbors. Met him when he move in, a month ago. But we got close real fast. What it was, about Robert, he talk to you. Nobody else here talk to you. He always ask about my kids, ask where I came from. You know… So hard to find somebody who just likes to listen."

Amen, Rune thought.

"He asked me a lot about me too. But he no say much about himself."

"Yeah, that's true. He never seemed to like to talk about the past."

"I no believe this happen. What do you think it was? Why somebody do this?"

Rune shrugged. "Drugs, I'll bet. Around here… What else?"

"I no understand why they kill him. He wasn't no threat. If they want to rob him they could take it and just let him be. Why kill?"

Murder's crazy…

"He so nice," Amanda continued, speaking softly. "So nice. When I have problems with the landlord, problems with INS, Mr. Kelly help me out. I only know him one month but he write letters for me. He real smart." More tears. "What'm I go

Rune put her arm around the woman.

"He help me with my rent. The INS, they took my check. My paycheck. I working but they took my check. I applied for the card, you know. I was trying to do it right, I no cheat nobody or anything. But they wouldn't let me have any money… But Mr. Kelly, he lend me money for the rent. What'm I go

"They going to send you back home?"

She shrugged.

"Where's that?" Rune asked. "Home?"

"I come from the Dominican Republic," Amanda said, then added defiantly, "but this is my home now. New York City is my home…" She looked back at the building. "Why they kill somebody like him? There're so many bad people out there, so many people with bad hearts. Why they kill somebody like Robert?"

There was no answer for that, of course.

"I have to go," Rune said.

Amanda nodded, wiped her eyes with the shredding paper towel. "Thank you."

Rune asked, "For what?"

"Waiting till they take him away. To say good-bye. That was good of you. That was very good."


Near quitting time, Tony came back to the store.

"So where the hell were you this afternoon?"

"I needed to clear my head," Rune told him.

Tony snickered. "That'd take more than one afternoon."

"Tony, no crap. For favor."

He dropped his backpack in front of the counter and dodged around a cardboard cutout of Sylvester Stallone, who brandished a large cardboard gun. He checked the receipts. "You should've argued with the cop. Christ, that tape… it's over a hundred bucks wholesale."

"I gave you the name of the cop to talk to, you want," she shot back. "It's not my job. You're the manager."

"Yeah, well, at least you should've come back after. Frankie Greek was here by himself. He gets overloaded when he's got to work by himself."

She said in a low voice, "He gets overloaded when he has to tie his shoes by himself."

Frankie, a scrawny aspiring rock star and high school dropout, had long, curly hair and reminded Rune of the poodle on the pink skirt she'd bought last week at Second-Hand Rose, a vintage clothing store on Broadway. He was in the back room at the moment.

"Well, where were you?" Tony persisted.

"Walking around," Rune said. "I didn't feel like coming back. I mean, he was dead. I saw him. Right in front of me."

"Whoa. You see the bullet holes and everything?"

"Oh, Jesus Christ. Hang it up, okay?"

"Are they like in the movies?"

She turned away, kept wiping the counter with Windex. Tony and Frankie both smoked. It made the glass filthy.

"Well, you shoulda called. I was worried."

"Worried? Like, I'm sure," she said.

"Just call next time."

Rune had a feel for it now. He was backing down. No trips to unemployment this week. Them's the breaks… She felt like pushing so she pushed. "There won't be a next time. I don't do any more pickups, okay? That's a rule."

"Hey, we're all simpatico here, no? The Washington Square Video family." Tony glanced at Frankie as the ski

"Think I can fix that monitor," Frankie said.

"Yeah, well, that's not your priority. Locking up's your priority."

The large man slung his dirty red nylon backpack over his shoulder again and disappeared out the front door.

Frankie said, "Like, I heard you talking to Tony."


"How come you didn't make up something? About coming in late today? Like say your mother got sick or something?"

Rune said, "Why would I lie to Tony? You only lie to people who have power over you… So what happened with the Palladium?"

Frankie was crestfallen. "We only got one pass and Eddie, like, won the toss. Man. It was Blondie too."

He glanced at a stack of porn tapes that had been returned and needed to be reshelved. One title seemed to interest him. He put it aside. He said, "That guy who was killed. He was that old guy you liked, right?"


"I don't remember him too good. Was he cool?"

She leaned on the counter, playing with her bracelets. She looked outside. The city had these weird orange streetlamps. It was close to eleven p.m. but the light made the city look like afternoon during a partial eclipse. "Yeah, he was cool." She dug under the counter and found the bootleg tape she'd made for Kelly. Turned it over in her hands. "Also, he was kind of different."

"Like, what? Weird?"

"Not weird the way you mean."

"What, uhm, way do I mean?"

She didn't answer. A thought was in her mind. "But there was one thing weird about him. Not him personally. He was the nicest old guy you'd ever want to meet. Polite."

"So what was weird about him?"

"Well, he'd only been a member for a month."


"He rented the same movie a lot."

"A lot?"

Rune typed on the keyboard of the little Kaypro portable computer on the counter. Then she read from the screen. "Eighteen times."

"Wow," Frankie said, "that's weird."

"Manhattan Is My Beat," Rune said.

"Never heard of it. About a, like, reporter?"

"A cop. Walking a beat. One of those old-time cop movies from the forties. You know, all the men wearing those big drapey double-breasted suits and have their hair slicked back. Nobody really famous in it. Dana Mitchell, Charlotte Goodman, Ruby Dahl."

"Who're they?"

"You wouldn't know them. They're not part of the Brat Pack. Anyway, the movie just came out on tape a month ago. I'm not surprised nobody was in a hurry to release it. I watched it but it wasn't my style. I like the black and white though. I hate colorization. It's a political issue with me.

"Anyway, Mr. Kelly shows up the day after it's released. We had a poster up in the window. The distributor sent it… Uh, there it is, in the back…"

Frankie glanced. "Oh, yeah, I remember it."

Rune continued. "He comes in and wants to rent it. He wasn't a member so he asks about joining. Then- this is weirdness for you-he asks how he puts tapes in his TV. Can you believe it? He doesn't know about VCRs! So I tell him if he doesn't have a player he's got to get one and I tell him where Audio Exchange and Crazy Eddie's are. Well, he doesn't have much money, I can tell, cause he goes, 'Do you think they'll take a check? See, I just moved and it doesn't have my address on it…' That kind of stuff. And I was thinking, yeah, right, the reason they won't take the check isn't the address, it's that there's no money in the account. So I tell him about this place on Canal where they have all kinds of used stuff and he can probably get a VCR for fifty bucks."